
The Five Love Languages 阅读笔记

Created: 2023-04-19T08:03+08:00

Published: 2023-06-10T22:37+08:00

Categories: ReadingNotes


我觉得起着种名字怪怪的,为啥说五种不是六种。尤其是当我发现作者写了一堆类似的书,或者理解为 Top 5 Languages 比较合理。

本书阅读与笔记时间大约为 14 小时。



  1. 为什么有人说「婚姻为什么成为爱情的坟墓」
  2. 如何避免婚姻成为爱情的坟墓


I believe that our deepest emotional need is the need to feel loved.

-- chapter 13

我们心中就好像有一个爱的油箱(love tank),当油箱是满的,我们才能开动起来,有动力生活下去,而当油箱是空的,我们就会寂寞,这种心灵上的需要没有被满足,就通过行为表现出来(xxx 你怎么还不回家;xxx 你就不能倒一下垃圾吗?)。

为了让 love tank 常满,当然需要采取行动了,所以作者才提出了爱的五种语言,通过这五种语言去表达自己的爱,让自己所爱之人的 love tank be full。


第一个问题,为什么婚姻会成为爱情的坟墓?因为结婚后没有感觉到被爱,love tank is empty,作者的回答就是这么简单。



热恋,书中称为 in-love experience,双方具有如下特点:

We are emotionally obsessed with each other. We go to sleep thinking of one another. When we rise, that person is the first thought on our minds.


这是一种生物的本能(instinct),是出于 emotion 而非 mind。

We are pushed and carried along by an instinctual force that goes beyond our normal behavior patterns. But if, once we return to the real world of human choice, we choose to be kind and generous, that is real love.



Their minds have not melded together, and their emotions mingled only briefly in the ocean of love. Now the waves of reality begin to separate them. They fall out of love, and at that point either they withdraw, separate, divorce, and set off in search of a new in-love experience, or they begin the hard work of learning to love each other without the euphoria of the in-love obsession.


  1. Affirmation Words
  2. Quality Time
  3. Receiving Gifts
  4. Act of Service
  5. Physical Touch

五种语言可以说是行为上的指导,而全书中我自己印象最深的部分有两个。第一个是 love is choice,第二个是 self-revelation。

love is choice

But if, once we return to the real world of human choice, we choose to be kind and generous, that is real love.


Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

关于 love is a choice 这个观点,还涉及到了本书的出发点。或许有人会把本书作为一本《钓鱼指南》之类的读物,但是人去爱的行为应当是发自内心的,本书只是在教授人们如何合适地表达出这种情感。

关于 self-revelation,就是要认识与接纳自己真实的情感。书中使用了 babbling brook 和 dead sea 两种比喻。中国人少于自我表达与揭示(尤其是在公众场合),这其实切断了一条人与人之间沟通之间的重要途径。


总而言之,self-revelation 是勇敢地向所爱之人表达自己情感上重要的一步。


Keith, Allison's husband, had paid little attention to Allison's writing in the early days of their marriage. He was busy with his own vocation and caught up in the pressure of climbing the corporate ladder. In time, however, Keith had realized that life's deepest meaning is not found in accomplishments but in relationships.



If all wives loved as she does, fewer men would be looking over the fence.

looking over the fence,有《围城》的感觉。

This book is a tribute to their honesty.


ch1. what happens to love after the wedding?

  • 三段失败婚姻的商人
  • 失败原因是伴侣说着不同的爱的语言
  • 五种主要语言和数不尽的方言

从飞机上的例子入手,一个坐在 5A 位置的商人,有过三段婚姻。认为婚前很美好,但是都分开了。作者借此发问,为什么?许多伴侣也尝试修补之间的裂痕,但是为什么失败了。

然后作者给出了自己的答案(他称之为 truth),「我是学人类学(anthropology)的」,不同人类说不同的语言,正如伴侣之间对爱需求的具体表现不一样。在商人身上,他用言语表达自己对伴侣的爱,但是伴侣不买账,就像对中国人说英语一样。

爱只有 5 种主要的语言,同时又有数不尽的方言,这也解释了为什么市面上流程着那么多 10 tips to get your marriage better 之类的东西。




he said I did not understand the stress of being a twenty-four-hour nurse. She said I should be more understanding and help her more. I really tried, but it didn't seem to make any difference.

note. 关键词 understand,让我想起另一本书。讲的是女性表达情绪的时候,需要理解(Understand)共情(Empathize)。


But a few months after marriage, she started complaining, about petty things at first—like my not taking the garbage out or not hanging up my clothes. Later she went to attacking my character, telling me she didn't feel she could trust me, accusing me of not being faithful to her.

