
Happier reading notes

Created: 2023-04-01T22:19+08:00


Categories: ReadingNotes

Happier 是同学在 2023 年 3 月 27 日(写日记真的很有意思)的推荐。

根据自己使用 toggl 的记录,本书的阅读和笔记时间在 20 小时左右。



YouTube 上的原视频:Happiness,视频起这个标题真是巧了。

作者用 present、future,benefit、detriment 两两排列组合,得到了四种人格。

想想有时候自己内卷起来,就是 rat-racer,沉迷游戏的时候,就像是 hedonism,感觉一阵的空虚,就是 nihilism 了。

看完了一整本书,我知道了真的快乐是兼具 meaning 和 pleasure,而获得真正快乐的关键在于时间。

一天只有 24 个小时,我们要把自己的时间分配到自己喜欢的事情里面。面对一些看起来困难的事情但是确实有意义的事情,要告诉自己,要进入 flow 的状态要求的就是要做看起来难一点点的事情,而且别人能做到的,我们也能做到。做的时候就 immerse 进去就好了,路看起来是很长很长的,这一点没有关系,起码我们知道目标已经在那里了,目标的作用就是将我们从无用的担忧中解放出来(The proper role of goals is to liberate us, so that we can enjoy the here and now),就像《毛毛:时间窃贼和一个小女孩的不可思议的故事》里清洁工说:







I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.


关于改变,书中无数次提到关注自己时间的分配,为自己想要做的事情挤出时间,21 天可以养成一个习惯,用张雨生的话说(虽然也是引用胡适的):「要怎么收获,先那么栽,不是吗!」

书的结尾关于生活像 mosaic 的话语,我想起了家人、朋友、工作、健康和灵魂的比喻,我们要把握好每一片,爱家人和朋友、爱工作、爱学习、爱自己、爱艺术。



  • basic information of this course
  • the paradox: richness and happiness
  • why course become popular
  • why this book: we are researchers
  • main content of this book: many chapters
  • how to use this book: time in and exercise

介绍书籍的 why:为什么要写;what:书籍的内容是什么;how:如何使用这本书。

最后,the question of questions:

how can we help ourselves and others—individuals, communities, and society—become happier?

the question of questions: "how can we help ourselves and others—individuals, communities, and society—become happier?"

the history of this course: 6 students to 380 to 855.

the aim of this course: author quotes James, for happiness.

the content of this course: not just theory, students need to write, set goals and find "stretch zone".

as the course became popular, author pondered why this course become popular, why people are more "depressed".

the interests in and study of "happiness" transcends time and place, and nowadays more and younger people are depressed.

the reason is not richness, so people turn to positive psychology for help.

why positive psychology

束之高阁的 research 和没什么实质内容的 self-help book,本书的作用之一是 bridge the ivory tower and main street。

本书的内容基于经过严格的 testing 的 research。

using this book

reflection and action

time-in: 用时间思考的部分,reflection




ch1: motivatoin of the research

ch2: hedonist and rat-racer are not good

ch3: why happiness need meaning and pleasure

ch4: happiness should be ultimate currency

ch5: ties the ideas presented in this book to the existing psychological literature on goal setting.

ch6: let students to be happy

ch7: let workers to be happy

ch8: love


md1: the relationship between happiness, self-interest, and benevolence.

md2: happiness boosters—brief activities that provide both meaning and pleasure

md3: I challenge the idea that our level of happiness is predetermined by our genetic makeup or early experiences and that it cannot be changed.

md4: identifies ways of overcoming some of the psychological barriers

md5: provides a thought experiment that offers a point from which we can reflect upon, and find some answers to, the question of questions.

md6: considers how our attempt to fit more and more activities into less and less time may be impeding the possibility of leading happier lives.

md7: happiness revolution

pt1: what is happiness

ch1: the question of Happiness

  • champion is not happy
  • question:how to find lasting happiness
  • question: what is happiness
  • i don't know happiness, but there area some principles
  • principles in suffering may not be applible, but we can be happier,内容上,使用 suffering 作为一个 principle 和 happier 之间的过渡
  • exercise:rituals that make u happier, write down 5 things make u grateful everyday

本章内容为引出 happier 这一概念。我最大的收获是,我们要理解人生、心情总有起落,我反正不可能一直 happy,而 happiness 是在追求的过程中得到的,只能不断去尝试 be happier。

最后是 exercise,ritual 和感恩。



how to find lasting happiness?

