
156.Your test database is configured to run in NOARCHIVELOG mode. One of the data files in the USERS tablespace is lost due to a media failure. 
You notice that all the online redo logs have been overwritten since the last backup.
What would you do to recover the data file?
A. Take the USERS tablespace offline and re-create the lost data file 
B. Shutdown the instance, restore the data file from the last consistent backup and restart the database instance 
C. Shutdown the instance, restores all the database files from the last consistent backup and restart the database instance 
D. Take the USERS tablespace offline, restore all the data files of the USERS tablespace from the last consistent backup and make the tablespace online
Answer: C


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157.Examine the command: 
Which statement describes the effect of the above command? 
A. Automatic statistics collection is stopped for the CUSTOMERS table
B. Statistics for the CUSTOMERS table are locked and cannot be overwritten 
C. Existing statistics for the CUSTOMERS table become unusable for the query optimizer 
D. Subsequently, statistics gathered on the CUSTOMERS table are stored as pending statistics
Answer: D

SQL> Select dbms_stats.get_prefs('PUBLISH') publish from dual;

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158.The database instance has the following parameter setting: 
You have a local operating system user SKD. You create a database user OPS$SKD, and then assign
external authentication. The user OPS$SKD has the CREATE SESSION privilege.
What would you achieve by the above process?
A. The database user OPS$SKD will be able to administer the database. 
B. The authentication detail for the database user OPS$SKD is recorded in the password file. 
C. The local operating system user SKD will be able to access the database instance without specifying the username and password. 
D. The database user OPS$SKD has to login with the password of the local operating system user SKD to access the database instance. 
Answer: C

通过操作系统用户认证的方式来直接访问Oracle数据库,简单来说,如果配置了该参数例如为'czm$',当数据库中存在用户'czm$hr',且对该用户启用了外部验证。那么在操作系统上以hr用户登录成功后,就可以直接sqlplus /以czm$hr用户登陆到Oracle数据库,无需sqlplus username/password输入访问Oracle数据库的用户名和密码。
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159.Your database instance is running with full workload after database creation. You have decided to use 
a fixedsize undo tablespace. You want to use the undo Advisor to estimate the capacity of the undo tablespace. 
Which two factors must you consider before using the Undo Advisor to estimate the capacity of the undo tablespace? (Choose two.) 
A. The retention period to support flashback 
B. The expected length of the longest-running query 
C. The number of undo tablespaces in the database 
D. The size of the Flash Recovery Area for the database instance 
Answer: AB

参考Administrator's Guide
Sizing a Fixed-Size Undo Tablespace

To use the Undo Advisor, you first estimate these two values:
The length of your expected longest running query
The longest interval that you will require for Oracle Flashback operations
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160.The instance abnormally terminates because of a power outage. 
Which statement is true about redo log files during instance recovery? 
A. Inactive and current redo log files are required to accomplish recovery 
B. Online and archived redo files are required to accomplish instance recovery 
C. All redo log entries after the last checkpoint are applied from redo log files to data files 
D. All redo log entries recorded in the current log file until the checkpoint position are applied to data files
Answer: C


LGWR进程在任意时候仅把信息写入到一个重做日志日志文件组,其正在进行写的那个日志文件就称之为当前日志文件(current redo log file)。

检查点后台进程(checkpoint background process, 简称CKPT)控制实例恢复所需要的时间量。执行一个检查点时,CKPT会更新数据文件的头部和控制文件,记录一个系统更改号(System change number)SCN来反映上一个成功的事务。
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