Performance is the key requirement of any application. One of important technique which helps in the performance of application is Caching. Caching is the process of storing frequently used data on th... 阅读全文
发布日期: 4/28/2005 | 更新日期: 4/28/2005 Dino Esposito Wintellect 适用于 Microsoft ASP.NET 1.x Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 摘要: Dino 总结了最常见的 Web 攻击类型,并介绍了 Web 开发人员可以如何使用 ASP.NET 的内置功能来改进安全性。 本页内容 ... 阅读全文
Keyboard shortcuts are well known facility in Windows desktop applications and make application user's life much easier. Although beginners like to use a mouse, that habit usually disappear after some... 阅读全文
Problem: You want to enable end-users visiting your web-site to dynamically customize the look and feel of it. Specifically, you want to enable them to choose different content layouts for the site,... 阅读全文