MATLAB实例:截断坐标轴(Broken Axis)
作者:凯鲁嘎吉 - 博客园
更多请看:随笔分类 - MATLAB作图
1. 原始图像
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | clear ; clc ; close all ; % 作者:凯鲁嘎吉 - 博客园 % 原始图片 data=[2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1 3 2.5 2.1 2 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.2 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 3 3 3 3 2.5 10.8 10.6 10.5 10.2 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 9.1 ]; x_min=0.1; %横坐标刻度最小值 x_interval=0.1; %横坐标刻度间隔距离 x_max=1; %横坐标刻度最大值 X=x_min:x_interval:x_max; h= plot (X, data(1, :), 'k*-' , X, data(2, :), 'g^-' , X, data(3, :), 'r-s' , X, data(4, :), 'b-x' , 'MarkerFaceColor' , 'y' , 'MarkerSize' ,7); set ( gcf , 'color' , 'w' ) %后面背景变白 xlim ([x_min x_max]); %横坐标范围 xlabel ( 'x' ); string= 'y' ; ylabel (string); legend ( 'Line-1' , 'Line-2' , 'Line-3' , 'Line-4' , 'Location' , 'east' ); %图例 saveas ( gcf , sprintf ( 'Original image.jpg' ), 'bmp' ); %保存图片 |
2. 截断横坐标
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 | clear ; clc ; close all ; % 横轴截断后图像 % 作者:凯鲁嘎吉 - 博客园 % 数据 format short g data=[2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1 3 2.5 2.1 2 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.2 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 3 3 3 3 2.5 10.8 10.6 10.5 10.2 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 9.1 ]; % 参数设置 x_min=0.1; %横轴刻度最小值 x_interval=0.1; %横坐标两个刻度间隔距离 x_break_start=0.5; % 截断的开始值 x_break_end=0.9; % 截断的结束值 x_break_end=x_break_end-x_interval; x_max= length (data(1, :))*x_interval+x_min-x_interval; %横轴刻度最大值 X=x_min:x_interval:x_max; adjust_value=0.4*x_interval; %微调截断处x坐标 % 超过截断结束位置的那些曲线统统向左平移uptate_num个长度 data(:, find ( abs (X-x_break_start)< eps )+1:( end - round ((x_break_end-x_break_start)/x_interval)))=data(:, X>x_break_end+ eps ); x_max_new=x_max-x_break_end+x_break_start; X=x_min:x_interval:x_max_new; new_range= round (x_max_new/x_interval); % 根据曲线的个数进行修改,这里曲线是4条 h= plot (X, data(1, 1:new_range), 'k*-' , X, data(2, 1:new_range), 'g^-' , X, data(3, 1:new_range), 'r-s' , X, data(4, 1:new_range), 'b-x' , 'MarkerFaceColor' , 'y' , 'MarkerSize' ,7); set ( gcf , 'color' , 'w' ) %后面背景变白 xlim ([x_min x_max_new]); %横坐标范围 xlabel ( 'x' ); string= 'y' ; ylabel (string); legend ( 'Line-1' , 'Line-2' , 'Line-3' , 'Line-4' , 'Location' , 'east' ); %图例 根据曲线个数修改 % 横坐标截断设置 xlimit= get ( gca , 'xlim' ); location_X=(x_break_start+adjust_value-xlimit(1))/ diff (xlimit); t1= text (location_X, 0, '//' , 'sc' , 'BackgroundColor' , 'w' , 'margin' , eps , 'fontsize' ,13); t2= text (location_X, 1, '//' , 'sc' , 'BackgroundColor' , 'w' , 'margin' , eps , 'fontsize' ,13); % 重新定义横坐标刻度 xtick=x_min:x_interval:x_max_new; set ( gca , 'xtick' ,xtick); xtick(xtick>x_break_start+ eps )=xtick(xtick>x_break_start+ eps )+x_break_end-x_break_start; for i =1: length (xtick) xticklabel{ i }= sprintf ( '%.1f' ,xtick( i )); end set ( gca , 'xTickLabel' , xticklabel, 'FontSize' , 12, 'FontName' , 'Times New Roman' ); %修改坐标名称、字体 saveas ( gcf , sprintf ( 'Break_X_Axis.jpg' ), 'bmp' ); %保存图片 |
3. 截断纵坐标
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 | clear ; clc ; close all ; % 纵轴截断后图像 % 作者:凯鲁嘎吉 - 博客园 % 数据 data=[2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1 3 2.5 2.1 2 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.2 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 3 3 3 3 2.5 10.8 10.6 10.5 10.2 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 9.1 ]; % 参数设置 x_min=0.1; %横坐标刻度最小值 x_interval=0.1; %横坐标刻度间隔距离 x_max=1; %横坐标刻度最大值 y_interval=1; %纵坐标两个刻度间隔距离 y_max=11; %纵轴刻度最大值 y_break_start=4; % 截断的开始值 y_break_end=9; % 截断的结束值 X=x_min:x_interval:x_max; adjust_value=0.4*y_interval; %微调截断处y坐标 uptate_num=y_break_end-y_break_start-y_interval; %最高处曲线向下平移大小 % 超过截断结束位置的那些曲线统统向下平移uptate_num个长度 for i =1: length (data(:, 1)) if data( i , :)>y_break_end data( i , :)=data( i , :)-uptate_num; end end % 根据曲线的个数进行修改,这里曲线是4条 h= plot (X, data(1, :), 'k*-' , X, data(2, :), 'g^-' , X, data(3, :), 'r-s' , X, data(4, :), 'b-x' , 'MarkerFaceColor' , 'y' , 'MarkerSize' ,7); set ( gcf , 'color' , 'w' ) %后面背景变白 xlim ([x_min x_max]); %横坐标范围 xlabel ( 'x' ); string= 'y' ; ylabel (string); legend ( 'Line-1' , 'Line-2' , 'Line-3' , 'Line-4' , 'Location' , 'east' ); %图例 根据曲线个数修改 % 纵坐标截断设置 ylimit= get ( gca , 'ylim' ); location_Y=(y_break_start+adjust_value-ylimit(1))/ diff (ylimit); t1= text (0, location_Y, '//' , 'sc' , 'BackgroundColor' , 'w' , 'margin' , eps , 'fontsize' ,13); set (t1, 'rotation' ,90); t2= text (1, location_Y, '//' , 'sc' , 'BackgroundColor' , 'w' , 'margin' , eps , 'fontsize' ,13); set (t2, 'rotation' ,90); % 重新定义纵坐标刻度 ytick=0:y_interval:y_max; set ( gca , 'ytick' ,ytick); ytick(ytick>y_break_start+ eps )=ytick(ytick>y_break_start+ eps )+uptate_num; for i =1: length (ytick) yticklabel{ i }= sprintf ( '%d' ,ytick( i )); end set ( gca , 'yTickLabel' , yticklabel, 'FontSize' , 12, 'FontName' , 'Times New Roman' ); %修改坐标名称、字体 saveas ( gcf , sprintf ( 'Break_Y_Axis.jpg' ), 'bmp' ); %保存图片 |
4. 截断横纵坐标
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 | clear ; clc ; close all ; % 横轴截断后图像 % 作者:凯鲁嘎吉 - 博客园 % 数据 data=[2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1 3 2.5 2.1 2 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.2 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 3 3 3 3 2.5 10.8 10.6 10.5 10.2 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 9.1 ]; % 参数设置 x_min=0.1; %横轴刻度最小值 x_interval=0.1; %横坐标两个刻度间隔距离 x_break_start=0.5; % 截断的开始值 x_break_end=0.9; % 截断的结束值 y_interval=1; %纵坐标两个刻度间隔距离 y_max=11; %纵轴刻度最大值 y_break_start=4; % 截断的开始值 y_break_end=9; % 截断的结束值 x_break_end=x_break_end-x_interval; x_max= length (data(1, :))*x_interval+x_min-x_interval; %横轴刻度最大值 X=x_min:x_interval:x_max; adjust_value_x=0.4*x_interval; %微调截断处x坐标 adjust_value_y=0.4*y_interval; %微调截断处y坐标 uptate_num=y_break_end-y_break_start-y_interval; %最高处曲线向下平移大小 % 超过截断结束位置的那些曲线统统向左平移uptate_num个长度 data(:, find ( abs (X-x_break_start)< eps )+1:( end - round ((x_break_end-x_break_start)/x_interval)))=data(:, X>x_break_end+ eps ); % 超过截断结束位置的那些曲线统统向下平移uptate_num个长度 for i =1: length (data(:, 1)) if data( i , :)>y_break_end data( i , :)=data( i , :)-uptate_num; end end x_max_new=x_max-x_break_end+x_break_start; X=x_min:x_interval:x_max_new; new_range= round (x_max_new/x_interval); % 根据曲线的个数进行修改,这里曲线是4条 h= plot (X, data(1, 1:new_range), 'k*-' , X, data(2, 1:new_range), 'g^-' , X, data(3, 1:new_range), 'r-s' , X, data(4, 1:new_range), 'b-x' , 'MarkerFaceColor' , 'y' , 'MarkerSize' ,7); set ( gcf , 'color' , 'w' ) %后面背景变白 xlim ([x_min x_max_new]); %横坐标范围 xlabel ( 'x' ); string= 'y' ; ylabel (string); legend ( 'Line-1' , 'Line-2' , 'Line-3' , 'Line-4' , 'Location' , 'east' ); %图例 根据曲线个数修改 % 横坐标截断设置 xlimit= get ( gca , 'xlim' ); location_X=(x_break_start+adjust_value_x-xlimit(1))/ diff (xlimit); t1= text (location_X, 0, '//' , 'sc' , 'BackgroundColor' , 'w' , 'margin' , eps , 'fontsize' ,13); t2= text (location_X, 1, '//' , 'sc' , 'BackgroundColor' , 'w' , 'margin' , eps , 'fontsize' ,13); % 重新定义横坐标刻度 xtick=x_min:x_interval:x_max_new; set ( gca , 'xtick' ,xtick); xtick(xtick>x_break_start+ eps )=xtick(xtick>x_break_start+ eps )+x_break_end-x_break_start; for i =1: length (xtick) xticklabel{ i }= sprintf ( '%.1f' ,xtick( i )); end % 纵坐标截断设置 ylimit= get ( gca , 'ylim' ); location_Y=(y_break_start+adjust_value_y-ylimit(1))/ diff (ylimit); t1= text (0, location_Y, '//' , 'sc' , 'BackgroundColor' , 'w' , 'margin' , eps , 'fontsize' ,13); set (t1, 'rotation' ,90); t2= text (1, location_Y, '//' , 'sc' , 'BackgroundColor' , 'w' , 'margin' , eps , 'fontsize' ,13); set (t2, 'rotation' ,90); % 重新定义纵坐标刻度 ytick=0:y_interval:y_max; set ( gca , 'ytick' ,ytick); ytick(ytick>y_break_start+ eps )=ytick(ytick>y_break_start+ eps )+uptate_num; for i =1: length (ytick) yticklabel{ i }= sprintf ( '%d' ,ytick( i )); end set ( gca , 'xTickLabel' , xticklabel, 'yTickLabel' , yticklabel, 'FontSize' , 12, 'FontName' , 'Times New Roman' ); %修改坐标名称、字体 saveas ( gcf , sprintf ( 'Break_X_Y_Axis.jpg' ), 'bmp' ); %保存图片 |
