图Lasso求逆协方差矩阵(Graphical Lasso for inverse covariance matrix)
作者:凯鲁嘎吉 - 博客园 http://www.cnblogs.com/kailugaji/
1. 图Lasso方法的基本理论
2. 坐标下降算法
3. 图Lasso算法
4.1 方法一
load SP500 data = normlization(data); S = cov(data); %样本协方差 [X, W] = glasso_1(double(S), 0.5); %X:sigma^(-1), W:sigma [~, idx] = sort(info(:,3)); colormap gray imagesc(X(idx, idx) == 0) axis off %% Data Normalization function data = normlization(data) data = bsxfun(@minus, data, mean(data)); data = bsxfun(@rdivide, data, std(data)); end
function [X, W] = glasso_1(S, lambda) %% Graphical Lasso - Friedman et. al, Biostatistics, 2008 % Input: % S - 样本的协方差矩阵 % lambda - 罚参数 % Output: % X - 精度矩阵 sigma^(-1) % W - 协方差矩阵 sigma %% p = size(S,1); %数据维度 W = S + lambda * eye(p); %W=S+λI beta = zeros(p) - lambda * eye(p); %β=-λI eps = 1e-4; finished = false(p); %finished:p*p的逻辑0矩阵 while true for j = 1 : p idx = 1 : p; idx(j) = []; beta(idx, j) = lasso(W(idx, idx), S(idx, j), lambda, beta(idx, j)); W(idx, j) = W(idx,idx) * beta(idx, j); %W=W*β W(j, idx) = W(idx, j); end index = (beta == 0); finished(index) = (abs(W(index) - S(index)) <= lambda); finished(~index) = (abs(W(~index) -S(~index) + lambda * sign(beta(~index))) < eps); if finished break; end end X = zeros(p); for j = 1 : p idx = 1 : p; idx(j) = []; X(j,j) = 1 / (W(j,j) - dot(W(idx,j), beta(idx,j))); X(idx, j) = -1 * X(j, j) * beta(idx,j); end % X = sparse(X); end
function w = lasso(A, b, lambda, w) % Lasso p = size(A,1); df = A * w - b; eps = 1e-4; finished = false(1, p); while true for j = 1 : p wtmp = w(j); w(j) = soft(wtmp - df(j) / A(j,j), lambda / A(j,j)); if w(j) ~= wtmp df = df + (w(j) - wtmp) * A(:, j); % update df end end index = (w == 0); finished(index) = (abs(df(index)) <= lambda); finished(~index) = (abs(df(~index) + lambda * sign(w(~index))) < eps); if finished break; end end end %% Soft thresholding function x = soft(x, lambda) x = sign(x) * max(0, abs(x) - lambda); end
4.2 方法二
function [Theta, W] = graphicalLasso(S, rho, maxIt, tol) % http://www.ece.ubc.ca/~xiaohuic/code/glasso/glasso.htm % Solve the graphical Lasso % minimize_{Theta > 0} tr(S*Theta) - logdet(Theta) + rho * ||Theta||_1 % Ref: Friedman et al. (2007) Sparse inverse covariance estimation with the % graphical lasso. Biostatistics. % Note: This function needs to call an algorithm that solves the Lasso % problem. Here, we choose to use to the function *lassoShooting* (shooting % algorithm) for this purpose. However, any Lasso algorithm in the % penelized form will work. % % Input: % S -- sample covariance matrix % rho -- regularization parameter % maxIt -- maximum number of iterations % tol -- convergence tolerance level % % Output: % Theta -- inverse covariance matrix estimate % W -- regularized covariance matrix estimate, W = Theta^-1 p = size(S,1); if nargin < 4, tol = 1e-6; end if nargin < 3, maxIt = 1e2; end % Initialization W = S + rho * eye(p); % diagonal of W remains unchanged W_old = W; i = 0; % Graphical Lasso loop while i < maxIt, i = i+1; for j = p:-1:1, jminus = setdiff(1:p,j); [V D] = eig(W(jminus,jminus)); d = diag(D); X = V * diag(sqrt(d)) * V'; % W_11^(1/2) Y = V * diag(1./sqrt(d)) * V' * S(jminus,j); % W_11^(-1/2) * s_12 b = lassoShooting(X, Y, rho, maxIt, tol); W(jminus,j) = W(jminus,jminus) * b; W(j,jminus) = W(jminus,j)'; end % Stop criterion if norm(W-W_old,1) < tol, break; end W_old = W; end if i == maxIt, fprintf('%s\n', 'Maximum number of iteration reached, glasso may not converge.'); end Theta = W^-1; % Shooting algorithm for Lasso (unstandardized version) function b = lassoShooting(X, Y, lambda, maxIt, tol), if nargin < 4, tol = 1e-6; end if nargin < 3, maxIt = 1e2; end % Initialization [n,p] = size(X); if p > n, b = zeros(p,1); % From the null model, if p > n else b = X \ Y; % From the OLS estimate, if p <= n end b_old = b; i = 0; % Precompute X'X and X'Y XTX = X'*X; XTY = X'*Y; % Shooting loop while i < maxIt, i = i+1; for j = 1:p, jminus = setdiff(1:p,j); S0 = XTX(j,jminus)*b(jminus) - XTY(j); % S0 = X(:,j)'*(X(:,jminus)*b(jminus)-Y) if S0 > lambda, b(j) = (lambda-S0) / norm(X(:,j),2)^2; elseif S0 < -lambda, b(j) = -(lambda+S0) / norm(X(:,j),2)^2; else b(j) = 0; end end delta = norm(b-b_old,1); % Norm change during successive iterations if delta < tol, break; end b_old = b; end if i == maxIt, fprintf('%s\n', 'Maximum number of iteration reached, shooting may not converge.'); end
>> A=[5.9436 0.0676 0.5844 -0.0143 0.0676 0.5347 -0.0797 -0.0115 0.5844 -0.0797 6.3648 -0.1302 -0.0143 -0.0115 -0.1302 0.2389 ]; >> [Theta, W] = graphicalLasso(A, 1e-4) Theta = 0.1701 -0.0238 -0.0159 0.0003 -0.0238 1.8792 0.0278 0.1034 -0.0159 0.0278 0.1607 0.0879 0.0003 0.1034 0.0879 4.2369 W = 5.9437 0.0675 0.5843 -0.0142 0.0675 0.5348 -0.0796 -0.0114 0.5843 -0.0796 6.3649 -0.1301 -0.0142 -0.0114 -0.1301 0.2390
5. 补充:近端梯度下降(Proximal Gradient Descent, PGD)求解Lasso问题
6. 参考文献
[1] 林祝莹. 图Lasso及相关方法的研究与应用[D].燕山大学,2016.
[2] Graphical Lasso for sparse inverse covariance selection
[3] 周志华. 机器学习[M]. 清华大学出版社, 2016.
[4] Graphical lasso in R and Matlab
[5] Graphical Lasso