Designing My Colorful Dream

    Long time ago, I upgraded my msn to a new version 6.1, since then i'm no longer able to login. when i sign in, a message pops up, that says, something like:
    Sorry we could not sign you in, because it appears like your password or sign-in name is incorrect.
    If you have forgotten you password.....
    Trust me, my password and signin name is for sure correct.
    How can i fix this?By accident, I got a solution, which is as follow.
    Sign in with just a wrong name and password(any if you want). After you do that just write the whole thing out again with your right name and password. ex: 
    It should work after that.

posted on 2004-06-03 22:13  fengzhimei  阅读(3957)  评论(11编辑  收藏  举报