作者,the author,花了 5 年时间,自律、刻苦,终于拿到了 Israeli national squash championship,但是极度的兴奋过后,他感到 emptiness。

将目标替换为 world championship,无法保证给他带来快乐。所以大学去读 philosophy and psychology 了。

I became obsessed with the answer to a single question: how can I find lasting happiness?

大多数人和作者一样,虽然 the goal is change, but the pattern leaves the same.

so, what is happiness?

"I do not have the complete answer to the single question I posed at age sixteen—I suspect that I will never have it"

note: 我曾经上语义学的时候,有一种观点,符号定义将陷入递归,文学不是数理逻辑。

作者写书目的是:general principles underlying a happy and fulfilling life

from Happy to Happier

「am i happy」是二极管问题,因为没有人可以一直 happy 下去,感情总是会「从绚烂走回平凡」,这样的结果只能是 yes or no,当然我们可以发问「how to be happy」。可是就算我们找到了答案,到达了 happy,也又要回到第一个问题。关键是这种问法,把 happy 视作一种有限的状态,而另一种看法是把 happy 视作无限的资源,所以提出要 focus on 「how to be happier」。


we need to recognize that happiness is an unlimited resource and then focus on ways in which we can attain more of it.


introduce rituals that will make you happier

note: 好像没啥开心的事儿,对我来说,比如看书?每周给妹妹打个电话?看书是自发的,打电话需要提醒事项。

expressing gratitude

  1. write down
  2. five things
  3. grateful

ch2:Reconciling Present and Future


组合出 4 种典型 archetype


To varying degrees, and in different combinations, we all have characteristics of the rat racer, the hedonist, the nihilist, and the one who is happy.



我认为,告诉我们这四种「正交」的人格,是为了让我们在感受到这些情感的时候及时抽身:无法摆脱不快乐的时候不要沉湎其中,毕竟没得选,要牢记内心,所有的苦难都是为了达到 present and future happiness,快乐的时候就好好享受,珍惜。

Rat-Racer Archetype


Behavior Pattern:Chase the ever-elusive goal

Resulted:present detriment and future benefit

Reason:our culture reinforces this belief.

the happiness is not really happy, and they Confuse relief and happiness.

Hedonism Archetype

behaviour pattern:exclusively seek pleasure and avoid pain

reason:err equating effort with pain and pleasure with happiness

note: 我们既要有 effort,又要在其中找到 happiness


Nihilism Archetype

who has become resigned to the belief that life has no meaning.

note: 「在于对所有追寻的期待」,「写作是为了活着」

Happiness Archetype


The key is to keep in mind, even as one forgoes some present gain for the sake of a larger future gain, that the objective is to spend as much time as possible engaged in activities that provide both present and future benefit.


The rat racer becomes a slave to the future; the hedonist, a slave to the moment; the nihilist, a slave to the past.

note. 写得真好,未来的奴隶,当下的奴隶,过去的奴隶。


四象限:连续四天内写下自己在四个象限的真实感受,包括 emotion,behaviour 和 thoughts,第四天要写 happiness,一天最多写一个。写得时候还有 instruction,太复杂啦。


深吸气,充满 stomach,想象自己快乐,这么做多了,以后就能想到积极的词汇,就能 positive 起来。

note. 确实,中午在公司睡不着的时候只能这样。

ch3: Happiness Explained


首先定义 Happiness,第一当然是 pleasure,一种最简单的 emotion,但是瘾君子也享受着 pleasure,所以第二是要有 meaning。一谈到 meaning 这个话题,大家就说,哦,purpose、ideal,但是现实总是残酷的,大部分人都只是被迫前进。我的现实和我的理想就像反方向的列车。


要让自己 engage 到 happy 的事情中,减少那些 unhappy 在自己生活中的占比。提出了记录并回看的 Exercise。

以小孩提问为引子,小孩问问题,不是基于得到答案,而是出于 infinitely regression why 的行为模式。

一个终结所有问题:why do you want to be happy?

We pursue happiness because it is in our nature to do so.

