

 1 urlpatterns = [
 2     # url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls),
 3     url(r'^yemian/',yemian),
 4     url(r'^zuoye/',zuoye),
 5     url(r'^class/',views.class_list),
 6     url(r'^class_add/',views.class_add),
 7     url(r'^class_delete/',views.class_delete),
 8     url(r'^class_edit/',views.class_edit),
 9     url(r'^teacher/',tvi.teacher),
10     url(r'^tadd/',tvi.t_add),
11     url(r'^tedit/',tvi.t_edit),
12     url(r'^tdelete/',tvi.t_delete),
13     url(r'^student/',svi.student),
14     url(r'^sadd/',svi.s_add),
15     url(r'^sedit/',svi.s_edit),
16     url(r'^sdelete/',svi.s_delete),
17     url(r'^modal_add_student/', svi.modal_add_student),
18     url(r'^modal_add_teacher/', tvi.modal_add_teacher),
20     url(r'^modal_add_class/', modal_add_class),
22     url(r'^edit_modal_class/', views.edit_modal_add_class),
23     url(r'^modal_edit_student/', svi.modal_edit_student),
25     url(r'^modal_delete_student/', svi.modal_delete_student),
27     url(r'^modal_edit_teacher/', tvi.modal_edit_teacher),
28     url(r'^modal_delete_teacher/', tvi.modal_delete_teacher),
30 ]


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    if (pwd.length==0){
    if (pwd.length>15||(pwd.length<6&&pwd.length!=0)){
    if(pwd.length>=6&&pwd.length<15) {

    $("#inputPassword3").on("focus",function () {
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 1 def zuoye(request):
 2     global i
 3     i=i+1
 4     if request.method == "GET":
 5         return render(request, "zuoye.html")
 6     else:
 7         if request.POST.get("username") == "gaoshengyue" and request.POST.get("password") == "gsy121994":
 8             # 登陆成功
 9             return redirect("/class/")
10         else:
11             if i>2:
12              return render(request, "zuoye.html", {"error_msg": "输入错误"})
13             else:
14                 return render(request, "zuoye.html")





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147 {#  <edit_modal>#}
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156           <form>
158         <div class="form-group">
159             <input  type="text" style="display: none" id="ed2">
160     <label for="ed1">班级名</label>
161     <input type="text" class="hui form-control" id="ed1">
162             <span id="edit_error-msg"></span>
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174 {#  </edit_modal>#}
175      <div class="table-responsive">
176             <table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
177               <thead>
178                 <tr>
179                   <th class="col-sm-1">#</th>
180                   <th>班级名</th>
181                   <th>操作</th>
182                 </tr>
183               </thead>
184               <tbody>
185               {% for class in class_list %}
186                 <tr>
187                   <td class="col-sm-1">{{ class.cid}}</td>
188                   <td>{{ class.cname }}</td>
189                   <td class="col-sm-6 ">
190                       <a href="/class_delete/?class_id={{ class.cid }}" class="del btn btn-danger col-sm-offset-3 glyphicon glyphicon-remove">删除</a>
191                             <a href="/class_edit/?class_id={{ class.cid }}" class="w btn btn-success glyphicon glyphicon-pencil">编辑</a>
192                   <button class="wm btn btn-success glyphicon glyphicon-pencil">modal编辑</button>
193                   </td>
195                 </tr>
196                 {% endfor %}
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239 <script>
242       $("#modal-submitt").on("click", function () {
243 {#        $("#myModal form").submit();#}
244             var className = $("#d1").val();
245             console.log(className);
246 {#          用AJAX不刷新页面提交到后端#}
247           $.ajax({
248               url: "/modal_add_class/",
249               type: "post",
250               data: {"classname": className},
251               success: function (data) {
252                   if (data === "OK"){
253 {#                                        if (data.length != 0) {#}
254 {#                      var clasData = JSON.parse(data);#}
255 {#                      var newTr = document.createElement("tr");#}
256 {#                      $(newTr).append("<td>" + clasData["id"] + "</td>");#}
257 {#                      $(newTr).append("<td>" + clasData["name"] + "</td>");#}
258 {#                      $("td:last").clone().appendTo($(newTr));#}
259 {#                      $(newTr).appendTo("tbody");#}
260                       location.href="/class/";
261                   }else {
262                       $("#error-msg").text(data).parent().parent().addClass("has-error");
263                   }
264               }
265           })
266       });
268        $(".wm").on("click", function () {
269            $tdz=$(this).parent().parent().children();
270            ce_id=$($tdz[0]).text();
271            ce_name=$($tdz[1]).text();
272         $("#edit_myModal").modal("show");
273          $("#ed2").val(ce_id);
274          $("#ed1").val(ce_name);
275 {#           .find("#ed1").val(ce_name)#}
276       });
277        $("#edit_modal-submitt").on("click",function () {
278            var class_d=$("#ed2").val();
279            var class_n=$("#ed1").val();
280            $.ajax({
281                url:"/edit_modal_class/",
282                type:"post",
283                data:{"class_d":class_d,"class_n":class_n},
284                success:function (data) {
285                 if (data==='OK'){
286                     location.reload()
287                 }
288                 else {
289                     $("#edit_error-msg").text(data).parent().parent().addClass("has-error");
290                 }
291                }
292            })
293        })
295 </script>
296 </body></html>



