祖席离歌,长亭别宴。香尘已隔犹回面。 居人匹马映林嘶,行人去棹依波转。 画阁魂消,高楼目断。斜阳只送平波远。 无穷无尽是离愁,天涯地角寻思遍。 Treading on Grass -Yan shu The farewell song is sung for you, We drink our cup 阅读全文
长相思,长相思,若问相思甚了期, 除非相见时。 长相思,长相思,欲把相思说似谁, 浅情人不知。 Everlasting Longing I yearn for long, I yearn for long. When may I end my yearning song? Until you com 阅读全文
外湖莲子长参差,霁山青处鸥飞。 水天溶漾画桡迟,人影鉴中移。 桃叶浅声双唱,杏红深色轻衣。 小荷障面避斜晖,分得翠阴归。 Spring in Painted Hall The lotus blooms in outer lake grow high and low; After the rain o 阅读全文
陌上柔桑破嫩芽,东邻蚕种已生些。 平冈细草鸣黄犊,斜日寒林点暮鸦。 山远近,路横斜,青旗沽酒有人家。 城中桃李愁风雨,春在溪头荠菜花。 Partridges in the sky where is spring? The tender twigs begin to spout along the l 阅读全文