<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"/> <title>Understanding Quadratic Bézier Curve</title> <script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script> <style> body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Understanding Quadratic Bézier Curve</h1> <div id="bezier-example-1" style="position:relative;"> <canvas class="curve" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;z-index:4;"></canvas> <canvas class="animation" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;z-index:3;"></canvas> <canvas class="points" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;z-index:2;"></canvas> <canvas class="grid" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;z-index:1;"></canvas> </div> <p id="bezier-example-1-t">t = <span>0</span></p> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var CANVAS_WIDTH = 301; var CANVAS_HEIGHT = 301; var p1x = 20; var p1y = 200; var cx = 100; var cy = 20; var cx1 = 160; var cy1 = 20; var p2x = 280; var p2y = 280; var $t = $('#bezier-example-1-t span'); $('#bezier-example-1').css({ width: CANVAS_WIDTH + 'px', height: CANVAS_HEIGHT + 'px' }); var gridCanvas = $('#bezier-example-1 .grid').get(0); var gridContext = gridCanvas.getContext('2d'); gridCanvas.width = CANVAS_WIDTH; gridCanvas.height = CANVAS_HEIGHT; var pointsCanvas = $('#bezier-example-1 .points').get(0); var pointsContext = pointsCanvas.getContext('2d'); pointsCanvas.width = CANVAS_WIDTH; pointsCanvas.height = CANVAS_HEIGHT; var animationCanvas = $('#bezier-example-1 .animation').get(0); var animationContext = animationCanvas.getContext('2d'); animationCanvas.width = CANVAS_WIDTH; animationCanvas.height = CANVAS_HEIGHT; var curveCanvas = $('#bezier-example-1 .curve').get(0); var curveContext = curveCanvas.getContext('2d'); curveCanvas.width = CANVAS_WIDTH; curveCanvas.height = CANVAS_HEIGHT; curveContext.strokeStyle = "#777"; curveContext.lineWidth = 2; curveContext.beginPath(); curveContext.moveTo(p1x, p1y); curveContext.stroke(); drawGrid(); drawSetup(); setInterval(updateDemo, 1000/30); var t = 0; var d = 1; // direction function updateDemo() { if (t > 1 || t < 0) { d *= -1; // change direction curveContext.clearRect(0, 0, CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT); curveContext.beginPath(); } t += 0.01 * d; // continue moving $t.html(Math.round(t*100)/100); // update values var c1x = p1x + (cx - p1x) * t; var c1y = p1y + (cy - p1y) * t; var c2x = cx + (cx1 - cx) * t; var c2y = cy + (cy1 - cy) * t; var c3x = cx1 + (p2x - cx1) * t; var c3y = cy1 + (p2y - cy1) * t; var c4x = c1x + (c2x - c1x) * t; var c4y = c1y + (c2y - c1y) * t; var c5x = c2x + (c3x - c2x) * t; var c5y = c2y + (c3y - c2y) * t; var tx = c4x + (c5x - c4x) * t; var ty = c4y + (c5y - c4y) * t; animationContext.save(); // clear old sketch animationContext.clearRect(0, 0, CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT); // draw new line animationContext.beginPath(); animationContext.strokeStyle = '#aaa'; animationContext.lineWidth = 1; animationContext.moveTo(c1x, c1y); animationContext.lineTo(c2x, c2y); animationContext.lineTo(c3x, c3y); animationContext.stroke(); animationContext.beginPath(); animationContext.strokeStyle = '#666'; animationContext.lineWidth = 1; animationContext.moveTo(c4x, c4y); animationContext.lineTo(c5x, c5y); animationContext.stroke(); // draw points on lines drawPoint(animationContext, c1x, c1y, 2, '#0f0'); drawPoint(animationContext, c2x, c2y, 2, '#0f0'); drawPoint(animationContext, c3x, c3y, 2, '#0f0'); drawPoint(animationContext, c4x, c4y, 2, '#38f'); drawPoint(animationContext, c5x, c5y, 2, '#38f'); // draw point on curve drawPoint(animationContext, tx, ty, 3, '#f0f'); animationContext.restore(); // draw the new Bézier curve segment curveContext.lineTo(tx, ty); curveContext.stroke(); } function drawSetup() { pointsContext.save(); // lines between p1, c and p2 pointsContext.strokeStyle = "#ddd"; pointsContext.lineWidth = 2; pointsContext.beginPath(); pointsContext.moveTo(p1x, p1y); pointsContext.lineTo(cx, cy); pointsContext.lineTo(cx1, cy1); pointsContext.lineTo(p2x, p2y); pointsContext.stroke(); pointsContext.closePath(); // quadratic Bézier curve pointsContext.beginPath(); pointsContext.strokeStyle = '#999'; pointsContext.lineWidth = 1; pointsContext.moveTo(p1x, p1y); pointsContext.bezierCurveTo(cx,cy,cx1,cy1, p2x, p2y); pointsContext.stroke(); pointsContext.restore(); // circles marking p1, c and p2 drawPoint(pointsContext, p1x, p1y, 5, '#00f'); drawPoint(pointsContext, cx, cy, 5, '#f00'); drawPoint(pointsContext, cx1, cy1, 5, '#f00'); drawPoint(pointsContext, p2x, p2y, 5, '#00f'); pointsContext.fillText("P1", p1x+10, p1y+10); pointsContext.fillText("C", cx+10, cy-5); pointsContext.fillText("D", cx1+10, cy1-5); pointsContext.fillText("P2", p2x-20, p2y+10); } function drawPoint(ctx, x, y, radius, color) { ctx.save(); ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(x, y, radius, 2 * Math.PI, false); ctx.fill(); ctx.closePath(); ctx.restore(); } function drawGrid() { gridContext.save(); gridContext.strokeStyle = '#ddd'; gridContext.lineWidth = 1; for (var i = 0; i < CANVAS_HEIGHT; i += 20) { gridContext.beginPath(); gridContext.moveTo(0, i); gridContext.lineTo(CANVAS_WIDTH, i); gridContext.stroke(); } for (var i = 0; i < CANVAS_WIDTH; i += 20) { gridContext.beginPath(); gridContext.moveTo(i, 0); gridContext.lineTo(i, CANVAS_HEIGHT); gridContext.stroke(); gridContext.closePath(); } gridContext.restore(); } }); </script> </body> </html>