Happiness should be the highest end.

after soving why, we need to know what is happiness and how to be happy

第一章提到过,作者自己也无法回答,但是在这里自己定义了 happiness:

the overall experience of pleasure and meaning.

a person can endure emotional pain at times and still be happy overall

既要 pleasure,又要 meaning,类比为 present 和 future


作者在分析人类行为的动机:emotions cuase motion

举例+生理基础:有 emtion 人才会行动,而快乐是 pleasure。

note. 我认为真正的快乐是可以被「把握」,不是那种磕了药一样的快乐。


单一的 pleasure 不是快乐,举了个「快乐机器」的例子,人需要通过自己的努力去取得快乐。

但是 meaning 不是普通的 set goals

we choose our purpose in accordance with our own values and passions rather than conforming to others' expectations.

note. 我还没找到

idealism and realism


We need to find specific actions

potential and happiness


success and happiness



the need for meaning and pleasure


note. 这部分都在说一件事,读起来有点重复。

Quantity and Quality



Mapping our life

Record our life, reflect on our life, evaluate our life. Decide should we devote more time to some event or not.



我理解为微调自己的生活根据 pleasure 和 meaning,在一小部分时间内看自己,看自己是不是和人生的最高价值吻合。

最后采取行动,也就是之前提到的 ritualize,比如 Internet free 以及多陪陪家人。

note. 看前几次的 Exercise,离不开的主题就是记录自己,采取行动。

ch4. The Ultimate Currency

Collins 作为教师,给予学生关爱,发展教育事业,并且拒绝了更好的 offer,还是要做教师。认为在教室里的自己是世界上最富有的人。

揭露人们追求财富后的行为,是为了 happiness,财富本身的意义。

然后,虽然我们现在知道了财富的意义是通往 happiness,但是生活中,income 和 happiness 本身不正相关。

Happiness as the Ultimate Currency

wealth 和 fame 内在是无用的,但是能够构筑通往 happiness 的道路,所以有用。

The least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it.

—— Carl Jung

权衡的基准应当以最终目标,happiness 为依据。

Wealth and Happiness

Money—beyond the bare minimum necessary for food and shelter (and I am not talking caviar and castles)—is nothing more than a means to an end. Yet so often we confuse means with ends and sacrifice happiness (end) for money (means).

note. 让我想起「技术」只是方法、工具而已。



note. 大师,有没有既高收入又 happy 的方法啊?写书算吗?


We no longer accumulate to live; we live to accumulate.

Emotional Bankruptcy

当今世界累计财富而不注意情绪价值的结果,就是情感破产。作用于个体就是 depression,作用于社会就是整个社会都不开心,比如鸡娃。

note. 当一种风气在社会上蔓延,越来越多的人无法寻找到快乐。


  • 填补句子,获得启示
  • 可视化自己理想的生活,越具体越好,越 quantify 越好

ch5. setting goals

作者一开始认为人要无欲无求,后来不是的,需要 set goals

Goals and Success

lead to better performnace:

  • explicit objectives
  • clear timeline
  • performance criteria

Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation) there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too.

truth 就是当我们下决心要做某事的时候(不论用口头承诺或是其他方式),providence(天意),或者说成功的天平就向我们倾斜。

note. 感觉有点打鸡血、灌鸡汤,但是有用的地方在于开头的三点。

至于 time-in,我现在还在迷茫:

What are you committed to now?

Goals and Well-Being




note. 让我想到「不以物喜,不以己悲」。

这不意味着目标就对我们不重要了,它们的关系就像是 Destination 和 Journey 的关系。

The Role of Goals

The proper role of goals is to liberate us, so that we can enjoy the here and now.



Self-Concordant Goals

这种目标的核心是 we choose the goal,而不是被 imposed 的 goals。

note. 是遵从内心呼唤的目标,而不是世俗强加给人的目标。但是这个格局就高了,数学博士不如一张披萨,因为没法养活一家人。

We pursue these goals not because others think we should or because we feel obligated to, but because we really want to—because we find them significant and enjoyable.


Want-To Versus Have-To


Time is a zero-sum game, a limited resource. Life is too short to do only what we have to do; it is barely long enough to do what we want to do.