url: "/modal_add_class/",                                             //这里是跳转的url,通过后端路由,调用modal添加数据的函数
type: "post",                                                                  //传送给后端的命令属性
data: {"classname": className},                              //ajax传给后端的值,字典形式,不能穿列表如果要列表的话要先json.stringify来转换成字符串,后端再通过json.loads来转换
success: function (data) {
if (data === "OK"){                                                     //data为后端return会前端的值,后端一般会使用HttpResponse来返回,也可以是字典。

location.href="/class/";                                            //跳转的页面也可以location.reload()来直接跳转回本页面
}else {
$("#error-msg").text(data).parent().parent().addClass("has-error");                       //这里是添加错误信息,has-error是bootstrap中错误信息的样式


 1 def student(request):
 3    conn=pymysql.connect(
 4        host='',port=3306,
 5        user='root',password='',db='day66',charset='utf8'
 7    )
 8    cursor=conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
 9    cursor.execute("select student.id,student.sname,class.cname,student.class_id from student INNER JOIN  class on student.class_id = class.cid")
10    student_list=cursor.fetchall()
11    cursor.execute("select cid,cname from class")
12    cs_list = cursor.fetchall()
13    cursor.close()
14    conn.close()
15    return  render(request,'student.html',{'student_list':student_list,"cs_list":cs_list})


 1 def modal_add_class(request):
 2     print(request.method)
 3     if request.method == "POST":
 4         print()
 5         new_class_name = request.POST.get("classname")
 6         if new_class_name:
 7             conn = pymysql.connect(
 8                 host='', port=3306,
 9                 user='root', password='', db='day66', charset='utf8'
10             )
11             cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
12             cursor.execute("insert into class(cname) VALUES (%s)", [new_class_name,])
13             conn.commit()
14             cursor.close()
15             conn.close()
16             return HttpResponse("OK")
17         else:
18             error = "班级名称不能为空"
19             return HttpResponse(error)

这部分函数通过ajax传过来的值,用.POST.get(字典的ey)的方式获取,然后用sql语句insert into后端的数据库中,然后返回前端OK,前端判断接受回的消息是OK,就刷新页面,这样主页面再次回到渲染函数,渲染出来的就是包括新添加数据的页面了。


