English-Chinese Words,Expressions and Phrases of Customs Declaration
1.invoice 發票
2.invoice No. 發票編號
3.port of shipment 起運地
4.port of destination 目的地,到達地
5.date of shipment 裝船日期,出運口岸
6.marks & No. 嘜頭
7.commodity code 商品編碼
8.description 品名
9.quantity 數量
10.price 單價
11.unit price 單價
12.total amout 總價
13.net weight 淨重
14.gross weight 毛重
15.measurement 尺寸
16.packing 包裝
17.sales contract No. 售貨合同編號
18.packing list 裝箱單
19.package No. 包裝箱單
20.total packages 包裝總數
21.case No. 箱號
22.specification 規格
23.country of origin 生産國別,原産國
24.contract of purchase 訂購合同
25.sales confirmation 銷售確認書
26.shipper 托運人
27.bill of lading 提單
28.consignee 收貨人
29.port of discharge 卸運港
30.number of packages 件數
31.surface transport charge 地面運輸費
32.air freight charge 航空運費
33.actual weight 實際重量
34.chargeable weight 計費重量
35.airport of departure 始發站
36.airport of destination 目的站
37.waybill 運單
38.aire waybill 航空運單
39.date of arrival 到達日期
40.terms of trade 貿易方式
41.importer 進口商
42.exporter 出口商
43.term of foreign exchange 外匯來源
44.country where consigned 進口國家
45.import license 進口許可證
46.validity of import license 進口許可證有效期
47.export license 出口許可證
48.means of transport 運輸工具
49.consignor 發貨人,寄售人
50.certificate of origin 産地說明書
51.inspection certificate 檢驗證書
52.place of origin 産地
53.port of dispatch 發貨口岸
54.type of goods 貨物類型
55.partial shipment 分批裝運
56.accepting bank 承兌銀行
57.accepting house 承兌行
58.ad valorem duty 從價稅
59.ad valorem freight 從價運費
60.actual tare 實際皮重
61.additional order 追加訂單
62.advice of shipment 裝運通知,裝船通知
63.air bill of  lading 空運提單
64.air freight 空運費
65.amendment of contract 修改合同
66.applicant for the credit 申請開證人
67.at sight 見票即付
68.average clause 海損條款
69.bank draft 銀行條款
70.barter trade 易貨貿易
71.bearer 持票人
72.bill drawn payable at a certain time after sight 見票若干日付款的匯票
73.bill drawn payable at sight 見票即付的匯票
74.bill drawn to order 指定式匯票
75.booking list 訂艙清單,裝貨訂艙表
76.broken space 空倉費
77.cancel an order 撤銷訂單
78.cancel an offer 撤銷發盤
79.cargo hold 貨艙
80.cargo in bulk 散裝貨
81.cargo insurance 貨物運輸保險
82.cash aganist bill of lading 憑提單付現
83.cash against delivery 交貨付款
84.cash against shipping documents 憑單付現
85.cash and delivery 付款交貨,貨到付款
86.certificate of quality 貨物品質證書
87.certificate of quantity 貨物數量證明書
88.check payable to bearer 不記名支票
89.collection of the instrument 票據托收
90.collection on documents 跟單托收
91.conditions of carriage 貨運條件
92.comfirmed credit 保兌信用證
93.consignee's address 收貨人地址
94.confirming bank 保兌銀行
95.confirming order 確認書
96.consignment house 保付商行
97.consignment contract 寄售合同
98.consignment agent 寄售代理人
99.consignment invoice 寄售發票
100.consignment note 發貨通知書
101.consignment sales 寄售
102.consular invoice 領事簽證發票,領事發票
103.container 集裝箱
104.container -carrying vessel 集裝箱船
105.container depot 集裝箱卸站
106.contract for the delivery of goods by installments 分批交貨的買賣合同
107.contract for payment of goods by installments 分期付款的買賣合同
108.contract price 合同(規定的)價格
109.cost,insurance and freight(C.I.F) 成本,保險加運費(價)到岸價
110.counter offer 還盤
111.firm counter-offer 還實盤
112.credit guarantee 信貸保證
113.customary packing 習慣包裝
114.customs drawback 海關退稅
115.customs duty 關稅
116.customs duty rate 關稅稅率
117.customs entry 海關進口手續
118.customs house 海關
119.customs formalities 海關手續
120.customs free depot 海關免稅倉庫
