unit uGlobal; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Forms, TypInfo, IniFiles; type TConfigBase = class(TPersistent) private FFileName: string; procedure Load(AIniFile: TIniFile); overload; procedure Save(AIniFile: TIniFile); overload; protected function GetSectionName: string; virtual; procedure LoadProperty(PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Section: string; IniFile: TIniFile); virtual; procedure SaveProperty(PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Section: string; IniFile: TIniFile); virtual; public procedure Load(AFileName: string); overload; procedure Save(AFileName: string); overload; end; TLiveUpdate = class; TApp = class(TConfigBase) private FAppName: string; FVersion: string; FShowMsg: Boolean; FProductID: Integer; FWindowState: TWindowState; FLiveUpdate: TLiveUpdate; protected function GetSectionName: string; override; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; published property AppName: string read FAppName write FAppName; property Version: string read FVersion write FVersion; property ShowMsg: Boolean read FShowMsg write FShowMsg; property ProductID: Integer read FProductID write FProductID; property WindowState: TWindowState read FWindowState write FWindowState; property LiveUpdate: TLiveUpdate read FLiveUpdate write FLiveUpdate; end; TLiveUpdate = class(TConfigBase) private FAvailabled: Boolean; FAutoUpdate: Boolean; FUpdatePeriod: Integer; FLastUpdateDate: TDateTime; protected procedure LoadProperty(PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Section: string; IniFile: TIniFile); override; procedure SaveProperty(PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Section: string; IniFile: TIniFile); override; public constructor Create; published property Availabled: Boolean read FAvailabled write FAvailabled; property AutoUpdate: Boolean read FAutoUpdate write FAutoUpdate; property UpdatePeriod: Integer read FUpdatePeriod write FUpdatePeriod; property LastUpdateDate: TDateTime read FLastUpdateDate write FLastUpdateDate; end; function App: TApp; implementation var FApp: TApp; function App: TApp; begin if FApp = nil then FApp := TApp.Create; Result := FApp; end; { TConfigBase } function TConfigBase.GetSectionName: string; begin Result := ClassName; if Result[1] = 'T' then Result := Copy(Result, 2, Length(Result) - 1); end; procedure TConfigBase.Load(AFileName: string); var IniFile: TIniFile; begin if not FileExists(AFileName) then Exit; IniFile := TIniFile.Create(AFileName); try Load(IniFile); finally IniFile.Free; end; end; procedure TConfigBase.Load(AIniFile: TIniFile); var I, Count: Integer; PropInfo: PPropInfo; PropList: PPropList; Section: string; begin Count := GetTypeData(ClassInfo)^.PropCount; if Count = 0 then Exit; GetMem(PropList, Count * SizeOf(Pointer)); try Section := GetSectionName; GetPropInfos(ClassInfo, PropList); for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin PropInfo := PropList^[I]; if (PropInfo <> nil) and IsStoredProp(self, PropInfo) and (PropInfo^.SetProc <> nil) then LoadProperty(PropInfo, Section, AIniFile); end; finally FreeMem(PropList); end; end; procedure TConfigBase.LoadProperty(PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Section: string; IniFile: TIniFile); var PropType: PTypeInfo; Obj: TObject; begin PropType := PropInfo^.PropType^; if (PropType^.Kind <> tkClass) and (not IniFile.ValueExists(Section, string(PropInfo^.Name))) then Exit; case PropType^.Kind of tkClass: begin Obj := GetObjectProp(self, PropInfo); if Assigned(Obj) and (Obj is TConfigBase) then TConfigBase(Obj).Load(IniFile); end; tkInteger, tkChar, tkWChar: SetOrdProp(Self, PropInfo, IniFile.ReadInteger(Section, string(PropInfo.Name), PropInfo^.Default)); tkString, tkLString, tkUstring, tkWString: SetStrProp(Self, PropInfo, IniFile.ReadString(Section, string(PropInfo.Name), '')); tkEnumeration: SetEnumProp(Self, PropInfo, IniFile.ReadString(Section, string(PropInfo.Name), '')); tkSet: SetSetProp(Self, PropInfo, IniFile.ReadString(Section, string(PropInfo.Name), '')); tkFloat: SetFloatProp(Self, PropInfo, IniFile.ReadFloat(Section, string(PropInfo^.Name), 0)); end; end; procedure TConfigBase.Save(AFileName: string); var IniFile: TIniFile; begin if AFileName = '' then Exit; IniFile := TIniFile.Create(AFileName); try try Save(IniFile); except on E: Exception do OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('Exceptoin: save to file %s fail, err: %s', [AFileName, E.Message]))); end; finally IniFile.Free; end; end; procedure TConfigBase.Save(AIniFile: TIniFile); var I, Count: Integer; PropInfo: PPropInfo; PropList: PPropList; Section: string; begin Section := GetSectionName; Count := GetTypeData(ClassInfo)^.PropCount; if Count > 0 then begin GetMem(PropList, Count * SizeOf(Pointer)); try GetPropInfos(ClassInfo, PropList); for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin PropInfo := PropList^[I]; if (PropInfo <> nil) and IsStoredProp(self, PropInfo) and (PropInfo^.GetProc <> nil) then SaveProperty(PropInfo, Section, AIniFile); end; finally FreeMem(PropList); end; end; end; procedure TConfigBase.SaveProperty(PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Section: string; IniFile: TIniFile); var PropType: PTypeInfo; Obj: TObject; const Format_d = '%d'; begin PropType := PropInfo^.PropType^; case PropType^.Kind of tkClass: begin Obj := GetObjectProp(self, PropInfo); if Assigned(Obj) and (Obj is TConfigBase) then TConfigBase(Obj).Save(IniFile); end; tkInteger, tkChar, tkWChar: IniFile.WriteInteger(Section, string(PropInfo^.Name), GetOrdProp(Self, PropInfo)); tkString, tkLString, tkUstring, tkWString: IniFile.WriteString(Section, string(PropInfo^.Name), GetWideStrProp(Self, PropInfo)); tkEnumeration: IniFile.WriteString(Section, string(PropInfo^.Name), GetEnumName(PropType, GetOrdProp(Self, PropInfo))); tkSet: IniFile.WriteString(Section, string(PropInfo^.Name), GetSetProp(Self, PropInfo)); tkFloat: IniFile.WriteFloat(Section, string(PropInfo^.Name), GetFloatProp(Self, PropInfo)); end; end; { TApp } constructor TApp.Create; begin FFileName := ChangeFileExt(ParamStr(0), '.ini'); FWindowState := wsNormal; FLiveUpdate := TLiveUpdate.Create; Load(FFileName); end; destructor TApp.Destroy; begin Save(FFileName); inherited Destroy; end; function TApp.GetSectionName: string; begin Result := 'System'; end; { TLiveUpdate } constructor TLiveUpdate.Create; begin FAvailabled := True; FAutoUpdate := True; FUpdatePeriod := 7; FLastUpdateDate := Now; end; procedure TLiveUpdate.LoadProperty(PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Section: string; IniFile: TIniFile); begin if PropInfo^.Name = 'LastUpdateDate' then FLastUpdateDate := IniFile.ReadDateTime(Section, string(PropInfo^.Name), Now) else inherited; end; procedure TLiveUpdate.SaveProperty(PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Section: string; IniFile: TIniFile); begin if PropInfo^.Name = 'LastUpdateDate' then IniFile.WriteDateTime(Section, string(PropInfo^.Name), GetFloatProp(Self, PropInfo)) else inherited; end; end.
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin App.AppName := 'RttInfo'; App.Version := GetFileVersion(ParamStr(0)); end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin App.Free; end;
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