 1 def edit_modal_add_class(request):
 2     if request.method == "POST":
 3         new_class_d = request.POST.get("class_d")
 4         new_class_n = request.POST.get("class_n")
 5         if new_class_n:
 6             conn = pymysql.connect(
 7                 host='', port=3306,
 8                 user='root', password='', db='day66', charset='utf8'
 9             )
10             cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
11             cursor.execute("update class set cname=%s where cid=%s ", [new_class_n,new_class_d ])
12             conn.commit()
13             cursor.close()
14             conn.close()
15             return HttpResponse("OK")
16         else:
17             error = "班级名称不能为空"
18             return HttpResponse(error)



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119         <a href="/sadd/" class="btn btn-success pull-right" style="margin-right: 15px;margin-top:8px ">网页添加</a>
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132     <label for="d1">学生名</label>
133     <input type="text" class="hui form-control" id="d1">
134             </div>
135          <div class="form-group">
136     <label for="d3" class=" control-label">班级id</label>
137         <select class="form-control" name="sclass">
138             {% for csl in cs_list %}
139           <option value="{{ csl.cid }}">{{ csl.cname }}</option>
140             {% endfor %}
141 </select>
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143           <span id="error-msg"></span>
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166         <div class="form-group">
167             <input type="text" style="display: none" id="ed3">
168     <label for="d1">学生名</label>
169     <input type="text" class="hui form-control" id="ed1">
170             </div>
171          <div class="form-group">
172     <label for="edit_sele" class=" control-label">班级id</label>
173         <select class="form-control" id="edit_sele">
174             {% for csl in cs_list %}
175           <option value="{{ csl.cid }}">{{ csl.cname }}</option>
176             {% endfor %}
177         </select>
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179           <span id="error-msg"></span>
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191 {#  </modaladd>#}
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196                 <tr>
197                   <th class="col-sm-1">#</th>
198                   <th>学生名</th>
199                     <th>班级名</th>
200                   <th>操作</th>
201                 </tr>
202               </thead>
203               <tbody>
204               {% for student in student_list %}
205                 <tr>
206                   <td class="col-sm-1">{{ student.id}}</td>
207                   <td>{{ student.sname }}</td>
208                     <td cid="{{ student.class_id }}">{{ student.cname }}</td>
209                   <td class="col-sm-8 ">
210                       <a href="/sdelete/?s_id={{ student.id }}" class="del btn btn-danger col-sm-offset-3 glyphicon glyphicon-remove">删除</a>
211                             <a href="/sedit/?s_id={{ student.id }}" class="w btn btn-success glyphicon glyphicon-pencil">编辑</a>
212                       <button  class="wm btn btn-success glyphicon glyphicon-pencil">modal编辑</button>
213                       <button id="sweetd" class="del btn btn-danger  glyphicon glyphicon-remove">页面删除</button>
214                   </td>
215                 </tr>
216                 {% endfor %}
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258     <script>
259         $("#modal-submit").on("click", function () {
260 {#            $("#myModal form").submit();#}
261             var studentName = $("#d1").val();
262             var studentId=$("option:selected").val();
263 {#          用AJAX不刷新页面提交到后端#}
264           $.ajax({
265               url: "/modal_add_student/",
266               type: "POST",
267               data: {"studentname": studentName,"studentid":studentId},
268               success: function (data) {
269                   if (data === "OK"){
270                       location.href="/student/";
272                   }else {
273                       $("#error-msg").text(data).parent().parent().addClass("has-error");
274                   }
275               }
276           })
277       });
278         $(".wm").on("click",function () {
279             $sz=$(this).parent().parent().children();
280             $("#ed1").val($($sz[1]).text());
281             zhi=$($sz[2]).attr("cid");
282             $("#edit_sele").val(zhi);
283             $("#ed3").val($($sz[0]).text());
284             $("#edit_myModal").modal("show");
285         });
286         $("#edit-modal-submit").on("click", function () {
287             var studentName = $("#ed1").val();
288             var studentId=$("#edit_sele option:selected").val();
289             var student_gd=$("#ed3").val();
290 {#          用AJAX不刷新页面提交到后端#}
291           $.ajax({
292               url: "/modal_edit_student/",
293               type: "POST",
295               data: {"studentname": studentName,"studentid":studentId,"student_gd":student_gd},
296               success: function (data) {
297                   if (data === "OK"){
298                       location.href="/student/";
300                   }else {
301                       $("#error-msg").text(data).parent().parent().addClass("has-error");
302                   }
303               }
304           })
305       });
307 {#        二次删除     #}
308         $("table").on("click" , "#sweetd", function () {
309         var studentID = $(this).parent().parent().children().eq(0).text();
310         var $tr = $(this).parent().parent();
311         // 弹出sweetalert二次确认框
312         // swal("1", "2", "warning");
313         swal({
314         title: "删除此学生信息?",
315         text: "删除后无法回复。",
316         type: "warning",
317         showCancelButton: true,
318         closeOnConfirm: false,
319         confirmButtonText: "继续删除!",
320         confirmButtonColor: "#ec6c62",
321         cancelButtonText: "再想一想"
322     }, function (isConfirm) {
323         if (!isConfirm) return;
324         $.ajax({
325             type: "post",
326             url: "/modal_delete_student/",
327             data: {"student_id": studentID},
328             success: function (data) {
329                 var dataObj = $.parseJSON(data);
330                 if (dataObj.status === 0) { //后端删除成功
331                     swal("删除成功", dataObj.msg, "success");
332                     $tr.remove()  //删除页面中那一行数据
333                 } else {
334                     swal("出错啦。。。", dataObj.msg, "error");  //后端删除失败
335                 }
336             },
337             error: function () {  // ajax请求失败
338                 swal("啊哦。。。", "服务器走丢了。。。", "error");
339             }
340         })
341     });
342     })
343     </script>
344 </body></html>