如何找到我们「want to」的事情呢,一个做法是,从「Can do」中逐渐剥离「want to do」。


setting self-concordant goals




  1. long-term goals。这个叫做 lifeline,每年,每三十年这样子,然后注意,达到与否不是最重要的,重要的是享受当下。
  2. short-term goals。分而治之的思想,分割目标。比如一天的目标,一个月的目标
  3. action plan。what we need to do to achieve goals。put these activities into your calendar.

note. 写得真好

Happiness Board

  1. 确定自己的 board member
  2. 成为别人的 board member

关心你的人就是你的 board members,让他们来帮助你 commit。


在别人的帮助下,ritual 更可能实现。

pt2. Happiness Applied

ch6. Happiness in Education



最后还是说到了一些关于 work 的内容,人们不应该把 struggle and effort 和 happiness 对立起来。

how student are motivated? 作者提出了两个模型,「溺水模型(drowning model)」和「性交模型(lovemaking model)」。

note. 我翻译得准确吗?



学习应该以快乐为驱动,以 achievement 为驱动的话,那么最终导致的,是人生道路选择上,以 achievement 为驱动。

In school, children should be encouraged to pursue the paths that afford them pleasure and meaning. If a student wants to be a social worker and has taken the time to consider the costs and benefits of such a career, then his teachers should encourage him even though he might earn more as an investment banker.

以快乐为驱动,才能 determine success。

Psychologists agree that IQ contributes only about 20 percent of the factors that determine success. A full 80 percent comes from other factors, including what I call emotional intelligence.


immersed, reward oneself

no pain, no gain. 是错误的,我们要 present gain, future gain.

pain 是因为当前任务难度太高,远超出我们的能力,如果当前任务难度太低,我们就会无聊,所以要达到 flow 的状态,需要 task difficulty 和 skill level match。

将 flow 概念应用于学习中,如果老师太 push,强调 outcome,学生就会 anxiety。

note. 这部分的逻辑我很难理解,flow 是指任务的难度和个人能力,这里说老师的态度也会影响。

The Underprivilege of Privilege



note. 所以当我跌断翅膀的时候,你不扶我但陪我学忍痛。

Emotions as the Great Equalizer

快乐的可得性对每个人都是一样的,快乐很公平,所以说「The ultimate currency is the great equalizer」。

Once basic needs—food, shelter, and adequate education—are met, not much distinguishes among different income groups in the realm of emotions.

note. 人真正的名字叫做:欲望。


No privilege in the world can protect us from experiencing emotional pain


Prejudice Against Work


note. 当然,甲方乙方推诿扯皮和自己专心调研/写代码都是工作,前者谁都不想参与。

实际上,不少 flow 的状态,都是在工作中得到的。如果我们确实在工作中得到了积极的经历(positive experience),却对其进行消极的(negative)评估,那么就会限制我们感到快乐的潜力。

Work can, and ought to, be a place in which we experience positive emotions.




Education Program



The Privilege of Hardship


note. 我感觉大多数不愿意从事的事情,就是没有现在的好处以及看不到长远的好处,而且别人也看不到,就只能麻痹自己:「哎呀,忍一忍就过去啦」。

ch7. Happiness in the Workplace

对我而言,重要的可能是 MPS(Meaning, Pleasure and Strengths)那部分,用来给自己发问,做做职业规划。



Slave to Passions



Whether or not our subjective experience of work is of freedom depends on whether we choose to be slaves to material wealth or to emotional prosperity, slaves to others' expectations or to our passions.


note. 欲望

Blaming others—our parents, our teachers, our boss, or the government—may yield sympathy but not happiness. The ultimate responsibility for finding the right job or creating the right conditions at work lies with us.


If, however, the setup of our job is such that it is impossible for us to feel interested and engaged, no matter how hard we try, then we might choose to look for an alternative source of income.

note. 如果工作无法让我们感兴趣和获得参与感,那么就需要我们自己找乐子。find an alternative

Had we found ourselves in a job that did not afford us our basic material needs, we would do everything in our power to change our predicament. So why do we set lower standards for ourselves when the ultimate currency—when our own happiness—is at stake?


courage is not about not having fear but about having fear and going ahead anyway.


