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SEO Basics:The First Step is to make the core architecture of your web site to be search engine friendly.

We should create beautiful database driven websites that are search engine friendly,, ensuring our web site are at the top of the search engine listings for your key phrases and products. Once our site is at the top of the search engines we have tol defend this position.

These  particular requirements from our boss.

If you’re developing a new web site, it’s important to make sure your web developers are not only designing and planning the site architecture for functionality, user experience and ease of site maintenance, but also for search engines. Getting SEO consultants or good SEO advice at the very beginning of a web site project can save considerable headache and expense down the road.

Now,ensure your site is crawlable.

A few of the common issues that can make it difficult for search engine spiders to crawl a web site effectively include:


Fo more, A book were highly recommended: Professional Search Engine Optimization With Asp.net

posted on 2009-12-07 18:55  ASP.Net 4.0教程  阅读(235)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
