
不同:重载操作符必须具有至少一个类类型或枚举类型的操作数。重载操作符不保证操作数的求值顺序,例如对 && 和 || 的重载版本不再具有“短路求值”的特性,两个操作数都要进行求值,而且不规定操作数的求值顺序。




 1 class Sales_item 
 2 {
 3     friend std::istream& operator >> ( std::istream&, Sales_item& );
 4     friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream&, const Sales_item&);
 5 public:
 6     Sales_item& operator += ( const Sales_item& );
 7 };
 8 Sales_item operator+ ( const Sales_item&, const Sales_item& )
10 /*
11 其中,复合赋值操作符定义为public成员,输入输出操作符需要访问Sales_item类的成员,所以需定义为友元,加操作符可以用public成员
12 +=类实现,所以无需定义为Sales_item类的友元
13 */







 1 class CheckoutRecord
 2 {
 3 public:
 4 // ..
 5     friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, CheckoutRecond&);
6 private:
7 double book_id;
8 string title;
9 Date date_borrowed;
10 Date date_due;
11 pair<string,string> borrower;
12 vector< pair<string, string>* > wait_list;
13 };
15 ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const CheckoutRecord& s)
16 {
17      out << s.book_id << "\t" << s.title<< "\t" << s.date_borrowed<< "\t" << s.date_due
18             <<  "\t" ;
19      out<< " borrower:" <<s.borrower.first << "," << s.borrower.second << endl;
20      out << " wait_list: " << endl;
21      for ( vector< pair<string,string>* >::const_iterator it = s.wait_list.begin();
22                 it != s.wait_list.end(); ++it )
23      {
24          out << "\t" << (*it)->first << "," << (*it)->second << endl;
25      }
26      return out;
27 }


 1 class CheckoutRecord
 2 {
 3 public:
 4     //
 5     friend istream& operator>>( istream&, CheckoutRecord& );  // 声明为类的友元
 6 //
 7 };
 8 istream & operator>> ( istream& in, CheckoutRecord& c )
 9 {
10         cout << " Input bookid(double) and title(string) :\n";
11         in >>  c.book_id >> c.title;
13         // Input Data data_borrowed and data_due
14         cout << " Input data_borrowed (3 ints: year, month , day) :\n";
15         in >> c.date_borrowed; //.year >> c.date_borrowed.month >> c.date_borrowed.day;
16         // Input Data data_due and data_due
17         cout << " Input data_due (3 ints: year, month , day) :\n";
18         in >> c.date_due;//.year >> c.date_due.month >> c.date_due.day;
20         // Input the pair<string,string> borrower
21         cout << " Input the pair<string,string> borrower (string) :\n";
22         in >> c.borrower.first >> c.borrower.second;    
23         if ( !in )
24         {    
25             c = CheckoutRecord();
26              return in;
27         }
29         // Input wait_list
30         cout << " Input the wait_list (string) :\n";
31         c.wait_list.clear();    //删除元素
32         while ( in )
33         {
34             pair<string, string> *ppr = new pair<string, string>;
35             in >>  ppr->first >> ppr->second;
36             if ( !in )
37             {    
38                 delete ppr;
39                 return in;
40             }
41             c.wait_list.push_back( ppr );
42         }    
44      return in;
45 }


1 inline bool operator==(const Sales_item &lhs, const Sales_item &rhs)
2 {
3     //must be made a friend of Sales_item
4     return lhs.units_sold == rhs.units_sold && lhs.revenue == rhs.revenue && lhs.same_isbn(rhs);
5 }
6 inline bool operator!=(const Sales_item &lhs, const Sales_item &rhs)
7 {
8     return !(lhs == rhs);
9 }