在学生添加的过程中,select标签要通过option:selected 来判断是否为选中项,获取value的方法同输入框。



 1 def student(request):
 3    conn=pymysql.connect(
 4        host='',port=3306,
 5        user='root',password='',db='day66',charset='utf8'
 7    )
 8    cursor=conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
 9    cursor.execute("select student.id,student.sname,class.cname,student.class_id from student INNER JOIN  class on student.class_id = class.cid")
10    student_list=cursor.fetchall()
11    cursor.execute("select cid,cname from class")
12    cs_list = cursor.fetchall()
13    cursor.close()
14    conn.close()
15    return  render(request,'student.html',{'student_list':student_list,"cs_list":cs_list})


 1 def modal_add_student(request):
 2     if request.method == "POST":
 3         new_student_name = request.POST.get("studentname")
 4         new_student_id_=request.POST.get("studentid")
 5         new_student_id_=int(new_student_id_)
 6         conn = pymysql.connect(
 7             host='', port=3306,
 8             user='root', password='', db='day66', charset='utf8'
 9         )
10         cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
11         if new_student_name:
12             cursor.execute("insert into student(sname,class_id)values (%s,%s)", [new_student_name,new_student_id_])
13             conn.commit()
14             cursor.close()
15             conn.close()
16             return HttpResponse("OK")
18         else:
19             error = "班级名称不能为空"
20             return HttpResponse(error)


 1 def modal_edit_student(request):
 2     if request.method == "POST":
 3         new_student_name = request.POST.get("studentname")
 4         new_student_id_=request.POST.get("studentid")
 5         new_student_gd = request.POST.get("student_gd")
 6         new_student_id=int(new_student_id_)
 7         new_student_gd_ = int(new_student_gd)
 8         conn = pymysql.connect(
 9             host='', port=3306,
10             user='root', password='', db='day66', charset='utf8'
11         )
12         cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
13         if new_student_name:
14             cursor.execute("update student set sname=%s where id=%s ", [new_student_name,new_student_gd])
15             cursor.execute("update student set class_id=%s where id=%s ", [new_student_id, new_student_gd])
16             conn.commit()
17             cursor.close()
18             conn.close()
19             return HttpResponse("OK")
21         else:
22             error = "学生名称不能为空"
23             return HttpResponse(error)