5. 别人家的程序
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 | % breakxaxes splits data in an axes so that data is in a left and right pane. % % breakXAxes(splitXLim) splitXLim is a 2 element vector containing a range % of x values from splitXLim(1) to splitXLim(2) to remove from the axes. % They must be within the current xLimis of the axes. % % breakXAxes(splitXLim,splitWidth) splitWidth is the distance to % seperate the left and right side. Units are the same as % get(AX,'uints') default is 0.015 % % breakXAxes(splitXLim,splitWidth,yOverhang) yOverhang stretches the % axis split graphic to extend past the top and bottom of the plot by % the distance set by YOverhang. Units are the same as get(AX,'units') % default value is 0.015 % % breakXAxes(AX, ...) performs the operation on the axis specified by AX % function breakInfo = breakxaxis( varargin ) %Validate Arguements if nargin < 1 || nargin > 4 error ( 'Wrong number of arguements' ); end if isscalar ( varargin {1}) && ishandle ( varargin {1}) mainAxes = varargin {1}; argOffset = 1; argCnt = nargin - 1; if ~ strcmp ( get (mainAxes, 'Type' ), 'axes' ) error ( 'Handle object must be Type Axes' ); end else mainAxes = gca ; argOffset = 0; argCnt = nargin ; end if ( strcmp ( get (mainAxes, 'XScale' ), 'log' )) error ( 'Log X Axes are not supported' ); end if (argCnt < 3) yOverhang = 0.015; else yOverhang = varargin {3 + argOffset}; if numel (yOverhang) ~= 1 || ~ isreal (yOverhang) || ~ isnumeric (yOverhang) error ( 'YOverhang must be a scalar number' ); elseif (yOverhang < 0) error ( 'YOverhang must not be negative' ); end yOverhang = double (yOverhang); end if (argCnt < 2) splitWidth = 0.015; else splitWidth = varargin {2 + argOffset}; if numel (yOverhang) ~= 1 || ~ isreal (yOverhang) || ~ isnumeric (yOverhang) error ( 'splitWidth must be a scalar number' ); elseif (yOverhang < 0) error ( 'splitWidth must not be negative' ); end splitWidth = double (splitWidth); end splitXLim = varargin {1 + argOffset}; if numel (splitXLim) ~= 2 || ~ isnumeric (splitXLim) || ~ isreal (yOverhang) error (splitXLim, 'Must be a vector length 2' ); end splitXLim = double (splitXLim); mainXLim = get (mainAxes, 'XLim' ); if ( any (splitXLim >= mainXLim(2)) || any (splitXLim <= mainXLim(1))) error ( 'splitXLim must be in the range given by get(AX,' 'XLim' ')' ); end mainPosition = get (mainAxes, 'Position' ); if (splitWidth > mainPosition(3) ) error ( 'Split width is too large' ) end %We need to create 4 axes % leftAxes - is used for the left x axis and left pane data % rightAxes - is used to the right x axis and right pane data % annotationAxes - is used to display the y axis and title % breakAxes - this is an axes with the same size and position as main % is it used to draw a seperator between the left and right side %Grab Some Parameters from the main axis (e.g the one we are spliting) mainXLim = get (mainAxes, 'XLim' ); mainYLim = get (mainAxes, 'YLim' ); mainPosition = get (mainAxes, 'Position' ); mainParent = get (mainAxes, 'Parent' ); mainWidth = mainPosition(3); %Positions have the format [left bottom width height] %mainXRange = mainXLim(2) - mainXLim(1); mainFigure = get (mainAxes, 'Parent' ); mainYColor = get (mainAxes, 'YColor' ); mainLineWidth = get (mainAxes, 'LineWidth' ); figureColor = get (mainFigure, 'Color' ); mainYTickLabelMode = get (mainAxes, 'YTickLabelMode' ); mainXLabel = get (mainAxes, 'XLabel' ); mainXDir = get (mainAxes, 'XDir' ); mainLayer = get (mainAxes, 'Layer' ); %Save Main Axis Z Order figureChildren = get (mainFigure, 'Children' ); zOrder = find (figureChildren == mainAxes); %Calculate where axesLeft and axesRight will be layed on screen %And their respctive XLimits leftXLimTemp = [mainXLim(1) splitXLim(1)]; rightXLimTemp = [splitXLim(2) mainXLim(2)]; leftXRangeTemp = leftXLimTemp(2) - leftXLimTemp(1); rightXRangeTemp = rightXLimTemp(2) - rightXLimTemp(1); leftWidthTemp = leftXRangeTemp / (leftXRangeTemp + rightXRangeTemp) * (mainWidth - splitWidth); rightWidthTemp = rightXRangeTemp / (leftXRangeTemp + rightXRangeTemp) * (mainWidth - splitWidth); leftStretch = (leftWidthTemp + splitWidth/2) / leftWidthTemp; leftXRange = leftXRangeTemp * leftStretch; leftWidth = leftWidthTemp * leftStretch; rightStretch = (rightWidthTemp + splitWidth/2) / rightWidthTemp; rightXRange = rightXRangeTemp * rightStretch; rightWidth = rightWidthTemp * rightStretch; leftXLim = [mainXLim(1) mainXLim(1)+leftXRange]; rightXLim = [mainXLim(2)-rightXRange mainXLim(2)]; if ( strcmp (mainXDir, 'normal' )) leftPosition = mainPosition; leftPosition(3) = leftWidth; rightPosition = mainPosition; rightPosition(1) = mainPosition(1) + leftWidth; rightPosition(3) = rightWidth; else %Left Axis will actually go on the right side a vise versa rightPosition = mainPosition; rightPosition(3) = rightWidth; leftPosition = mainPosition; leftPosition(1) = mainPosition(1) + rightWidth; leftPosition(3) = leftWidth; end %Create the Annotations layer, if the Layer is top, draw the axes on %top (e.g. after) drawing the left and right pane if strcmp (mainLayer, 'bottom' ) annotationAxes = CreateAnnotaionAxes(mainAxes,mainParent) end %Create and position the leftAxes. Remove all Y Axis Annotations, the %title, and a potentially offensive tick mark leftAxes = copyobj (mainAxes,mainParent); set (leftAxes, 'Position' , leftPosition, ... 'XLim' , leftXLim, ... 'YLim' , mainYLim, ... 'YGrid' , 'off' , ... 'YMinorGrid' , 'off' , ... 'YMinorTick' , 'off' , ... 'YTick' , [], ... 'YTickLabel' , [], ... 'box' , 'off' ); if strcmp (mainLayer, 'bottom' ) set (leftAxes, 'Color' , 'none' ); end delete ( get (leftAxes, 'YLabel' )); delete ( get (leftAxes, 'XLabel' )); delete ( get (leftAxes, 'Title' )); if strcmp (mainYTickLabelMode, 'auto' ) xTick = get (leftAxes, 'XTick' ); set (leftAxes, 'XTick' ,xTick(1:( end -1))); end %Create and position the rightAxes. Remove all Y Axis annotations, the %title, and a potentially offensive tick mark rightAxes = copyobj (mainAxes,mainParent); set (rightAxes, 'Position' , rightPosition, ... 'XLim' , rightXLim, ... 'YLim' , mainYLim, ... 'YGrid' , 'off' , ... 'YMinorGrid' , 'off' , ... 'YMinorTick' , 'off' , ... 'YTick' , [], ... 'YTickLabel' , [], ... 'box' , 'off' ); if strcmp (mainLayer, 'bottom' ) set (rightAxes, 'Color' , 'none' ); end delete ( get (rightAxes, 'YLabel' )); delete ( get (rightAxes, 'XLabel' )); delete ( get (rightAxes, 'Title' )); if strcmp (mainYTickLabelMode, 'auto' ) xTick = get (rightAxes, 'XTick' ); set (rightAxes, 'XTick' ,xTick(2: end )); end %Create the Annotations layer, if the Layer is top, draw the axes on %top (e.g. after) drawing the left and right pane if strcmp (mainLayer, 'top' ) annotationAxes = CreateAnnotaionAxes(mainAxes,mainParent); set (annotationAxes, 'Color' , 'none' ); end %Create breakAxes, remove all graphics objects and hide all annotations breakAxes = copyobj (mainAxes,mainParent); children = get (breakAxes, 'Children' ); for i = 1: numel (children) delete (children( i )); end set (breakAxes, 'Color' , 'none' ); %Stretch the breakAxes vertically to cover the horzontal axes lines orignalUnits = get (breakAxes, 'Units' ); set (breakAxes, 'Units' , 'Pixel' ); breakPosition = get (breakAxes, 'Position' ); nudgeFactor = get (breakAxes, 'LineWidth' ); breakPosition(4) = breakPosition(4) + nudgeFactor; set (breakAxes, 'Position' ,breakPosition); set (breakAxes, 'Units' ,orignalUnits); %Stretch the breakAxes vertically to create an overhang for sylistic %effect breakPosition = get (breakAxes, 'Position' ); breakPosition(2) = breakPosition(2) - yOverhang; breakPosition(4) = breakPosition(4) + 2*yOverhang; set (breakAxes, 