jeans chen
we've got them by the balls

He didn't speak anything but Greek... 他只会说希腊语。
The crew of the ship gave them nothing but bread to eat. 船上的工作人员除了面包什么也不给他们吃。

I don't take any drugs whatsoever, except aspirin for colds... 我什么药都不吃,除了感冒时吃阿司匹林。 


everybody please advise.


/ˌɪdɪəˈmætɪk; ˌɪdɪə`mætɪk/
(a) in accordance with the particular nature or structure of a language, dialect, etc 符合某一语言或方言等的习惯或特点的
*She speaks fluent and idiomatic French. 她说得一口又流利又地道的法语.


She speaks fluent and idio^matic english.



Practice makes perfect

Quantitative change caused a qualitative change
—— 艳艳88373922
changing in quantity leads to changing in quality.
—— violetplum
posted on 2014-01-08 13:11  jeans chen  阅读(331)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报