121.customs import traiff 海關進口稅則
122.customs invoice 海關發票
123.customs quota 關稅配額
124.customs valuation 海關估價
125.date of delivery 交貨日期
126.date of acceptance 承兌日期
127.delivery alongside the vessel 船邊交貨
128.clean bill of lading 清潔提單
129.dirty bill of lading 不潔提單
130.discharging port 卸貨港口
131.documents against acceptance(D/A) 承兌交單
132.documents against payment(D/P) 付款交單
133.documents against payment after sight(date) 遠期付款,交單
134.documentary acceptance 跟單承兌
135.documentary bill 跟單票據
136.documentary collection 跟單托收
137.documentary credit 跟單信用證
138.documentary draft 跟單匯票
139.entry for warehousing 存倉報單
140.entry of goods inward 申報進口
141.entry of goods outward 申報出口
142.export agent 出口代理
143.export bill of lading 出口提單
144.export control 出口管制
145.export credit 出口信貸
146.export duty 出口稅
147.export quota 出口配額
148.export subsidy 出口補貼
149.export documents 出口單據
150.export-processing free zones 加工出口自由(關稅)區
151.export permit 出口許可證
152.freight bill 運費單
153.freight charges 運費
154.freight rates 運費率
155.freight tariff 運費表
156.general agency 總代理
157.general agent 總代理人
158.general average 共同海損
159.tax holidays 免稅期
160.immediate delivery 立即交貨
161.immediate packing 立即包裝
162.immediate payment 立即支付
163.immediate shipment 立即裝運
164.import control 進口管制
165.import entry 進口報關單
166.import duty 進口稅
167.import substitution 進口替代
168.import deposit 進口保證金
169.import quota 進口配額
170.import surcharge 進口附加費,進口附加稅
171.insurance conditions 保險條件
172.insurance documents 保險單據
173.instrument of payment 支付手段
174.insurance policy 保險單
175.landed price 卸岸價格
176.landed terms 目的港岸上交貨價
177.landed weight 到岸重量
178.letter of guarantee(L/C) 保證書,保函
179.letter of credit(L/C) 信用證
180.maritime bill of lading 海運提貨
181.named bill of lading 記名提單
182.negotiable letter of credit 可轉讓信用證
183.offer 報價,報盤
184.pro forma invoice 形式發票
185.quota periods 配額期
186.quota quantities 配額數量
187.shut-out cargo 退關貨
188.sight letter of credit 即期信用證
189.short-landing 短卸
190.short-landing certificate 短卸證明書
191.survey report on quality 品質鑒定證明書
192.survey report on weight 重量鑒定證明書
193.transhipment goods 轉運貨物
194.transit goods 過境貨物
195.free on board(FOB) 船上交貨(價)
196.free carrier(FCA) 貨交承運人(價)
197.cost insurance and freight(CIF) 成本,保險加運費(價)
198.prompt shipment 即刻裝運
199.irrevocable credit 不可撤銷的信用證
200.Excuse me,are you Mr.Pierre from Paris? 請問,你是從巴黎來的皮埃爾先生嗎?
201.I work in the China National Machinery Imort and Export Corporation. 我在中國機械進出口總公司工作
202.I have been assigned to negotiate business with you.公司委派我和你們具體洽談業務
203.I'm the manager of the China National Textiles Import and Export Corportation.我是中國紡織品進出口總公司的經理
204.You may take a rest today and We'll talk about our business tomorrow.今天您先休息休息,業務的事明天再談
205.If there is an opportunity,We'd like to see your manager.如果有機會,我們想見一見你們經理
206.Our manager would like to invite you to dinner this evening at the Beijing Roast Duck Restaurant.今晚我們經理想請你們去北京烤鴨店吃飯
207.Our company mainly deals in  Chinese arts and crafts.我們公司主要經營工藝品
208.You can talk the business over with Mr.Wang who is in charge of this line.具體業務您可以和主管這項業務的王先生洽談
209.Let's hope for good cooperation between us.希望我們能很好地合作
210.I wish you at brisk business and continued development in our business dealings!祝大家生意興隆,買賣越做越好!