关键词 trust,也让我想起那本书,当恋人无法信任的时候,就是底层的逻辑崩溃的时候。

ch2. Keeping the Love Tank Full

开篇先说 love 是一个谜,elusive 难以捉摸。

从孩子说起,孩子有 love tank,举了 Ashely 的例子,她在父母离婚后跟随母亲,学校里有个男孩对她很好,然后交往,染上了性病。虽然第二个家庭对她也是关心的,但是 Ashley 没有感觉到被爱。

Ashley 这段感情让她 in love,这就是恋人之间的 in love,引申到被爱是一件终身的事情。

note. 张雨生:「要从绚烂走回平凡,才见到爱情的图案」

A wife says, "He ignores me all day long and then wants to jump in bed with me. I hate it."

note. 这和我在《The Man's Guide to Women》里看到的如出一辙——男人总想要 less fighting 和 more sex。

因为人最核心的需要就是 be loved,任何人在心灵的深处都有一个 love tank,tank 理解为「油箱」的意思,人就像车一样,需要 full love tank 来驱动。

ch3. Falling in Love

以一个大龄未婚女性想要和认识三周的男人结婚入手,极尽文字描写人类被爱情冲昏头脑的那种迷恋,以及婚后所面对那种无奈的现实。点明 emotion 和 mind。

使用 Janice 这个 36 岁未婚却要和约会 3 周的、离异 2 次、带 3 个娃的 David 结婚的例子。

The Anteroom of Heaven 天堂的接待室


note. 王小波对李银河说他有很多小毛病,但是只有一个好,「爱你」。

Reality Intrudes 现实入侵


note. 可见保持良好的卫生习惯有多重要(keep good hygiene habits)

婚后的生活和爱恋中完全不同,因为 obsession 是会消退的。

the average in-love experience lasts two years

in-love 持续时长平均为两年


Their minds have not melded together, and their emotions mingled only briefly in the ocean of love.



然后是关于平淡中爱情的诠释:这才是 true love,我们不是出于 obsession 才 kind 和 generous,而是在理智的加持下自己主动愿意为了对方而变得更好。

所以热恋期度过也是一件好事,双方能够开始自己对对方的 true love。

note. 热恋到平淡,是因为我们看到了对方身上的更多特点,有些我们喜欢,有些我们不喜欢,但是双方愿意接纳彼此,为了彼此去磨合与改变,去变得更好,心里依旧深爱着对方。这就是理智的爱,我的对本章逻辑的梳理和理解对吗?

那么每个人都渴望被爱,既然选择去爱一个人,让 ta 知道自己的爱,那要怎么做?这也就是本书的 five love languages。

ch4. Love Language #1 Words of Affirmation


The object of love is not getting something you want but doing something for the well-being of the one you love.

note. 对 love tank 的补充,是相互的

Encouraging Words

He was busy with his own vocation and caught up in the pressure of climbing the corporate ladder. In time, however, Keith had realized that life's deepest meaning is not found in accomplishments but in relationships.

note. 若真如此,最近在思考未来的职业,那么工作和家庭的意义,需要好好权衡。

鼓励的话语给人自信,但是前提是被鼓励的对象想要这么做,比如不能强迫对方换一个工资更高的工作。同时,我们可能不擅长诉说鼓励的话语,甚至反而说非常刻薄的话,这就是我们要去学习的 second language。

Kind Words

  • 注意说话的语气
  • 让过去的事情过去吧,不要苛责对方,要原谅


note. 这是我不曾注意到的,我意识到自己要说教前,只会深呼吸让语气平和,但是这样就没有感情了。


note. 我在另一本书里见过类似的表述,答案有点类似「直接服软」,但是安静下来才是沟通的前提。我很好奇人在气头上还能不能想书中的建议来。


don't mess up new days with yesterday.

Humble Words


request 是「请求」,demand 是「要求」,我们在请对方帮助自己,这也是一种 affirm,要把表达自己的请求看作是表达爱的机会。

ch5. Love Language #2 Quality Time


我认为这一章可以简单拆分为「言辞(quality conversation)」和「行动(quality activities)」。

这里的言辞和第一章有所区别,第一章是对外的,这一章是对内的,中国人应该是世界民族里表达自己频率较少的,就算小学举手回答问题人很多,初高中之后就减少了。所以首先要学会感受自己的情感(emotion),然后表达之。作者首先说要区分 emotions 和 thoughts,然后提出的 tips 是记录,用 legal pad。我想到的一个或许更加深入的问题是,为什么要表达自己,为什么人们渴望了解自己爱的人?我们在意所爱之人的感受,开心、不开心,「爱」的冲动真是一个谜,「情不知所起,一往而深」。

