信念 方式 态度





2009-01-23- E199179310H606     LEVEL: Severe (OS)

PID     : 4660                 TID  : 5372        PROC : db2syscs.exe

INSTANCE: DB2                  NODE : 000         DB   : TIMMS

APPHDL  : 0-719                APPID: GA5103A5.M812.01D283080640

FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, getPrivateChunksFromOs, probe:100

CALLED  : OS, -, VirtualAlloc

OSERR   : 8 "存储空间不足,无法处理此命令。"

MESSAGE : Private memory and/or virtual address space exhausted. Or ulimit is

          not high enough.

DATA #1 : Requested size, PD_TYPE_MEM_REQUESTED_SIZE, 4 bytes



2009-01-23- I199179918H517     LEVEL: Warning

PID     : 4660                 TID  : 5372        PROC : db2syscs.exe

INSTANCE: DB2                  NODE : 000         DB   : TIMMS

APPHDL  : 0-719                APPID: GA5103A5.M812.01D283080640

FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, sort/list services, sqlsAllocateSortMemory, probe:35

DATA #1 : <preformatted>

Not enough memory available for a (private) sort heap of size 50000

bufSize = 136527872, bPrivatePool = 1, bPoolHasSpace = 1

Trying smaller size...


2009-01-23- E199180437H606     LEVEL: Severe (OS)

PID     : 4660                 TID  : 5372        PROC : db2syscs.exe

INSTANCE: DB2                  NODE : 000         DB   : TIMMS

APPHDL  : 0-719                APPID: GA5103A5.M812.01D283080640

FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, getPrivateChunksFromOs, probe:100

CALLED  : OS, -, VirtualAlloc

OSERR   : 8 "存储空间不足,无法处理此命令。"

MESSAGE : Private memory and/or virtual address space exhausted. Or ulimit is

          not high enough.

DATA #1 : Requested size, PD_TYPE_MEM_REQUESTED_SIZE, 4 bytes



2009-01-23- E199181045H606     LEVEL: Severe (OS)

PID     : 4660                 TID  : 5372        PROC : db2syscs.exe

INSTANCE: DB2                  NODE : 000         DB   : TIMMS

APPHDL  : 0-719                APPID: GA5103A5.M812.01D283080640

FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, getPrivateChunksFromOs, probe:100

CALLED  : OS, -, VirtualAlloc

OSERR   : 8 "存储空间不足,无法处理此命令。"

MESSAGE : Private memory and/or virtual address space exhausted. Or ulimit is

          not high enough.

DATA #1 : Requested size, PD_TYPE_MEM_REQUESTED_SIZE, 4 bytes



2009-01-23- I199181653H517     LEVEL: Warning

PID     : 4660                 TID  : 5372        PROC : db2syscs.exe

INSTANCE: DB2                  NODE : 000         DB   : TIMMS

APPHDL  : 0-719                APPID: GA5103A5.M812.01D283080640

FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, sort/list services, sqlsAllocateSortMemory, probe:35

DATA #1 : <preformatted>

Not enough memory available for a (private) sort heap of size 50000

bufSize = 117022720, bPrivatePool = 1, bPoolHasSpace = 1

Trying smaller size...



Not enough memory available for a (private) sort heap of size 50000

bufSize = 136527872, bPrivatePool = 1, bPoolHasSpace = 1



Not enough memory available for a (private) sort heap of size 50000

bufSize = 117022720, bPrivatePool = 1, bPoolHasSpace = 1






Sorting is required when no index satisfies the requested ordering of fetched rows, or the optimizer determines that a sort is less expensive than an index scan. There are two kinds of sorts in DB2, private sorts and shared sorts. Private sorts take place in an agent's private agent memory (which we will discuss in the next section); shared shorts take place in the database's database shared memory.

For private sorts, the database manager configuration parameter sheapthres specifies an instance-wide soft limit on the total amount of memory that can be consumed by private sorts at any given time. When the total private-sort memory consumption for an instance reaches this limit, the memory allocated for additional incoming private-sort requests will be considerably reduced. You will see the following message in the db2diag.log:

"Not enough memory available for a (private) sort heap of size size of sortheap. Trying smaller size..."

If you enable intra-partition parallelism or concentrator, DB2 may choose to perform a shared sort if it determines that method to be more efficient than a private sort. If a shared sort is performed, the sort heap for the sort is allocated in database shared memory. The maximum amount of memory used for shared sorts is controlled by the sheapthres_shr database parameter. This is a database-wide hard limit on the total amount of memory consumed by shared sorts at any given time. When this limit is reached, the application requesting the sort will receive the error SQL0955 (rc2). No further shared-sort memory requests will be allowed until the total shared-sort memory consumption falls below the limit specified by sheapthres_shr.

The following formula calculates approximately how much memory the database shared memory set requires: Database shared memory = (Main bufferpools + 4 hidden bufferpools + database heap + utility heap + locklist + package cache + catalog cache) + (number of estore pages * 100 bytes) + approx. 10% overhead

For databases with intra_parallel enabled or concentrator enable, shared sort memory must be pre-allocated as part of the database shared memory, thus the formula becomes: Database shared memory = (Main bufferpools + 4 hidden bufferpools + database heap + utility heap + locklist + package cache + catalog cache + sheapthres_shr) + (number of estore pages * 100 bytes) + approx. 10% overhead


 上文的完整版本的连接:DB2 UDB 内存模型





posted on 2009-04-14 11:18  jkfree  阅读(1200)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报