Designing My Colorful Dream

    I encountered a problem when coding where I wanted to convert a string to an enum last night, First, I generated a long list of switch and case statements to handle this problem. But it is very awkward, so I tried to find a simple way to do it, finally I got it.
    Sample code as below :

     enum NodeType { RootNode, CorpNode, CentralNode, DepartmentNode }

     public class OrganizeNode
         public static NodeType getNodeType(string strNodeName)
              NodeType nodeType;
              nodeType = (NodeType) NodeType.Parse(typeof(NodeType), strNodeName, true);
              return nodeType;
posted on 2004-06-22 03:53  fengzhimei  阅读(1831)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报