211.We insist in the principle of equality and mutual benefits,as well as exchange of needed goods.我們堅持平等互利,互通有無的原則
212.We stick to a consistent policy in our foreign trade work.我們的外貿政策是一貫的
213.We have adopted the usual international practices in our foreign trade work.我們在外貿工作中採用了國際上通用做法
214.We readjust our price according to the international markets.我們是根據世界市場的行情來調整價格的
215.May I know what particular line you are interested in this time?你們這次來主要想談哪方面的生意呀?
216.We are very much interested in your hardware.我們對你們的小五金很感興趣
217.This is our inquiry,would you like to have a look?這是詢價單,請您看一下
218.We hope that we can do substantial business with you in this line.我們希望能在這方面和你們大量成交
219.We'd like to know the availability and the conditions of sale of this line.我們想其所想解一下你們在這方面的供貨能力和銷售條件
220.Have you read our leaflet?我們的商品銷售說明書您看了吧
221.Could you tell me the article number of the product?請您把品號告訴我
222.We are in a position to accept a special order.我們可以接受特殊訂單
223.Wildd you please let us have an idea of your price?請您介紹一下您方的價格,好嗎?
224.Our price is highly competitive.我方價格極有競爭性
225.This is our latest price list.這是我們的最新價格單
226.I'd like to have your lowest quotation C.I.F.San Francisco.希望你們報一個C.I.F.舊金山的最低價
227.Can you give us an indication of your price?請你們先提出一個估計價格吧!
228.The price of this commodity is $400 per price C.I.F.San Francisco.這種産品C.I.F.舊金山的價格是400美元一台
229.Is this your C.I.F.quotation?你們的報價是成本加運費和保險費的到岸價嗎?
230.This is our FOB quotation sheet.這是我們的F.O.B價格單
231.Are the prices on the list firm offers?上面的價格是實盤嗎?
232.All the quotations on the list are subject to our final confirmation.單中的所有價格以我方最後確認為准
233.Our offer remains open for 3 days.我們的價格三天內有效
234.All these articles are our best selling lines.這些産品都是我們的暢銷貨
235.If your price is favorable,we can place an order right away.如果你方價格優惠,我們可以馬上訂貨
236.It is difficult for us to sell the goods,as your price is so high.你們的價格那麽高,我們很難以這個價格銷售
237.It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price.如果按這個價格買進,我方實在難以推銷
238.Our price is reasonable compared with that in the international market.我們的價格和國際市場的價格相比還是合理的
239.Your price is higher than those we got from elsewhere.你們的價格比我們從別處得到的報價要高
240.Taking the quality into consideration,I think the price is reasonable.從質量方面考慮,我認為這個價格是合理的
241.Our products are of high quality.我們的産品質量好
242.Our products can stand competition.我們的産品是有競爭力的
243.I don't think the end user would accept your price.客戶很難接你們的價格
244.In order to conclude the business,we may make some concessions.為了成交,我們可以作些讓步
245.We are prepared to make a 2% reduction if your order is big enough.如果你們訂貨數量大,我們準備減價2%
246.In order to conclude the transaction,we accept your price.為了達成交易,我們接受你方的價格
247.What do you think of  our price?你覺得我們的報價怎麽樣?
248.I'm afraid your price is quite high.我覺得你們的價格比較高
249.I'm afraid we can't accept your price.我們無法接受你方的還盤
250.At present the supply of this commodity exceeds the demand.目前這種商品是供過於求
251.This is our lowest quotation.I'm afraid we can't go any further.這是我方的最低報價,不能再讓了
252.We may accept your price only if you can make an earlier shipment.如果您答應提前交貨,我們可以接受你方的價格
253.How many do you intend to order?這種産品你們想訂多少?
254.We want to order 800 cases.我們想訂800箱
255.The most we can offer you at present is 500 cases.目前我們最多只能報500箱
256.I suggest you buy this product.我建議你們購買這種商品
257.The supply position of this product is better.這種商品的供應情況好一些
258.The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 500 cases.這種産品的起訂量是500盒
259.What do you think of the terms of payment?關於付款條件,你們還有什麽意見?