 1 CheckoutRecord& CheckoutRecord::operator =( const CheckoutRecord& cr )
 2 {
 3     book_id = cr.book_id;
 4     title = cr.title;
 5     date_borrowed = cr.date_borrowed; // 前提:必须在Date类里也重载操作符=
 6     date_due = cr.date_due;           //  as before
 7     // 对pair进行赋值操作
 8     borrower.first = cr.borrower.first;
 9     borrower.second = cr.borrower.second;
11     // 对vector进行赋值操作
12     wait_list.clear(); // 首先清空
13     for ( vector< pair<string,string>* >::const_iterator it = cr.wait_list.begin();
14                     it != cr.wait_list.end(); ++ it )
15     {
16         pair<string, string> *ppr = new pair<string, string>;
17         ppr->first = (*it)->first;
18         ppr->second = (*it)->second;
19         wait_list.push_back( ppr );
20     }
22     return *this;
23 }






 1 class Foo
 2 {
 3 public:
 4     int &operator[](const size_t);
 5     const int &operator[](const size_t) const;
 6 private:
 7     vector<int> data;
 8 };
10 int& Foo::operator[](const size_t index)
11 {
12   //  return data[index];   //no range checking on index 没有检查下标是否越界
13     return data.at(index);   //使用 at 可检查下标是否越界
14 }
15 const int& Foo::operator[](const size_t index) const
16 {
17     return data[index];   //no range checking on index 没有检查下标是否越界
18 }



 1 class CheckedPtr
 2 {
 3 public:
 4     CheckedPtr( Screen *b, Screen *e ): beg( b ), end( e ), curr( b ) {  }
 6     // 自增、自减 前缀式
 7     CheckPtr& operator++();
 8     CheckPtr& operator--();
 9     // 自增、自减 后缀式(传递的参数没用,但是是必须的,为了与前缀式区分开)
10     CheckPtr operator++( int );  //为了与内置操作符一致,后缀式操作符应返回旧值,并且,应作为值返回,而不是返回引用
11     CheckPtr operator--( int );
13     // 箭头操作符
14     Screen* operator->();
15     const Screen* operator->() const;
17     // 解引用操作
18     Screen& operator*();
19     const Screen& operator*();
20 private:
21     Screen *beg;
22     Screen *end;
23     Screen *curr;
24 };
26 CheckPtr& CheckPtr::operator++()
27 {
28     if ( curr == end )
29         throw out_of_range( "increment past the end of CheckedPtr");
30     ++curr;
31     return *this;
32 }
33 CheckPtr& CheckPtr::operator--()
34 {
35     if ( curr == begin )
36         throw out_of_range( "decrement past the beginning of CheckedPtr");
37     --curr;
38     return *this;
39 }
40 // 后缀式
41 CheckPtr CheckPtr::operator++( int )  //调用前缀操作符,不需要检查是否越界,那个检查以及必要的throw在相应的前缀式操作符中完成
42 {
43     CheckedPtr temp( *this );
44     ++*this;
45     return temp;
46 }
47 CheckPtr CheckPtr::operator--( int )
48 {
49     CheckedPtr temp( *this );
50     --*this;
51     return temp;
52 }
53 // 箭头操作符
54 Screen* CheckedPtr::operator->()
55 {
56     return curr;
57 }
58 const Screen* CheckedPtr::operator->() const
59 {
60     return curr;
61 }
62 // 解引用操作符
63 Screen& CheckedPtr::operator*()
64 {
65     if ( curr == end )
66         throw out_of_range( "invalid current pointer.");
67     return *curr;
68 }
69 const Screen& CheckedPtr::operator*() const
70 {
71     if ( curr == end )
72         throw out_of_range( "invalid current pointer.");
73     return *curr;
74 }


