1 Python多线程
1.1 多线程技术
1.1.1 单线程实例
from time import sleep, ctime # 听音乐 def music(): print('I was listening to music! %s' % ctime()) sleep(2) # 看电影 def movie(): print('I was at the movies! %s' % ctime()) sleep(3) if __name__ == '__main__': music() movie() print('all end:', ctime())
from time import sleep, ctime def music(func, loop): #听音乐 for i in range(loop): print('i was listening to music: %s! %s' % (func, ctime())) sleep(2) def movie(func, loop): # 看电影 for i in range(loop): print('i was watching movie: %s! %s' % (func, ctime())) sleep(3) if __name__ == '__main__': music('以后的以后', 2) movie('One Day', 2) print('all end:', ctime())
1.1.2 多线程实例
from time import sleep, ctime import threading def music(func, loop): #听音乐 for i in range(loop): print('I was listening to music: %s! %s' % (func, ctime())) sleep(2) def movie(func, loop): # 看电影 for i in range(loop): print('I was watching movie: %s! %s' % (func, ctime())) sleep(3) #创建线程组 threads = [] #创建线程t1,t2,并添加到线程数组 t1 = threading.Thread(target=music, args=('以后的以后', 2)) threads.append(t1) t2 = threading.Thread(target=movie, args=('One Day', 2)) threads.append(t2) if __name__ == '__main__': for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() print('all end: %s' % ctime())
I was listening to music: 以后的以后! Mon May 21 16:45:51 2018 I was watching movie: One Day! Mon May 21 16:45:51 2018 I was listening to music: 以后的以后! Mon May 21 16:45:53 2018 I was watching movie: One Day! Mon May 21 16:45:54 2018 all end: Mon May 21 16:45:57 2018 Process finished with exit code 0
import threading: 引入线程模块
threads = []:创建线程数组,用于装载线程。
threading.Thread(): 通过调用threading模块的Thread()方法来创建线程。
1.1.3 多线程优化
from time import sleep, ctime import threading def player(file, time): #播放器循环2次播放 for i in range(2): print('Starting playing: %s! %s' % (file, ctime())) sleep(time) #播放列表及时长 lists = {'以后的以后':3,'One Day':2,'阿甘正传':4} #创建线程组 threads = [] for file,time in lists.items(): t = threading.Thread(target=player, args =(file,time)) threads.append(t) if __name__ == '__main__': for t in range(len(lists)): threads[t].start() for t in range(len(lists)): threads[t].join() print('all end: %s' % ctime())
Starting playing: 以后的以后! Mon May 21 17:10:26 2018 Starting playing: One Day! Mon May 21 17:10:26 2018 Starting playing: 阿甘正传! Mon May 21 17:10:26 2018 Starting playing: One Day! Mon May 21 17:10:28 2018 Starting playing: 以后的以后! Mon May 21 17:10:29 2018 Starting playing: 阿甘正传! Mon May 21 17:10:30 2018 all end: Mon May 21 17:10:34 2018 Process finished with exit code 0
1.1.4 创建线程类(待续)