260.We hope you will accept D/P payment terms.我們希望你們接受D/P付款方式
261.We are thinking of payment by D/A.我們準備用D/A付款方式
262.We usually accept payment by irrevocable L/C payable against shipping documents.我們採用不可撤銷的信用證,憑裝運單據結匯付款方式
263.I wonder if you will accept D/P?你們能不能接受付款交單?
264.For large orders,we insist on payment by L/C.對於金額大的訂貨,我們要求開信用證
265.An irrevocable L/C gives your exporters the protection of a banker's guarantee.不可撤銷的信用證給出口商增加了銀行的擔保
266.Your L/C must reach us 30 days bef0re delivery.你們一事實上要在交貨期前30天把信用證開達我方
267.The L/C should be opened by the buyer 15 to 20 days before delivery.付款用信用證,在交貨前15到20天期間由買方開出
268.We would prefer you to pay for our imports in RMB.我們希望你們最好用人民幣支付
269.The L/C remains valid for 15 days from the date of shipment.信用證在裝船後15天內有效
270.This time draft will fall due on 20 September ,1997.期票於1997年9月20日到期
271.You are kindly requested to "accept" this draft by signing on the back.請你們在匯票後面簽字"承兌"
272.We'll fulfill all the contract stipulations.我們將履行合同的全部條款
273.This same method applies to all the other three shipments.其他三批貨也照此辦理
274.You should produce a similar Letter of Guarantee jointly signed by two banks.你方應該提交有兩家銀行簽署的保證函
275.How long does it usually take you to make delivery?你方通常要多長時間交貨?
276.As a rule,we deliver all our orders within three months after receipt of the covering L/C.一般來說,在收到信用證以後三個月內可以交貨
277.You'll have to open the L/C one month before the time you want the goods to be delivered.在交貨期前一個月,你方必須開立信用證
278.Could you possibly effect shipment more promptly?你們能不能再提前一點交貨呢?
279.I hope that the goods can be dispatched promptly after you get my L/C.我希望你們能在收到我方信用證後馬上交貨
280.Shipment can be effected within two or three weeks after receipt of your L/C.我們在收到你方信用證的兩三個星期內就能交貨
281.You may know that time of delivery is a matter of great importance to us.您知道交貨時間對我們來說很重要
282.I'm very sorry,we can't advance the time of delivery.非常抱歉,我們不能提前交貨
283.We'll try our best to abvance shipment to September.我們儘量把交期提前到9月份
284.We want the goods on our market at the earliest possible date.我們想把商品盡早投入市場
285.We require that transhipment be allowed.我們要求允許轉運
286.To make it easier for us to get the goods ready for shipment,we hope that partial shipment is allowed.為了便於準備貨物,我們希望允許分批裝運
287.We can't ship the goods all at once.我們無法一批發運
288.We will take the responsibility of chartering a ship.我們可以負責租船裝運
289.Is the port of loading Shanghai?裝貨港是上海港嗎?
290.The buyer should bear all the costs of transportation of the goods.買方負責租訂船只艙位並負責運費
291.There are three basic covers,namely,Free form Particular Average,With Particular Average and All Risks.我們的保險條款中主要有平安險,水漬險和綜合險
292.We'll only insure W.P.A..我們只負責投保水漬險
293.Our prices were calculated without insurance against any extraneous risks.我們的價格沒有把任何附加險計算在內
294.Risks of Breakage are classified under extranseous risks.破碎險屬於一般附加險
295.The additional premium is for the buyer's account.增加的費用由買方負擔
296.We want W.P.A.cover this time.這次我們想投保水漬險
297.We are sorry to inform you that the shipment is not up to the standard stipulated in the contract.我們很抱歉地通知你們,你們的貨物質量未達到合同規定的要求
298.Please send us the sample of inferior goods for examination.請將質量不符的貨物樣品寄送給我們
299.We apologize sincerely for the trouble caused to you.對於給你們造成的麻煩,我們深表歉意 
posted on 2007-05-04 10:16  小哈  阅读(1379)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报