

Created: 2023-06-04T09:09+08:00

Published: 2023-06-19T09:08+08:00

Categories: ReadingNotes

第 26 章关于生离死别的印象深刻,water、bell ……

On the 31st of July, 1944, Saint-Exupéry left for his last mission. His airplane was destroyed by Germans over the Mediterranean. On that day, Saint-Exupéry didn't return... in the open sky, he found risk, death, and glory.

chapter 1

the author read a book and saw the boa constrictor

draw a picture which looks like a hat

he showed this picture to the grown-up but they cant recognize it

so he gave up the dream of being an artist

but the author still show the picture to others to see their responses, but all of them thought it was a hat

the author is frustrated and would not talk with him/her about the beautiful imagination inside himself.

chapter 2

the author made the acquaintance with the little prince

the plane drove by the author crashed in a desert, and the water he brought with him could only support for one week

suddenly a little person talked to him: can u draw me a sheep?

the author use the boa-elephant picture but the person recognized it, so the author draw many sheep for him, but they all got rejected for different reason: too old, ram, ...

the author finally drew a box and told him that the sheep is in the box, and the little prince got satisfied.

chapter 3

talks with him, I know that he is from a planet.

he does not need a string to tie the sheep, because where he lives is so small that the sheep would wander far away.

chapter 4

the prince from asteroid B612, the author use the story to introduce the fact that grown-ups like figures.

the author does not want to forget his friend -- litte prince, so he drew portrait for him.

chapter 5

the prince asked "does sheep eat baobabs?"

he cares for the baobabs because in his little planet, baobabs are bad plants and will split the planet as it grows up.

so the author draw a impressive picture that ask people to watch out the baobabs.

chapter 6

the prince loves sunset. he said one day he watched sunset forty-four times.

in his planet, he can just move steps to see the twilight.

chapter 7

the author is busy fixing the plane and does not care about what prince said about the thorns and sheep.

the prince got angery and cried for the author spoke like a grown-up and thought that the flower he care and love is not important.

note. 但是作者快要死了,prince 不体谅一下吗?还是不要较真为妙。

chapter 8

there is a flower on prince's planet, and he loves her.

but he leave her because the words she said, about claws and tiger or something.

she gave him the fragrance, but he left her, so he feels regretful.

chapter 9

prince gonna leave, the flower became tender.

but we don't know why he wants to leave

chapter 10

prince to visit the astroids

the first he visited habited by a king

the king is lonely and need to show his authority

chapter 11

conceited man on a planet

chapter 12


chapter 13

a bussiness man counting stars who thinks that he own them.

but little prince can't figure out what is the meaning of it.

chapter 14

a lamplighter lights up every minite because the planet he lives turns so rapidly.

prince tells him that he could rest by walking, but he prefers sleeping, and he has to continue the lighting up and puting out.

chapter 15

a geographer who records words from explorers from far away.

he said he does not record flowers because it is ephemeral.

the prince felt regretable.

chapter 16

the author describe there are many grown-ups in the planet

chapter 17

the prince landed on the desert and met a snake.

he said he had some trouble with the flower he loves, that is the reason he left her.

chapter 18

prince met a flower on the desert.

flower said men have no roots.

chapter 19

little prince in mountains and no one relied him. there were only echoes.

chapter 20

prince was lead to a garden, there are many roses, and he felt that he was not so special, because the flower he owned is just a common rose.

so the prince cried

chapter 21

prince gets called by a fox, and the fox explained "tame" to him.

then the prince tamed the fox and understand that his relationship with the rose just likes with the fox.

the rose is unique and not like other roses he met.

"No," said the little prince. "I am looking for friends. What does that mean-- 'tame'?"
"It is an act too often neglected," said the fox. It means to establish ties."

"I want to, very much," the little prince replied. "But I have not much time. I have friends to discover, and a great many things to understand."
"One only understands the things that one tames," said the fox. "Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy things all ready made at the shops. But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship, and so men have no friends any more. If you want a friend, tame me..."

"What is a rite?" asked the little prince.
"Those also are actions too often neglected," said the fox. "They are what make one day different from other days, one hour from other hours.

"Goodbye," said the fox. "And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."

"It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important."

chapter 22

prince met the railway switch man, and they talked about the people on the train who do not know where they head for.

but children know what they devote their time for, so they are lucky.

chpater 23

met a merchant who sold pills to quench thirst so that who uses it would save 53 mininutes per week.

but the prince said he would rather walk to drink with the saved time.

chapter 24

the author and prince set out for the well.

the author understood that what makes those beautiful is something invisible, just like the hidden well in the desert, burried treasure under the house in the legend.

"What makes the desert beautiful," said the little prince, "is that somewhere it hides a well..."

"Yes," I said to the little prince. "The house, the stars, the desert-- what gives them their beauty is something that is invisible!"

I felt the need of protecting him, as if he himself were a flame that might be extinguished by a little puff of wind...

—— 洛夫 · 因为风的缘故

chapter 25

they found the well and felt happy to drink water.

but the prince had landed on earth for one year and desert is exactly where he landed on.

But I was not reassured. I remembered the fox.

One runs the risk of weeping a little, if one lets himself be tamed...

chapter 26

the prince left the author, eternally.

"It is just as it is with the flower. If you love a flower that lives on a star, it is sweet to look at the sky at night. All the stars are a-bloom with flowers..."

"And when your sorrow is comforted (time soothes all sorrows) you will be content that you have known me.

You will always be my friend. You will want to laugh with me. And you will sometimes open your window, so, for that pleasure... and your friends will be properly astonished to see you laughing as you look up at the sky! Then you will say to them, 'Yes, the stars always make me laugh!' And they will think you are crazy.

It will be a very shabby trick that I shall have played on you..."

"I shall look as if I were suffering. I shall look a little as if I were dying. It is like that. Do not come to see that. It is not worth the trouble..."

chapter 27

And no grown-up will ever understand that this is a matter of so much importance!

posted @ 2023-06-19 09:18  dutrmp19  阅读(12)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报