 1 def modal_delete_student(request):
 2     if request.method == "POST":
 3         new_student_gd = request.POST.get("student_id")
 4         new_student_id=int(new_student_gd)
 5         print(new_student_id)
 6         conn = pymysql.connect(
 7             host='', port=3306,
 8             user='root', password='', db='day66', charset='utf8'
 9         )
10         cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
11         if new_student_gd:
12             cursor.execute("delete from student where id=%s ", [new_student_id])
13             conn.commit()
14             cursor.close()
15             conn.close()
16             ret=json.dumps({"status":0,"msg":'一鼓作气'})
17             return HttpResponse(ret)
18         else:
19             error = "有一些小毛病"
20             ret = json.dumps({"status": 1, "msg": error})
21             return HttpResponse(ret)



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130         <div class="form-group">
131     <label for="d1">姓名</label>
132     <input type="text" class="hui form-control" id="d1" autocomplete="off">
133             </div>
134               <span id="error-msg"></span>
135                <div class="form-group">
136     <label class=" control-label">所带班级</label>
138         <div class="checkbox">
139             {% for csl in cs_list %}
140           <label>
141             <input type="checkbox" value="{{ csl.cid }}" name='check' autocomplete="off">
142            {{ csl.cname }}
143           </label>
144              {% endfor %}
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166       <div class="modal-body">
167           <form action="">
168         <div class="form-group">
169     <label for="ed1">姓名</label>
170             <input type="text" id="ed5" style="display: none">
171     <input type="text" class="hui form-control" id="ed1">
172             </div>
173               <span id="error-msg-e"></span>
174                <div class="form-group">
175     <label class=" control-label">所带班级</label>
177         <div class="checkbox">
178             {% for csl in cs_list %}
179           <label>
180             <input type="checkbox" value="{{ csl.cid }}" name='checkc'>
181            {{ csl.cname }}
182           </label>
183              {% endfor %}
184         </div>
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196 {#</编辑modal>#}
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199             <table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
200               <thead>
201                 <tr>
202                   <th class="col-sm-1">#</th>
203                   <th>教师名</th>
204                     <th>所带班级</th>
205                   <th>操作</th>
206                 </tr>
207               </thead>
208               <tbody>
209               {% for teacher in teacher_list %}
210                 <tr>
211                   <td class="col-sm-1">{{ teacher.td}}</td>
212                   <td>{{ teacher.tn }}</td>
213                     <td cid="{{ teacher.cd }}">{{ teacher.cn }}</td>
214                   <td class="col-sm-8 ">
215                       <a href="/tdelete/?t_id={{ teacher.td }}" class="del btn btn-danger col-sm-offset-3 glyphicon glyphicon-remove">删除</a>
216                             <a href="/tedit/?t_id={{ teacher.td }}" class="w btn btn-success glyphicon glyphicon-pencil">编辑</a>
217                           <button  class="wm btn btn-success glyphicon glyphicon-pencil">modal编辑</button>
218                           <button id="sweetd" class="del btn btn-danger  glyphicon glyphicon-remove">页面删除</button></td>
219                 </tr>
220                   {% empty %}
221                   <tr><td colspan="3" style="text-align: center">没有数据</td></tr>
222                 {% endfor %}
223               </tbody>
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265      $("#jiao").on("click",function () {