Finding Our Calling



The Meaning, Pleasure, Strengths (MPS) Process & Using the MPS Process


  1. What gives me meaning?"
  2. What gives me pleasure?
  3. What are my strengths?

note. 请全文背诵

Crafting Our Calling

哪怕自己的工作十分枯燥,那么也要为它找到 meaning


note. 就好像泥瓦匠说自己在打造一座美丽的城市一样。不过人总有 35 岁、65 岁的那一天。。。

Focusing on Happiness

Happiness is not merely contingent on what we do or where we are but on what we choose to perceive.



MPS and Crafting Your Work

MPS 不必多说

至于 Crafting Your Work,记录自己的一天,减少自己不想做的事,为自己不得不做的事寻找意义。

ch8. Happiness in Relationships


首先,要承认爱对 Happiness 的积极作用。


爱建立在 core self 的基础上,两个人在一起,最核心的因素是,他们是因为人的品质在一起的。

爱的过程中,要追求 pleasure 和 meaning,而不是沉溺于享乐,或者成为 rat racer。

爱中不可避免地会有摩擦和牺牲,这种牺牲,建立在两人的 Happiness 会更多的基础上。不能有原则上的牺牲。



Unconditional Love & The Core Self

It depends on whether or not the characteristics we love in someone are manifestations of that person's core self.

无条件的爱建立在 core self 的基础上。

core self 只能通过行为被观测,而不是通过言语。

爱一个人,不是爱 ta 有钱,而是爱 ta 的 core self,只是有钱是 core self 的一种表现。

The Circle of Happiness


Meaning and Pleasure in Love

Mistaking pleasure for happiness, the hedonist in a relationship mistakes lust for love.

爱是共同进步,不是只为了 future benefit 而成为一对 rat-racer,也不是只为了 present benefit 而纵欲。

爱对快乐有着积极作用,但是核心还是要分解到 meaning and pleasure 上。

Love and Sacrifice




This is the great complement of love: that our self-interest expands to encompass our partner.

作者所言不好的「牺牲」,指的是,一个人放弃了对 ta 幸福至关重要的东西。

比如成为家庭主妇,永远地放弃了自己的 calling。如果只是暂时地放弃、让步,这就不是「牺牲」了。而是 each of them is happier than the other is happy.


The only way to begin to sort out the harmful from the beneficial is by evaluating the relationship, as a whole, in the currency of happiness.

什么意思呢,我理解为,当一个人舍去了 meaning 和 pleasure 时候,两个人的 meaning 和 pleasure 是更多的。这是一种「交易」。

To Be Known Rather than Validated

Cultivating over Finding

这两节合在一起,爱情不是寻找到一个对的人就意味着美满地度过一生。而是尽力去培养一段新的关系。换而言之,是 cultivating 而不是 finding。



Schnarch says that to cultivate genuine intimacy the focus in a relationship must shift from the desire to be validated —seeking approval and praise—to the desire to be known.

In the context of a relationship, the hard work is about cultivating intimacy.


A Letter of Gratitude

Relationship expert John Gottman is able to predict the success of a relationship based on how partners describe their past.

note. 好巧,我正好粗略地浏览过 Gottman 的一本书。


写表达自己感激之情的信件,能够加强关系中过去、现在和将来美好的部分。所以,make it a ritual。

Sentence Completion


pt3. Meditations on HAPPINESS

ch9. First Meditation: Self-Interest and Benevolence

The source of their unease is a belief—explicit or implicit—in the morality of duty.



Helping oneself and helping others are inextricably intertwined: the more we help others, the happier we become, and the happier we become, the more inclined we are to help others.



When making choices, we first need to ask ourselves what would make us happy independent of how much it might contribute to the happiness of others.


ch10. Second Meditation: Happiness Boosters

one or two happy experiences during an otherwise uninspiring period can transform our general state.


Introducing Change

habit 很重要,人们常处于而不自知,甚至自知也无法改变。

所以,if we live like rat racers,it is a disaster.

可行的方式是逐步引入 boosters。


我觉得不一定要更换,在 introduce 的 changes 中享受快乐也很好。

The Value of Free Time

One of the common mistakes people make is that in their free time they choose passive hedonism over an active pursuit of happiness.

