const maxnodes=500000; var fx:array[1..8] of char=('E','F','G','H','A','B','C','D'); t:array[0..maxnodes,'A'..'Z'] of longint; f,q,w:array[0..maxnodes] of longint; e:array[0..1001,0..1001] of char; s:array[0..1001] of char; colu,line:array[0..1] of longint; done:array[0..1001] of boolean; ans:array[0..1001] of record x,y,f:longint; end; n,m,num,u,i,j,k,l,r,root,size,x,y,p,li,co,tmp,len:longint; c:char; function nx(var x,y:longint; f:longint):char; begin case f of 1:dec(x); 2:begin dec(x); inc(y); end; 3:inc(y); 4:begin inc(x); inc(y); end; 5:inc(x); 6:begin inc(x); dec(y); end; 7:dec(y); 8:begin dec(x); dec(y); end; end; if (x<1)or(x>n)or(y<1)or(y>m) then exit('!'); exit(e[x,y]); end; begin readln(n,m,num); line[0]:=1; line[1]:=n; colu[0]:=1; colu[1]:=m; for i:=1 to n do begin for j:=1 to m do read(e[i,j]); readln; end; root:=0; size:=0; for i:=1 to num do begin len:=0; while not eoln do begin inc(len); read(s[len]); end; p:=root; for j:=len downto 1 do begin c:=s[j]; if t[p][c]=0 then begin inc(size); t[p][c]:=size; end; p:=t[p][c]; end; w[p]:=i; readln; end; l:=0; r:=0; for c:='A' to 'Z' do if t[root][c]<>0 then begin inc(r); q[r]:=t[root][c]; f[q[r]]:=root; end; while l<r do begin inc(l); u:=q[l]; for c:='A' to 'Z' do if t[u][c]<>0 then begin inc(r); q[r]:=t[u][c]; p:=f[u]; while (p<>root)and(t[p][c]=0) do p:=f[p]; f[q[r]]:=t[p][c]; end; end; for k:=1 to 8 do for li:=0 to 1 do for co:=1 to m do begin x:=line[li]; y:=co; p:=root; c:=e[x,y]; while true do begin while (p<>root)and(t[p][c]=0)do p:=f[p]; p:=t[p][c]; tmp:=p; while tmp<>root do begin if (w[tmp]>0)and(not done[w[tmp]]) then begin ans[w[tmp]].x:=x; ans[w[tmp]].y:=y; ans[w[tmp]].f:=k; done[w[tmp]]:=true; end; tmp:=f[tmp]; end; c:=nx(x,y,k); if c='!' then break; end; end; for k:=1 to 8 do for co:=0 to 1 do for li:=1 to n do begin x:=li; y:=colu[co]; p:=root; c:=e[x,y]; while true do begin while (p<>root)and(t[p][c]=0)do p:=f[p]; p:=t[p][c]; tmp:=p; while tmp<>root do begin if (w[tmp]>0)and(not done[w[tmp]]) then begin ans[w[tmp]].x:=x; ans[w[tmp]].y:=y; ans[w[tmp]].f:=k; done[w[tmp]]:=true; end; tmp:=f[tmp]; end; c:=nx(x,y,k); if c='!' then break; end; end; for i:=1 to num do writeln(ans[i].x-1,' ',ans[i].y-1,' ',fx[ans[i].f]); end.