introduction:this article is going to introduce AngularJS in generally. I will write it through five points.Number one is what is AngularJS.Number two is why use Angular.Number three is how angularJS works.Number four is about modules.Number five is my own summery.

Number one_what is it

Front -end javascript framework for creating web applications;

Open source maintained by Google;

MVC pattern

Handles common(and ofter trying tasks) such as DOM manipulation,updating UI based on data or input, registering callbacks;

Decarative programming

Number two_why use it

Good for dynamic web sites/web apps(VRUD based);

Framework imposes a structure that is good for organizetion;

Helps create responsive(fast) websites;

Easy to test-to create software that is easily maintained;

Number three_how it works

AngularJS will initialize when the DOM content is loaded;

Looks for the ng-app directive-if its found,that is the root of the app;

Directives can be declared a variety of ways:typically with the ng-prefix,but you can use data-ng;

It will load the module associated with the directive if specified;

PS: what is the difference between ng-prefix and data-ng? ok, when your brower's version is old, maybe you should use data-ng!

Number four_modules

what are modules? 

It's containers for the various parts of your application(controllers,services etc). It's declarative-easy to understand. It's maintainable,readable,testable. It defines dependencies for our app.

Modules setup: A module is comprised of configuration and run blocks. Configuration blocks-executed during configuration and registration. Only peoviders and constants can be passed. Run blocks-happen after the injector is created. Only instances and constants can be passed in and is like a main method-it kickstarts the application.

PS:Modules can depend on other modules and they are only loaded once.

Number five_summery

first of all, let me show some code:

<span style="font-family:KaiTi_GB2312;font-size:18px;"><!doctype html>
<html ng-app>
		<script src=""></script>
		My name:<input type="text" ng-model="MyName" placeholder="please write down your name !">
		Hello, My name is {{MyName||''}}
please run the code in your brower, then there is surprise for you.

I gonna publish my blog in english, Maybe it's not good at the beginning, but it's okay . the next blog is about Angular Controllers!

posted on 2016-05-01 20:30  何红霞  阅读(149)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报