type node=record u,d:longint; end; const maxn=30001; maxm=400001; oo=1<<30; var n,m,s,t,cnt,size,u,v,w,i,j:longint; e:array[0..maxm] of record v,n,w:longint; end; l,d:array[0..maxn] of longint; vis:array[0..maxn] of boolean; h:array[0..maxm] of node; procedure swap(var a:longint; b:longint); var temp:node; begin temp:=h[a]; h[a]:=h[b]; h[b]:=temp; a:=b; end; procedure ins(new:node); var k:longint; begin inc(size); h[size]:=new; k:=size; while (k>1)and(h[k>>1].d>h[k].d) do swap(k,k>>1); end; procedure deltop; var k,p:longint; begin h[1]:=h[size]; dec(size); k:=1; while k<=size>>1 do begin p:=k<<1; if (p<size)and(h[p].d>h[p+1].d) then inc(p); if h[k].d>h[p].d then swap(k,p) else break; end; end; procedure add(u,v,w:longint); begin inc(cnt); e[cnt].v:=v; e[cnt].w:=w; e[cnt].n:=l[u]; l[u]:=cnt; end; procedure dijkstra; var u,v,p,w:longint; new,now:node; begin fillchar(d,sizeof(d),127); d[s]:=0; new.u:=s; new.d:=0; ins(new); while size>0 do begin now:=h[1]; u:=now.u; w:=now.d; if u=t then break; //important deltop; if vis[u] then continue; vis[u]:=true; p:=l[u]; while p<>0 do begin v:=e[p].v; if d[u]+e[p].w<d[v] then begin d[v]:=d[u]+e[p].w; new.d:=d[v]; new.u:=v; ins(new); end; p:=e[p].n; end; end; writeln(d[t]); end; begin assign(input,'sssp.in'); reset(input); assign(output,'hd.out'); rewrite(output); readln(n,m); for i:=1 to m do begin readln(u,v,w); add(u,v,w); add(v,u,w); end; s:=1; t:=n; dijkstra; close(output); end.
type enode=record v,w,n:longint; end; const oo=2139062143; var e:array[0..310000] of enode; h,d,q:array[0..31000] of longint; vis:array[0..31000] of boolean; n,m,i,x,y,z,head,tail,s,t,u,v,p,cnt:longint; procedure add(x,y,z:longint); begin inc(cnt); e[cnt].v:=y; e[cnt].w:=z; e[cnt].n:=h[x]; h[x]:=cnt; end; begin assign(input,'sssp.in'); reset(input); assign(output,'spfa.out'); rewrite(output); readln(n,m); for i:=1 to m do begin readln(x,y,z); add(x,y,z); add(y,x,z); end; s:=1; t:=n; fillchar(d,sizeof(d),127); fillchar(vis,sizeof(vis),0); head:=0; tail:=1; q[1]:=s; d[s]:=0; vis[s]:=true; while head<>tail do begin head:=head mod n+1; u:=q[head]; vis[u]:=false; p:=h[u]; while p<>0 do begin v:=e[p].v; if d[v]>d[u]+e[p].w then begin d[v]:=d[u]+e[p].w; if not vis[v] then begin vis[v]:=true; tail:=tail mod n+1; q[tail]:=v; end; end; p:=e[p].n; end; end; if d[t]=oo then writeln(-1) else writeln(d[t]); close(output); end.
procedure floyd; for k:=1 to n do for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to n do dis[i,j]:=min(dis[i,j],dis[i,k]+dis[k,j]);