在我年少的时候 身边的人说不可以流泪
宅男—coding 篮球 旅行 上网 睡觉......

部署BizTalk 出现如下错误:

Failed to update binding information.Could not change the bindings for orchestration '_3B13_Process_Intel._3B13_SOConfirmNotify_Process,3B13_Process_Intel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f20293d223a923ea' as one or more instances of the orchestration still exist.



Search For  Suspended Service Instances

选中所有挂起服务右键 Terminate Instances

系统会提示 确定停止所选服务实例, 选择是


posted on 2011-03-11 21:22  JACKALMA  阅读(431)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报