
键约束;外键约束;唯一性约束;检查约束;默认值约束 -——————五大约束 

一、 主键约束;

  create table student (student_id number primary key,student_name varchar2(20),sudent_birthday date,student_address varchar2(50),student_phone varchar2(20))

  --第一种写法:create table student1 (student_id number  constraint pk_student primary key ,student_name varchar2(20),sudent_birthday date,student_address varchar2(50),student_phone varchar2(20))
 第二种写法 create table student1 (student_id number   ,student_name varchar2(20),sudent_birthday date,student_address varchar2(50),student_phone varchar2(20) constraint pk_student primary key(student_id))

create table student1 (student_id number   ,student_name varchar2(20),sudent_birthday date,student_address varchar2(50),student_phone varchar2(20) constraint pk_student primary key(student_id,student_name))
  select * from user_constraints where table_name like '%STUD%'

   create table student2 (student_id number ,student_name varchar2(20),sudent_birthday date,student_address varchar2(50),student_phone varchar2(20))
--为新建的表添加 主键约束
  alter table student2 modify (student_id number primary key )
   create table student3 (student_id number ,student_name varchar2(20),sudent_birthday date,student_address varchar2(50),student_phone varchar2(20))
 alter table student3 add constraint pk_studentForMutPrimarykey primary key (student_name,sudent_birthday,student_address)
 --删除主键 与列一样,主键是表的一个对象,删除表的主键与删除列的语法非常相似。
alter table student3 drop primary key
--当然,如果将主键看做表的一 个对象,而且知道主键的名称,那么可以利用删除约束的语法来删除表的主键。如下:
alter table student3 drop constraint pk_studentForMutPrimarykey

alter table student disable primary key ;
alter table student enable primary key ;

alter table student3 rename constraint pk_studentForMutPrimarykey to PK_STUDENT2

1. 对于完整性要求比较高的数据表都应该建立主键


create table customers (customer_id number primary key ,customer_name varchar2(50),customer_address varchar2(50),customer_phone varchar2(30),email varchar2(20),constrator varchar2(20));
create table orders (order_id number primary key ,customer_id number,goods_name varchar(20),quantity number,unit varchar(10));
alter table orders add constraint fk_orders_customers foreign key (customer_id) references customers(customer_id)

alter table orders rename constraint FK_ORDERS_CUSTOMERS to FK_ORDERS
alter table orders modify constraint FK_ORDERS disable
alter table orders modify constraint FK_ORDERS enable

alter table orders drop constaint FK_ORDERS


create table users(user_id number primary key ,
user_name varchar2(50),user_address varchar2(50),user_phone varchar2(20),
email varchar2(20) unique,constractor varchar2(20))
--将表的某一列设置为 :唯一性约束:
 alter table users add constraint uq_phone unique (user_phone)
 select * from user_constraints where table_name='USERS'
 select * from user_cons_columns where table_name='USERS'
 alter table users drop constraint uq_phone


create table students (student_id number primary key ,student_name varchar2(10),
subject varchar2(20),score number constraint chk_score check(score between 0 and 100))


create table employees(
                           employee_id number primary key ,employee_name varchar2(10),grade varchar2(10),salary number,constraint chk_salary
                                       grade in('MANAGER','LENDER','STAFF') --grade 为'MANAGER','LENDER','STAFF' 这三个中一个
                                                       grade='MANAGER' and salary<=8000    --若grade 为grade='MANAGER' and salary<=8000
                                                       or grade='LERDER' and salary<=5000   --若grade 为grade='LERDER' and salary<=5000
                                                       or grade='STAFF' and salary<=4000     --若grade='STAFF' and salary<=4000

alter table employees add constraint chk_name check(length(employee_name)<=4)
alter table employees drop constraint chk_name

 alter table employees rename constraint chk_salary to chk_grade_salary
alter table employees disable constraint chk_grade_salary
alter table employees modify constraint chk_grade_salary disable

alter table employees enable constraint chk_grade_salary
alter table employees modify constraint chk_grade_salary enable



         就像前面所述,数据表的列可以有非空约束,所以如果允许列的值为非空的,对于某个字段值不进行显式赋值是允许的。但是,同样可以对其设定默认值约束,一旦设定默认值约束,该列将使用默认值赋值作为空值的替代值。即使未为列指定默认值,那么oracle将隐式使用Null作为默认值,即default null 在oracle 9i以前的版本,用户使用默认值只能使用常量值;而oracle9i 及以后版本,用户将可以使用sysdate等函数来对列指定默认值。

create table purchase_order(purchase_order_id number,goods_name varchar(30),quantity number, price number, status varchar2(3) default 'ACT')

insert into purchase_order(purchase_order_id,goods_name,quantity,price) values
select * from purchase_order

  create table sales (id number primary key ,product_name varchar2(20),price number, quantity number,total number, sales_date date default sysdate)
--插入数据 测试默认 值的存在性
insert into sales (id,product_name,price, quantity, total) values (1,'SWEATER',20,1,12);
insert into sales (id,product_name,price, quantity,total) values(2,'T-SHIRT',38,3,114);
select * from sales

 alter table sales modify quantity number default 1

--向表中插入数据查看默认值有没有 启作用
 insert into sales (id,product_name,price)values(3,'SWEATER',20);
insert into sales (id,product_name,price)values(4,'孙业宝',39);
select * from sales;




  alter table sales modify quantity number default null
   insert into sales (id,product_name,price)values(5,'SWEATER',20);
insert into sales (id,product_name,price)values(6,'孙业宝',39);
select * from sales;


posted on 2014-10-23 14:25  浩凡儿  阅读(356)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报