'Position' ,breakPosition); %Create a sine shaped patch to seperate the 2 sides breakXLim = [mainPosition(1) mainPosition(1)+mainPosition(3)]; set (breakAxes, 'xlim' ,breakXLim); theta = linspace (0,2* pi ,100); yPoints = linspace (mainYLim(1),mainYLim(2),100); amp = splitWidth/2 * 0.9; xPoints1 = amp * sin (theta) + mainPosition(1) + leftWidthTemp; xPoints2 = amp * sin (theta) + mainPosition(1) + mainPosition(3) - rightWidthTemp; patchPointsX = [xPoints1 xPoints2( end :-1:1) xPoints1(1)]; patchPointsY = [yPoints yPoints( end :-1:1) yPoints(1)]; patch (patchPointsX,patchPointsY ,figureColor, 'EdgeColor' ,figureColor, 'Parent' ,breakAxes); %Create A Line To Delineate the left and right edge of the patch line ( 'xData' ,xPoints1, 'ydata' ,yPoints, 'Parent' ,breakAxes, 'Color' ,mainYColor, 'LineWidth' ,mainLineWidth); line ( 'xData' ,xPoints2, 'ydata' ,yPoints, 'Parent' ,breakAxes, 'Color' ,mainYColor, 'LineWidth' ,mainLineWidth); set (breakAxes, 'Visible' , 'off' ); %Make the old main axes invisiable invisibleObjects = RecursiveSetVisibleOff(mainAxes); %Preserve the z-order of the figure uistack ([leftAxes rightAxes breakAxes annotationAxes], 'down' ,zOrder-1) %Set the rezise mode to position so that we can dynamically change the %size of the figure without screwing things up set ([leftAxes rightAxes breakAxes annotationAxes], 'ActivePositionProperty' , 'Position' ); %Playing with the titles labels etc can cause matlab to reposition %the axes in some cases. Mannually force the position to be correct. set ([breakAxes annotationAxes], 'Position' ,mainPosition); %Save the axes so we can unbreak the axis easily breakInfo = struct (); breakInfo.leftAxes = leftAxes; breakInfo.rightAxes = rightAxes; breakInfo.breakAxes = breakAxes; breakInfo.annotationAxes = annotationAxes; breakInfo.invisibleObjects = invisibleObjects; end function list = RecursiveSetVisibleOff( handle ) list = []; list = SetVisibleOff( handle , list ); end function list = SetVisibleOff( handle , list ) if ( strcmp ( get ( handle , 'Visible' ), 'on' )) set ( handle , 'Visible' , 'off' ); list = [ list handle ]; end children = get ( handle , 'Children' ); for i = 1: numel (children) list = SetVisibleOff(children( i ), list ); end end function annotationAxes = CreateAnnotaionAxes(mainAxes,mainParent) %Create Annotation Axis, Remove graphics objects, XAxis annotations %(except XLabel) and make background transparent annotationAxes = copyobj (mainAxes,mainParent); set (annotationAxes, 'YLimMode' , 'Manual' ); children = get (annotationAxes, 'Children' ); for i = 1: numel (children) delete (children( i )); end %Save the xLabelpostion because it will move when we delete xAxis %ticks xLabel = get (annotationAxes, 'XLabel' ); xLabelPosition = get (xLabel, 'Position' ); set (annotationAxes, 'XGrid' , 'off' , ... 'XMinorGrid' , 'off' , ... 'XMinorTick' , 'off' , ... 'XTick' , [], ... 'XTickLabel' , []); %Restore the pevious label postition set (xLabel, 'Position' ,xLabelPosition); end |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 | % breakyaxes splits data in an axes so that data is in a low and high pane. % % breakYAxes(splitYLim) splitYLim is a 2 element vector containing a range % of y values from splitYLim(1) to splitYLim(2) to remove from the axes. % They must be within the current yLimis of the axes. % % breakYAxes(splitYLim,splitHeight) splitHeight is the distance to % seperate the low and high side. Units are the same as % get(AX,'uints') default is 0.015 % % breakYAxes(splitYLim,splitHeight,xOverhang) xOverhang stretches the % axis split graphic to extend past the top and bottom of the plot by % the distance set by XOverhang. Units are the same as get(AX,'units') % default value is 0.015 % % breakYAxes(AX, ...) performs the operation on the axis specified by AX % % From: % demo: breakyaxis([80 110]); function breakInfo = breakyaxis( varargin ) %Validate Arguements if nargin < 1 || nargin > 4 error ( 'Wrong number of arguements' ); end if isscalar ( varargin {1}) && ishandle ( varargin {1}) mainAxes = varargin {1}; argOffset = 1; argCnt = nargin - 1; if ~ strcmp ( get (mainAxes, 'Type' ), 'axes' ) error ( 'Handle object must be Type Axes' ); end else mainAxes = gca ; argOffset = 0; argCnt = nargin ; end if ( strcmp ( get (mainAxes, 'XScale' ), 'log' )) error ( 'Log X Axes are not supported' ); end if (argCnt < 3) xOverhang = 0.015; else xOverhang = varargin {3 + argOffset}; if numel (xOverhang) ~= 1 || ~ isreal (xOverhang) || ~ isnumeric (xOverhang) error ( 'XOverhang must be a scalar number' ); elseif (xOverhang < 0) error ( 'XOverhang must not be negative' ); end xOverhang = double (xOverhang); end if (argCnt < 2) splitHeight = 0.015; else splitHeight = varargin {2 + argOffset}; if numel (xOverhang) ~= 1 || ~ isreal (xOverhang) || ~ isnumeric (xOverhang) error ( 'splitHeight must be a scalar number' ); elseif (xOverhang < 0) error ( 'splitHeight must not be negative' ); end splitHeight = double (splitHeight); end splitYLim = varargin {1 + argOffset}; if numel (splitYLim) ~= 2 || ~ isnumeric (splitYLim) || ~ isreal (xOverhang) error (splitYLim, 'Must be a vector length 2' ); end splitYLim = double (splitYLim); mainYLim = get (mainAxes, 'YLim' ); if ( any (splitYLim >= mainYLim(2)) || any (splitYLim <= mainYLim(1))) error ( 'splitYLim must be in the range given by get(AX,' 'YLim' ')' ); end mainPosition = get (mainAxes, 'Position' ); if (splitHeight > mainPosition(3) ) error ( 'Split width is too large' ) end %We need to create 4 axes % lowAxes - is used for the low y axis and low pane data % highAxes - is used to the high y axis and high pane data % annotationAxes - is used to display the x axis and title % breakAxes - this is an axes with the same size and position as main % is it used to draw a seperator between the low and high side %Grab Some Parameters from the main axis (e.g the one we are spliting) mainYLim = get (mainAxes, 'YLim' ); mainXLim = get (mainAxes, 'XLim' ); mainPosition = get (mainAxes, 'Position' ); mainParent = get (mainAxes, 'Parent' ); mainHeight = mainPosition(4); %Positions have the format [low bottom width height] %mainYRange = mainYLim(2) - mainYLim(1); mainFigure = get (mainAxes, 'Parent' ); mainXColor = get (mainAxes, 'XColor' ); mainLineWidth = get (mainAxes, 'LineWidth' ); figureColor = get (mainFigure, 'Color' ); mainXTickLabelMode = get (mainAxes, 'XTickLabelMode' ); mainYLabel = get (mainAxes, 'YLabel' ); mainYDir = get (mainAxes, 'YDir' ); mainLayer = get (mainAxes, 'Layer' ); %Save Main Axis Z Order figureChildren = get (mainFigure, 'Children' ); zOrder = find (figureChildren == mainAxes); %Calculate where axesLow and axesHigh will be layed on screen %And their respctive YLimits lowYLimTemp = [mainYLim(1) splitYLim(1)]; highYLimTemp = [splitYLim(2) mainYLim(2)]; lowYRangeTemp = lowYLimTemp(2) - lowYLimTemp(1); highYRangeTemp = highYLimTemp(2) - highYLimTemp(1); lowHeightTemp = lowYRangeTemp / (lowYRangeTemp + highYRangeTemp) * (mainHeight - splitHeight); highHeightTemp = highYRangeTemp / (lowYRangeTemp + highYRangeTemp) * (mainHeight - splitHeight); lowStretch = (lowHeightTemp + splitHeight/2) / lowHeightTemp; lowYRange = lowYRangeTemp * lowStretch; lowHeight = lowHeightTemp * lowStretch; highStretch = (highHeightTemp + splitHeight/2) / highHeightTemp; highYRange = highYRangeTemp * highStretch; highHeight = highHeightTemp * highStretch; lowYLim = [mainYLim(1) mainYLim(1)+lowYRange]; highYLim = [mainYLim(2)-highYRange mainYLim(2)]; if ( strcmp (mainYDir, 'normal' )) lowPosition = mainPosition; lowPosition(4) = lowHeight; highPosition = mainPosition; %(!!!) look here for position indices! highPosition(2) = mainPosition(2) + lowHeight; highPosition(4) = highHeight; else %Low Axis will actually go on the high side a vise versa highPosition = mainPosition; highPosition(4) = highHeight; lowPosition = mainPosition; lowPosition(2) = mainPosition(2) + highHeight; lowPosition(4) = lowHeight; end %Create the Annotations layer, if the Layer is top, draw the axes on %top (e.g. after) drawing the low and high pane if strcmp (mainLayer, 'bottom' ) annotationAxes = CreateAnnotaionAxes(mainAxes,mainParent) end %Create and position the lowAxes. Remove all X Axis Annotations, the %title, and a potentially offensive tick mark lowAxes = copyobj (mainAxes,mainParent); set (lowAxes, 'Position' , lowPosition, ... 