行动,就是一起做些什么事,我认为作者的话概括了市面上所谓那些「情侣可以一起做的事」,这也是大多数人的「loudest voice」。我认为值得注意的是,这个东西和人生的追求有关系,前文说了,努力工作、攀登世俗的梯子,是为了 make sure they are here with you。



note. 此时我才知道人生的时间多么宝贵。看视频是消磨时间,看书是消磨时间,把时间奉献给家人也是花时间。

focused attention is prerequisite

Focused Attention


The activity in which we are both engaged is incidental. The important thing emotionally is that we are spending focused time with each other. The activity is a vehicle that creates the sense of togetherness.

note. 我认为有时候「做什么」有时候不如「和谁一起做」重要。

Quality Conversation

Words of affirmation focus on what we are saying, whereas quality conversation focuses on what we are hearing



因为当在提供 advice 的时候,我们是在 saying,saying 的前提是真正地 give our sympathy。

note. 千万不要打断,哪怕立场不同,也要尝试听完别人的逻辑。

Learning to Talk

本小节副标题应该是 self-revelation

Most individuals who complain that their spouse does not talk do not mean literally that he or she never says a word.

我们需要 self-revelation,要区分 thoughts 和 emotion,说自己的想法不代表表达自己的感情。


作者的建议是,可以带一个小本子,每天三次记录自己的 feeling,然后和家人说出来。

Dead Seas and Babbling Brooks

Dead Sea 就是以色列的死海,大家在初中地理就学过,虽然名字里带了一个「海」,但它是只接受,不流出的「湖」。

brook 是小溪的意思


这两种性格的人,有时候是 perfect match:

Many times a Dead Sea marries a Babbling Brook. That happens because when they are dating, it is a very attractive match.



解决这个问题的方法,就是「Minimum Daily Requirement」,至少分享三件事给对方。

Quality Activities

Quality activities may include anything in which one or both of you have an interest. The emphasis is not on what you are doing but on why you are doing it.

note. 不谋而合,有时候,我已经不关心和朋友、和家人一起做什么事了,因为喜欢的事本身就不多(若是能天天做自己喜欢的事,感觉是一种幻想,而且天天做也会腻掉),我更加在意和谁一起去做这件事,并且在意如何从这件事中挖掘自己的乐趣。有种「你未看此花时,此花与汝心同归于寂。你来看此花时,则此花颜色一时明白起来」的感觉。

The essential ingredients in a quality activity are: (1) at least one of you wants to do it, (2) the other is willing to do it, and (3) both of you know why you are doing it—to express love by being together.


how to set time for quality activities?


ch6. Love Language #3 Receiving Gifts

Gifts are visual symbols of love.

Gifts may be purchased, found, or made.

Don't wait for a special occasion. 周或者月都行。

The Best Investment

If you are to become an effective gift giver, you may have to change your attitude about money.


The Gift of Self




Miracle in Chicago

这一章以一对夫妇的视角展示了 Gift 的作用。


ch7. Love Language #4 Act of Service

本章的大量文放在了 Mary 和 Mark 这对夫妇上。



如果希望对方为自己做些什么,那么就需要使用 request 而不是 demand,请求而不是命令。同时,如果对方这么做让自己快乐,就直白地表达出来,这是「说」的方面,这也正好对应前文的 Humble Words。

在「听」的方面,如果有 criticism,那么不要生气,那是对方 love tank 空的预警。

Conversation in a Mill Town

They require thought, planning, time, effort, and energy. If done with a positive spirit, they are indeed expressions of love.

note. 这个事还得要 positive spirit

It was a normal thing for you to follow the model of your mother and father in marriage. Almost all of us tend to do that, but your behavior toward Mary was a radical change from your courtship. The one thing that had assured her of your love disappeared.

note. 人会倾向继承父母的婚姻模式,而这并非是自己婚姻所需要的。不幸的家庭会传承。

Mary said, “I think you're right, and the reason I stopped doing things for him is because I resented his demanding spirit. It was as if he was trying to make me be like his mother.”

"make me be like his mother"😱 让我想起 Big Bang 里的霍华德。

note. 不要 demand,要 request,第四章说了,humble words


  1. 婚姻前后的人是不一样的
  2. 爱是一种选择而不是强迫
  3. 指责是一种对爱的渴求

note. 保持一个清醒的大脑,被责备了也不要让情绪控制自己,要站在对方的角度思考。

note. 啊,说起来容易,做起来好难啊。

Doormat or Lover?

Allowing oneself to be used or manipulated by another is not an act of love. It is, in fact, an act of treason. You are allowing him or her to develop inhumane habits.


Yet that does not mean that all stereotypes have been eradicated. It means, rather, that the number of stereotypes has multiplied.

note. fun

Remember, there are no rewards for maintaining stereotypes, but there are tremendous benefits to meeting the emotional needs of your spouse.

ch8. Love Language #5 Physical Touch



我觉得那些打排球、踢足球得分以后,队友在一起庆祝,也是一种 touch。

The Power of Touch


Don't insist on touching her in your way and in your time.

