

public interface Interface1

public class Class1:Interface1


    Class1实现了接口Interface1,在Class1的类图中,由一个棒棒糖(lollipop)来表示这种实现关系,这是UML的标准语法(the Class Designer uses standard UML notation (a "lollipop" shape) to indicate the interfaces implemented by a class)。但是Implement"也是一种特殊的继承(Inheritance),如何让VS2005显示这种继承(用一条带空心箭头的直线从Class1指向Interface1)?

    我在网上找了一篇文章:Working with the VS 2005 Class Designer ,里面提到的方法:“You can specify that a class implements an interface by drawing an inheritance line from the class to the interface. To do this, first click the Interface shape in the Visual Studio Toolbox, click the class that implements the interface, then click the interface. ”,但是我按照他说的操作,点击工具箱中的“Interface”->点击Class1的类图->点击Interface1的类图,完全没有反应,相当怀疑原作者是不是写错了...

posted on 2007-05-09 15:20  Silent Void  阅读(1798)  评论(6编辑  收藏  举报