  (1) 函数调用操作符必须声明为成员函数。



 1 #include <iostream>
 2 struct absInt
 3 {
 4     int operator() (int val)
 5     {
 6         return val < 0 ? -val : val;
 7     }
 8 };
10 int main()
11 {
12     int i = -42;
13     absInt absObj;
14     unsigned int ui = absObj(i);     // calls absInt::operator(int)
15     std::cout << ui << std::endl;    // print 42
16     system("pause");
17     return 0;
18 }
/** 2 *使用标准库算法和GT_cls类,编写一个程序查找序列中第一个比指定值大的元素。 3 */ 4 #include <iostream> 5 #include <vector> 6 #include <algorithm> 7 using namespace std; 8 9 class GT_cls 10 { 11 public: 12 GT_cls(size_t val = 0):bound(val) {} 13 bool operator()(const int &ival) 14 { 15 return ival > bound; 16 } 17 private: 18 size_t bound; 19 }; 20 21 int main() 22 { 23 vector<int> ivec; 24 int ival; 25 cout << "Enter numbers(Ctrl+z to end):" << endl; 26 while(cin >> ival) 27 ivec.push_back(ival); 28 cin.clear(); //始输入流重新有效 29 int spval; 30 cout << "Enter a specified value: " << endl; 31 cin >> spval; //读入用户查找的指定值 32 33 vector<int>::iterator itor = find_if(ivec.begin(), ivec.end(), GT_cls(spval)); 34 if(itor != ivec.end()) 35 cout << "the first element that is larger than " << spval << " is " << *itor << endl; 36 else 37 cout << "no element that is larger than " << spval << endl; 38 39 system("pause"); 40 return 0; 41 }
 1 /**
 2   *编写BT_cls的类,测试给定string对象的长度是否与其边界相匹配。
 3   *报告输入中有多少单词的长度在1到10之间。
 4   */
 6 #include <iostream>
 7 #include <string>
 8 #include <vector>
 9 #include <algorithm>
10 using namespace std;
12 class BT_cls
13 {
14 public:
15     BT_cls( size_t  len1 = 0, size_t  len2 = 0 )
16     {
17         if ( len1 < len2 )
18         {
19             minlen = len1;
20             maxlen = len2;
21         }
22         else
23         {
24             minlen = len2;
25             maxlen = len1;
26         }
27     }
29     bool operator() ( const string &s )
30     {
31         return ( s.size() >= minlen && s.size() <= maxlen );
32     }
34 private:
35     std::string::size_type minlen, maxlen;
36 };
37 bool isShorter( const string &s1, const string &s2 )
38 {
39       return s1.size() < s2.size();
40 }
43 int main()
44 {
45     std::cout << " Input some words( ctrl + z to end ):" << std::endl;
46     vector<string> text;
47     string word;
48     while ( std::cin >> word )
49     {
50         text.push_back( word );
51     }   // end of input    the text
53     //    deal with text---对输入的序列去掉重复的单词
54     sort( text.begin(), text.end() ); //使用unique算法之前要先排序才能将相邻重复元素排到最后
55     text.erase( unique(text.begin(), text.end()), text.end() );//删除重复的元素
56     stable_sort( text.begin(), text.end(), isShorter );//将元素按长度排序,长度相同的仍按照字典序排列
58     // to count how many words' length are between 1-10
59     vector<string>::size_type cnt = count_if( text.begin(), text.end(), BT_cls( 1, 10 ));
60     std::cout <<  " There are " << cnt << " words' length is between 1-10." << std::endl;
62     system("pause");
63     return 0;
64 }





标准库定义了两个绑定器适配器:bind1st 和 bind2nd,每个绑定期接收一个函数对象和一个值,

bind1st 将给定值绑定到二元函数对象的第一个实参;bind2nd 将给定值绑定到二元函数对象的第二个实参;

例如:计算一个容器中所有小于或等于 10 的元素个数,可以这样给 count_if 传递值:

count_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), bind2nd(less_equal<int>(), 10));
第三个参数使用函数适配器,该适配器返回一个函数对象,该对象用10作右操作数应用 <= 操作符,这个调用计算输入范围中小于或等于10的元素的个数

标准库还定义了两个求反器:not1 和 not2,

not1 将一元函数对象的真值求反, not2 将二元函数对象的真值求反


count_if(vec.begin(), vec,end(), not1(bind2nd(less_equal<int>(), 10)));



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