这里博主收集了一些比较常见的 Pythonic 写法,帮助你养成写优秀代码的习惯
1. 交换两个变量的值,正常都会想利用一个中间临时变量来过渡。
1 tmp = a 2 a = b 3 b = tmp 4 5 ############## 6 a,b = b,a
2.在一个 for 循环中,如果逻辑比较简单,不如试用一下列表的列表推导式,虽然只有一行代码,但也逻辑清晰
1 my_list = [] 2 for i in range(10): 3 my_list.append(i*2) 4 5 ################## 6 my_list = [i*2 for i in range(10)]
3.带索引遍历,更好的做法是利用 enumerate 这个内置函数
1 for i in range(len(my_list)): 2 print(i, "-->", my_list[i]) 3 4 ############### 5 for i,item in enumerate(my_list): 6 print(i, "-->",item)
4.序列解包,使用 * 可以对一个列表解包
1 a, *rest = [1, 2, 3] 2 # a = 1, rest = [2, 3] 3 4 ################# 5 a, *middle, c = [1, 2, 3, 4] 6 # a = 1, middle = [2, 3], c = 4
5.字符串拼接,一个列表(或者可迭代对象)中的所有元素都是字符串对象,想要将他们连接起来,更推荐的做法是使用 join 函数
1 letters = ['s', 'p', 'a', 'm'] 2 s="" 3 for let in letters: 4 s += let 5 6 ############### 7 letters = ['s', 'p', 'a', 'm'] 8 word = ''.join(letters)
6.判断一个变量是否为真(假),新手习惯直接使用 == 与 True、False、None 进行对比,实际上,""、[]、{} 这些没有任何元素的容器都是假值,可直接使用 if not xx 来判断。
1 if attr == True: 2 print('True!') 3 4 if attr == None: 5 print('attr is None!') 6 7 8 ################# 9 if attr: 10 print('attr is truthy!') 11 12 if not attr: 13 print('attr is falsey!')
7.当直接使用 [] 来访问字典里的元素时,若key不存在,是会抛异常的,所以新会可能会先判断一下是否有这个 key,有再取,
更推荐的做法是使用 get 来取,如果没有该 key 会默认返回 None(当然你也可以设置默认返回值)
1 d = {'hello': 'world'} 2 if d.has_key('hello'): 3 print(d['hello']) # prints 'world' 4 else: 5 print('default_value') 6 7 ###################### 8 d = {'hello': 'world'} 9 10 print(d.get('hello', 'default_value')) # prints 'world' 11 print(d.get('thingy', 'default_value')) # prints 'default_value'
8.可以使用列表推导或者高阶函数 filter 来实现过滤列表元素,除了 filter 之外,还有 map、reduce 这两个函数也很好用
1 a = [3, 4, 5] 2 b = [] 3 for i in a: 4 if i > 4: 5 b.append(i) 6 ############## 7 a = [3, 4, 5] 8 b = [i for i in a if i > 4] 9 # Or: 10 b = filter(lambda x: x > 4, a) 11 12 a = [3, 4, 5] 13 b = map(lambda i: i + 3, a) 14 # b: [6,7,8]
9.文件读取是非常常用的操作,在使用完句柄后,是需要手动调用 close 函数来关闭句柄的,
如果代码写得太长,即使你知道需要手动关闭句柄,却也会经常会漏掉。因此推荐养成习惯使用 with open 来读写文件,上下文管理器会自动执行关闭句柄的操作
1 fp = open('file.txt') 2 print(fp.read()) 3 fp.close() 4 5 ############# 6 with open('file.txt') as fp: 7 for line in fp.readlines(): 8 print(line)
稍等注重代码可读性的人,会使用三个引号 \来续写,也可以使用括号,导包的时候亦是如此
1 long_string = 'For a long time I used to go to bed early. Sometimes, when I had put out my candle, my eyes would close so quickly that I had not even time to say “I’m going to sleep.”' 2 3 #################################### 4 long_string = 'For a long time I used to go to bed early. ' \ 5 'Sometimes, when I had put out my candle, ' \ 6 'my eyes would close so quickly that I had not even time to say “I’m going to sleep.”' 7 8 #or 9 long_string = ( 10 "For a long time I used to go to bed early. Sometimes, " 11 "when I had put out my candle, my eyes would close so quickly " 12 "that I had not even time to say “I’m going to sleep.”" 13 ) 14 ############################### 15 from some.deep.module.inside.a.module import ( 16 a_nice_function, another_nice_function, yet_another_nice_function)
1 def make_complex(*args): 2 x, y = args 3 return dict(**locals()) 4 5 ################ 6 def make_complex(x, y): 7 return {'x': x, 'y': y}
1 filename = 'foobar.txt' 2 basename, _, ext = filename.rpartition('.')
1 age = 20 2 if age > 18: 3 type = "adult" 4 else: 5 type = "teenager" 6 7 ############### 8 age = 20 b = "adult" if age > 18 else "teenager"