266          var tname=$("#d1").val();
267          var checkID = [];
268          $("input[name='check']:checked").each(function(i){//把所有被选中的复选框的值存入数组
269            checkID[i] =$(this).val();
270          });
271          var cck=JSON.stringify(checkID);
272          $.ajax({
273              url:"/modal_add_teacher/",
274              type:"post",
275              data:{"teachername":tname,"checkid":cck},
276              success:function (data) {
277 {#                     }#}
278                  if(data=='OK'){
279                      location.reload()
280                  }
281                      else
282                      {
283                          $("#error-msg").text(data).parent().parent().addClass("has-error");
284                      }
285                  }
287              })
288          });
290 {#   编辑modal:#}
291       $(".wm").on("click",function () {
292               $sz=$(this).parent().parent().children();
293             $("#ed1").val($($sz[1]).text());
294              $("#ed5").val($($sz[0]).text());
295             zhi=$($sz[2]).attr("cid");
296             xinzhi=zhi.split(',');
297             console.log(xinzhi);
298             for (i=0;i<xinzhi.length;i++){
299                 $inb=$("input[name='checkc']");
300                 for(j=0;j<$inb.length;j++){
301                 if($($inb[j]).val()==xinzhi[i]){
302                     $($inb[j]).attr("checked",true);
303                 }
304                 }
305             }
306             $("#edit_myModal").modal("show");
307       });
310       $("#xiu").on("click",function () {
311           var tname=$("#ed1").val();
312           var tid = $("#ed5").val();
313          var checkID = [];
314          $("input[name='checkc']:checked").each(function(i){//把所有被选中的复选框的值存入数组
315            checkID[i] =$(this).val();
316          });
317          var cck=JSON.stringify(checkID);
318          $.ajax({
319              url:"/modal_edit_teacher/",
320              type:"post",
321              data:{"teachername":tname,"checkid":cck,"tid":tid},
322              success:function (data) {
323 {#                     }#}
324                  if(data=='OK'){
325                      location.reload()
326                  }
327                      else
328                      {
329                          $("#error-msg-e").text(data).parent().parent().addClass("has-error");
330                      }
331                  }
333              })
334          });
337 {#      删除开始#}
338       $("table").on("click" , "#sweetd", function () {
339         var teacherID = $(this).parent().parent().children().eq(0).text();
340         var $tr = $(this).parent().parent();
341         // 弹出sweetalert二次确认框
342         // swal("1", "2", "warning");
343         swal({
344         title: "删除此教师信息?",
345         text: "删除后无法回复",
346         type: "warning",
347         showCancelButton: true,
348         closeOnConfirm: false,
349         confirmButtonText: "继续删除!",
350         confirmButtonColor: "#ec6c62",
351         cancelButtonText: "再想一想"
352     }, function (isConfirm) {
353         if (!isConfirm) return;
354         $.ajax({
355             type: "post",
356             url: "/modal_delete_teacher/",
357             data: {"teacher_id": teacherID},
358             success: function (data) {
359                 var dataObj = $.parseJSON(data);
360                 if (dataObj.status === 0) { //后端删除成功
361                     swal("删除成功", dataObj.msg, "success");
362                     $tr.remove()  //删除页面中那一行数据
363                 } else {
364                     swal("出错啦。。。", dataObj.msg, "error");  //后端删除失败
365                 }
366             },
367             error: function () {  // ajax请求失败
368                 swal("啊哦。。。", "服务器走丢了。。。", "error");
369             }
370         })
371     });
372     })
374   </script>
375     <script>
377     </script>
378 </body></html>