'YLim' , lowYLim, ... 'XLim' , mainXLim, ... 'XGrid' , 'off' , ... 'XMinorGrid' , 'off' , ... 'XMinorTick' , 'off' , ... 'XTick' , [], ... 'XTickLabel' , [], ... 'box' , 'off' ); if strcmp (mainLayer, 'bottom' ) set (lowAxes, 'Color' , 'none' ); end delete ( get (lowAxes, 'XLabel' )); delete ( get (lowAxes, 'YLabel' )); delete ( get (lowAxes, 'Title' )); if strcmp (mainXTickLabelMode, 'auto' ) yTick = get (lowAxes, 'YTick' ); set (lowAxes, 'YTick' ,yTick(1:( end -1))); end %Create and position the highAxes. Remove all X Axis annotations, the %title, and a potentially offensive tick mark highAxes = copyobj (mainAxes,mainParent); set (highAxes, 'Position' , highPosition, ... 'YLim' , highYLim, ... 'XLim' , mainXLim, ... 'XGrid' , 'off' , ... 'XMinorGrid' , 'off' , ... 'XMinorTick' , 'off' , ... 'XTick' , [], ... 'XTickLabel' , [], ... 'box' , 'off' ); if strcmp (mainLayer, 'bottom' ) %(!!!) is it only about layers? set (highAxes, 'Color' , 'none' ); end delete ( get (highAxes, 'XLabel' )); delete ( get (highAxes, 'YLabel' )); delete ( get (highAxes, 'Title' )); if strcmp (mainXTickLabelMode, 'auto' ) yTick = get (highAxes, 'YTick' ); set (highAxes, 'YTick' ,yTick(2: end )); end %Create the Annotations layer, if the Layer is top, draw the axes on %top (e.g. after) drawing the low and high pane if strcmp (mainLayer, 'top' ) annotationAxes = CreateAnnotaionAxes(mainAxes,mainParent); set (annotationAxes, 'Color' , 'none' ); end %Create breakAxes, remove all graphics objects and hide all annotations breakAxes = copyobj (mainAxes,mainParent); children = get (breakAxes, 'Children' ); for i = 1: numel (children) delete (children( i )); end set (breakAxes, 'Color' , 'none' ); %Stretch the breakAxes horizontally to cover the vertical axes lines orignalUnits = get (breakAxes, 'Units' ); set (breakAxes, 'Units' , 'Pixel' ); breakPosition = get (breakAxes, 'Position' ); nudgeFactor = get (breakAxes, 'LineWidth' ); breakPosition(3) = breakPosition(3) + nudgeFactor; set (breakAxes, 'Position' ,breakPosition); set (breakAxes, 'Units' ,orignalUnits); %Stretch the breakAxes horizontally to create an overhang for sylistic %effect breakPosition = get (breakAxes, 'Position' ); breakPosition(1) = breakPosition(1) - xOverhang; breakPosition(3) = breakPosition(3) + 2*xOverhang; set (breakAxes, 'Position' ,breakPosition); %Create a sine shaped patch to seperate the 2 sides breakYLim = [mainPosition(2) mainPosition(2)+mainPosition(4)]; set (breakAxes, 'ylim' ,breakYLim); theta = linspace (0,2* pi ,100); xPoints = linspace (mainXLim(1),mainXLim(2),100); amp = splitHeight/2 * 0.9; yPoints1 = amp * sin (theta) + mainPosition(2) + lowHeightTemp; yPoints2 = amp * sin (theta) + mainPosition(2) + mainPosition(4) - highHeightTemp; patchPointsY = [yPoints1 yPoints2( end :-1:1) yPoints1(1)]; patchPointsX = [xPoints xPoints( end :-1:1) xPoints(1)]; patch (patchPointsX,patchPointsY ,figureColor, 'EdgeColor' ,figureColor, 'Parent' ,breakAxes); %use of pathc(!!!)