The Body Is for Touching

上一节说 touch 的重要性,本节说不 touch 、乱 touch 以及伴侣之间「不忠」的不好影响。

  • Crisis and Physical Touch:在伤心的时候给予对方拥抱

  • Marriage Is Not Supposed to Be This Way:一个案例,需要去发现对方的爱语

ch9. Discovering Your Primary Love Language

For the male, sexual desire is physically based. That is, the desire for sexual intercourse is stimulated by the buildup of sperm cells and seminal fluid in the seminal vesicles.


男女有别,男性常被成为下半身思考的生物,所以不要想当然认为 Physical Touch 是 Primary Love Language。

How Do You Know?

What is your primary love language?




还可以 picture your perfect mate

Dr. Chapman, all that sounds fine and wonderful, but what if the love language of your spouse is something that just doesn't come naturally for you?

ch10. Love Is a Choice

尽管我们有做过不好的事儿,但那些都是过去式了,人是可以做出选择的,我们可以选择成为更好的自己。我们可以为了让对方感到被爱,而做出一定的牺牲,这一部分让我想起 Happier 中的片段,关于 Happiness 与 Love。我们做出更好的选择后,自然有丰厚的回报。

We are creatures of choice.

"I Just Don't Love Her Anymore"

It's the “I don't love her anymore” mind-set that gives men the emotional freedom to seek love with someone else. The same is true for wives who use the same excuse.



It is short-lived (usually two years or less) and seems to serve for humankind the same function as the mating call of the Canada goose.


如果伴侣能够在 in-love 期间过后,学会诉说对方的爱语,那么对方的 love tank 就会继续保持 full 状态,而不会干涸。


为什么这么强调「选择」,因为这不是 inevitable 的,我们可以选择成为爱的给予者,成为让别人幸福快乐的人。

note. 偏激地说,只有不愿意改变的人,没有对婚姻绝望的人。

Actions and Emotions


作者用了一个比方,起床的比方,每天大部分人起床,是因为有更好的事情在等着呢。Our actions precede our emotions. 行为带来了积极的感情。

ch11. Love Makes the Difference

The need for significance is the emotional force behind much of our behavior.

We reason, If someone loves me, I must have significance.


note. 与 Happier 中观点一致。

一个 Susan 和 John 的案例,婚姻咨询真的如此简单吗?

ch12. Loving the Unlovely

unlovely 意思是「讨人嫌」的,unattractive,unpleasant


Can you love someone whom you hate?


背景是一个接近对婚姻绝望的妻子 Ann,她的丈夫认为婚姻问题都处在妻子身上,自己不愿意看点婚姻相关的书籍,更不必说去接受婚姻咨询了。

作者说服 Ann 开展一个为期六个月的实验,去说丈夫的 love languages,然后观察变化,还用了耶稣的那些布道词。

这一章(如果没有夸大的成分),应该是非常详细地讲述了一次婚姻咨询里的对话的细节,也可以看作是对前两章的呼应,「love is a choice」

Love's Greatest Challenge

作者为了帮助 Ann,阅读她所信仰的基督教里的 Luke 的文学作品:

In what many have called Jesus' greatest sermon, I read the following words, which I call love's greatest challenge.

I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. . . . Do to others as you would have them do to you. If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even “sinners” love those who love them.

作者称之为 Love's Greatest Challenge,人可以去爱自己的敌人吗?

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.


我猜,measure 是量器的意思,意思是回馈会像量器里的液体倒在腿上一样。


The Six-Month Experiment

If you want to complain about something, write it down in your personal notebook rather than saying anything about it to Glenn this month.

Certainly we do not have warm feelings for people who hate us. That would be abnormal, but we can do loving acts for them. That is simply a choice. We hope that such loving acts will have a positive effect upon their attitudes and behavior and treatment, but at least we have chosen to do something positive for them.

note. be happy 和 love 都是可以选择的,关键在人

ch13. A Personal Word

We need not agree on everything, but we must find a way to handle our differences so that they do not become divisive.


I committed my life to Him and have found that He provides the inner spiritual energy to love, even when love is not reciprocated.

note. 作者信仰了耶稣吗?要去爱自己的「敌人」。

Frequently Asked Questions

孩子的成长也需要 love languages

When the child receives love in all five languages, he/she will eventually learn how to give love in all five languages.

孩子成长的过程中,或许 love language 不会改变,但是家长诉说的方式需要变通,不能 childish

I believe that our deepest emotional need is the need to feel loved.


关于婚外情能否恢复,the answer is YES.

If the offending party is willing to break off the extramarital involvement and do the hard work of rebuilding the marriage, there can be genuine restoration.

怎样激发对方表达自己的爱,一个可行的方法是 the love tank game:

initiate the love tank game, ask him/her how full the love tank is on a scale of one to ten.

posted @ 2023-06-10 22:42  dutrmp19  阅读(55)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报