在空闲的时间,人们是有选择的,可以去选择追求 happiness,但是可以选择去刷手机、看短视频之类的,也就是选择成为 hedonist。

书中用词是 mindless activity。

所以与其结束一天的工作后沉迷短视频(大概短视频没有 future benefit 吧),不如做一些让自己开心并且有意义的事。

ch11. Third Meditation: Beyond the Temporary High

首先是反驳「基因决定快乐基本水平」的论断,然后提出要把时间投入到自己 meaning and pleasure 的事儿上。


  • height: 幸福感的上下波动,类似于树叶
  • depth:幸福感植根所在,类似于树根


有学者认为人有类似恒温器的机制,虽然经历快乐与悲伤,但是还是会回到 depth 所决定的 well-being 水平。作者对这种说法提出反驳。

our genes define a range not a set point


作者认为我们可以通过自己的行动,让自己 happier,raise our level of well-being。

The Error of the Average


要通过调整自己时间分配,把时间投入到有 meaning 和 pleasure 的行为中去,让自己的快乐如同根系一样,而不是树叶。

ch12. Fourth Meditation: Letting Our Light Shine


我们首先要承认自己是值得快乐的,以一个开放的心态(opened mind)才能迎接快乐的到来。

这一章是心理上要正确,像前面可能有一些方法论之类的东西,比如 booster 之类。


Many people choose to do work they dislike when they could easily find work that would pay them well in the ultimate currency; many people resign themselves to being either alone or in an unhappy relationship rather than making the effort to find a person with whom to share their lives or to cultivate their existing relationship. Some people have jobs that provide them with present and future benefit yet still manage to find reasons to be unhappy at work; some people find meaning and pleasure in a relationship and then find ways to sabotage it. I have done all of these things, and more, to undermine my own happiness.


We ask ourselves who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?


note. 这句话我不会翻译啊,所以特地找了中译本


  1. 传统文化认为人是有罪的,比如「性本恶」
  2. 我们自己害怕失去快乐,从而「为了避免结束,你避免了一切开始」

Inherent Worthiness

我们必须要认为自己是有价值的,deserve to be happy,才能 be happier。

note. 快乐的结束也是需要用平常心去看待的,因为感觉不到快乐不意味着感觉到不快乐。

ch13. Fifth Meditation: Imagine

作者从医师关于癌症晚期病人的描述中得到启发,人之将死,对世间的一切都看开了很多,然后会更加关注身边美好的事物,去爱自己身边的人。换而言之,快死的人的心态 is happier。

所以作者提出,想象自己已经 110 岁,已经有了丰富的人生阅历,那么若能创越时间,会对年少的自己说一些什么?


ch14. Sixth Meditation: Take Your Time




When there are too many competing demands on our time and attention, our ability to be present is diminished—and with it, our ability to appreciate and enjoy the experience.

We are, generally, too busy, trying to squeeze more and more activities into less and less time.

如何解决?作者说这个问题的答案,坏消息是没有灵丹妙药,好消息是这么做不必以牺牲 success 为代价。


Psychologist Tim Kasser shows in his research that time affluence is a consistent predictor of well-being, whereas material affluence is not.

时间要富裕,因为着我们要挑出对自己有意义的事情,对其他事情说 No。

When Less Is More

时间不充裕的坏处有很多,比如削减创造力,「压力宿醉(pressure hangover)」。

还有物极必反,quantity affects quality,太多「美好」的东西反而可能会让人感到不适。

note. 我想,我们要做的是把自己 meaning 和 pleasure 的事情放到那些时间块里,在做这些事的时候,保持好心态,最好是 flow 的状态。

ch15. Seventh Meditation: The Happiness Revolution

科学的进步表现在了物质大大丰富,于是人们崇拜科学可能导致对物质的崇拜。所有无法被物质化和量化的东西重要性就降低了,这就是 Material Perception。

为了让我们和社会 happier,我们需要 Happiness Perception.

Happiness Perception 可以带来什么?

  1. 减少嫉妒。对物质的追求竞赛就像零和游戏,甲多了,乙就少了。
  2. 减少冲突。不做评价。


使用 Ultimate Currency 作为最终的准则来处理 Conflict。

forgive 和 condemn 都是我们自己的选择。

Conclusion Here and Now


我们常说,等我毕业了就,等我熬过去了就……实际上,这是让自己变成未来的奴隶(slave to future),把握住当下,从现在开始改变。


生活就像是 mosaic,我们要把握好其中的每一片。

posted @ 2023-06-13 21:49  dutrmp19  阅读(30)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报