checkID[i] =$(this).val();




 1 def teacher(request):
 3    conn=pymysql.connect(
 4        host='',port=3306,
 5        user='root',password='',db='day66',charset='utf8'
 7    )
 8    cursor=conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
 9    cursor.execute("select t2.td,t2.tn,group_concat(cname) as cn ,group_concat(cid) as cd from class RIGHT join (select t1.tid as td,t1.tname as tn,class_id  from teacher2class INNER join (select tid,tname from teacher)t1 ON teacher2class.teacher_id=t1.tid)t2 on t2.class_id=class.cid GROUP by t2.td")
10    teacher_list=cursor.fetchall()
11    cursor.execute("select cid,cname from class")
12    cs_list = cursor.fetchall()
13    cursor.close()
14    conn.close()
15    return  render(request,'teacher.html',{'teacher_list':teacher_list,"cs_list":cs_list})

拿数据库信息展示时,因为教师可以教多个班级,所以教师在与班级关联的表当中同样的tid会有多条信息,所以联表查询,再用group by分组与group_concat来将同一个教师的班级来进行聚合字符串拼接,这样cn字段拿到的值就是一个教师带的多个班级

def modal_add_teacher(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        new_teacher_name = request.POST.get("teachername")
        new_class_id = request.POST.get("checkid")
        if new_teacher_name:
            conn = pymysql.connect(
                host='', port=3306,
                user='root', password='', db='day66', charset='utf8'
            cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
            cursor.execute("insert into teacher(tname) VALUES (%s)", [new_teacher_name,])
            conn = pymysql.connect(
                host='', port=3306,
                user='root', password='', db='day66', charset='utf8'
            cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
            cursor.execute("select * from teacher")
            t_clists = cursor.fetchall()[-1]
            for item in new_class_id:
                itemq = int(item)
                cursor.execute("insert into teacher2class(class_id,teacher_id) VALUES (%s,%s)", [itemq, tc_id])
            return HttpResponse("OK")
            error = "班级名称不能为空"
            return HttpResponse(error)


 1 def modal_edit_teacher(request):
 2     if request.method == "POST":
 3         new_teacher_name = request.POST.get("teachername")
 4         new_class_id = request.POST.get("checkid")
 5         new_t_id = request.POST.get("tid")
 6         newtd=int(new_t_id)
 7         new_class_id=json.loads(new_class_id)
 8         if new_teacher_name:
 9             conn = pymysql.connect(
10                 host='', port=3306,
11                 user='root', password='', db='day66', charset='utf8'
12             )
13             cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
14             cursor.execute("update teacher set tname=%s where tid=%s", [new_teacher_name,newtd])
15             conn.commit()
16             cursor.close()
17             conn.close()
18             conn = pymysql.connect(
19                 host='', port=3306,
20                 user='root', password='', db='day66', charset='utf8'
21             )
22             cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
23             cursor.execute("select class_id from teacher2class INNER join (select tid from teacher where tname=%s)t1 on teacher_id = t1.tid",[new_teacher_name])
24             ret=cursor.fetchall()
25             li=[]
26             for it in ret:
27                 li.append(str(it["class_id"]))
28             old=set(li)
29             old_new=old.symmetric_difference(new_class_id)
30             if old_new:
31                 new=(old_new.difference(old))
32                 olds=(old_new.difference(new_class_id))
33                 if new:
34                     for inew in new:
35                         cursor.execute("insert into teacher2class(class_id, teacher_id) VALUES(%s,%s) ", [inew, new_t_id])
36                 if olds:
37                     for iold in olds:
38                         cursor.execute("delete from teacher2class where class_id=%s",[iold])
39                 conn.commit()
40                 cursor.close()
41                 conn.close()
42             return HttpResponse("OK")
43         else:
44             error = "班级名称不能为空"
45             return HttpResponse(error)



 1 def modal_delete_teacher(request):
 2     if request.method == "POST":
 3         new_teacher_gd = request.POST.get("teacher_id")
 4         new_teacher_id=int(new_teacher_gd)
 5         conn = pymysql.connect(
 6             host='', port=3306,
 7             user='root', password='', db='day66', charset='utf8'
 8         )
 9         cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
10         if new_teacher_gd:
11             cursor.execute("delete from teacher where tid=%s ", [new_teacher_id])
12             cursor.execute("delete from teacher2class where teacher_id=%s ", [new_teacher_id])
13             conn.commit()
14             cursor.close()
15             conn.close()
16             ret=json.dumps({"status":0,"msg":'一鼓作气'})
17             return HttpResponse(ret)
19         else:
20             error = "有一些小毛病"
21             ret = json.dumps({"status": 1, "msg": error})
22             return HttpResponse(ret)






posted on 2017-11-30 16:28  Symoon_g  阅读(1546)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报