Original code:

dialog --title "Confirm" --yesno "Are you willing to take part?" 9 18
if [ $? !=0 ];then
dialog --infobox "Thank you anyway" 5 20

sleep 2
dialog --clear
exit 0

The shell always warns there is a syntax error there , with no idea about what's happening, I begin to from the bottom to the top, i.e, from the element test to the system one. Finally, I found where exactly the problem is ,it seems that a null line or simple echo command instead of the dialog command is needed, so the script goes ok when modified as below:


dialog --title "Confirm" --yesno "Are you willing to take part?" 9 18

if [ $?!=0 ];then
 #echo "wangkang"
dialog --infobox "Thank you anyway" 5 20
sleep 2
dialog --clear
exit 0


posted on 2010-04-23 14:47  kangwang1988  阅读(251)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报