? %Create A Line To Delineate the low and high edge of the patch line ( 'yData' ,yPoints1, 'xdata' ,xPoints, 'Parent' ,breakAxes, 'Color' ,mainXColor, 'LineWidth' ,mainLineWidth); line ( 'yData' ,yPoints2, 'xdata' ,xPoints, 'Parent' ,breakAxes, 'Color' ,mainXColor, 'LineWidth' ,mainLineWidth); set (breakAxes, 'Visible' , 'off' ); %Make the old main axes invisiable invisibleObjects = RecursiveSetVisibleOff(mainAxes); %Preserve the z-order of the figure uistack ([lowAxes highAxes breakAxes annotationAxes], 'down' ,zOrder-1) %Set the rezise mode to position so that we can dynamically change the %size of the figure without screwing things up set ([lowAxes highAxes breakAxes annotationAxes], 'ActivePositionProperty' , 'Position' ); %Playing with the titles labels etc can cause matlab to reposition %the axes in some cases. Mannually force the position to be correct. set ([breakAxes annotationAxes], 'Position' ,mainPosition); %Save the axes so we can unbreak the axis easily breakInfo = struct (); breakInfo.lowAxes = lowAxes; breakInfo.highAxes = highAxes; breakInfo.breakAxes = breakAxes; breakInfo.annotationAxes = annotationAxes; breakInfo.invisibleObjects = invisibleObjects; end function list = RecursiveSetVisibleOff( handle ) list = []; list = SetVisibleOff( handle , list ); end function list = SetVisibleOff( handle , list ) if ( strcmp ( get ( handle , 'Visible' ), 'on' )) set ( handle , 'Visible' , 'off' ); list = [ list handle ]; end children = get ( handle , 'Children' ); for i = 1: numel (children) list = SetVisibleOff(children( i ), list ); end end function annotationAxes = CreateAnnotaionAxes(mainAxes,mainParent) %Create Annotation Axis, Remove graphics objects, YAxis annotations %(except YLabel) and make background transparent annotationAxes = copyobj (mainAxes,mainParent); set (annotationAxes, 'XLimMode' , 'Manual' ); children = get (annotationAxes, 'Children' ); for i = 1: numel (children) delete (children( i )); end %Save the yLabelpostion because it will move when we delete yAxis %ticks yLabel = get (annotationAxes, 'YLabel' ); yLabelPosition = get (yLabel, 'Position' ); set (annotationAxes, 'YGrid' , 'off' , ... 'YMinorGrid' , 'off' , ... 'YMinorTick' , 'off' , ... 'YTick' , [], ... 'YTickLabel' , []); %Restore the pevious label postition set (yLabel, 'Position' ,yLabelPosition); end |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | clear ; clc ; close all ; % 纵轴截断后图像 % 作者:凯鲁嘎吉 - 博客园 % 数据 data=[2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1 3 2.5 2.1 2 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.2 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 3 3 3 3 2.5 10.8 10.6 10.5 10.2 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 9.1 ]; % 参数设置 x_min=0.1; %横坐标刻度最小值 x_interval=0.1; %横坐标刻度间隔距离 x_max=1; %横坐标刻度最大值 X=x_min:x_interval:x_max; h= plot (X, data(1, :), 'k*-' , X, data(2, :), 'g^-' , X, data(3, :), 'r-s' , X, data(4, :), 'b-x' , 'MarkerFaceColor' , 'y' , 'MarkerSize' ,7); set ( gcf , 'color' , 'w' ) %后面背景变白 xlim ([x_min x_max]); %横坐标范围 xlabel ( 'x' ); string= 'y' ; ylabel (string); legend ( 'Line-1' , 'Line-2' , 'Line-3' , 'Line-4' , 'Location' , 'northoutside' , 'NumColumns' ,4); %图例 % 调用已有的代码,两个函数只能调用一个,不能同时调用,出错 breakyaxis([4 9]); % 截断纵坐标 % breakxaxis([0.5 0.9]); %截断横坐标 saveas ( gcf , sprintf ( 'Other_Break_Axis.jpg' ), 'bmp' ); %保存图片 |
6. 纵轴刻度值不均匀
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | clear ; clc ; close all ; % 作者:凯鲁嘎吉 - 博客园 % 原始图片 data=[2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1 3 2.5 2.1 2 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.2 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 3 3 3 3 2.5 10.8 10.6 10.5 10.2 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 9.1 ]; x_min=0.1; %横坐标刻度最小值 x_interval=0.1; %横坐标刻度间隔距离 x_max=1; %横坐标刻度最大值 X=x_min:x_interval:x_max; h= plot (X, data(1, :), 'k*-' , X, data(2, :), 'g^-' , X, data(3, :), 'r-s' , X, data(4, :), 'b-x' , 'MarkerFaceColor' , 'y' , 'MarkerSize' ,7); set ( gca , 'yscale' , 'log' ) set ( gcf , 'color' , 'w' ) %后面背景变白 xlim ([x_min x_max]); %横坐标范围 xlabel ( 'x' ); string= 'y' ; ylabel (string); legend ( 'Line-1' , 'Line-2' , 'Line-3' , 'Line-4' , 'Location' , 'northoutside' , 'NumColumns' ,4); %图例 saveas ( gcf , sprintf ( 'Log image.jpg' ), 'bmp' ); %保存图片 |
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