以c#之WinForm实现其,大多采用Windows API Code Pack这个方案,加多引用,比较繁琐,而我总也打不开了其页面。
//抽取TaskBar代码,用其设置任务栏进度部分 //Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace wApp { /// <summary> /// Represents an instance of the Windows taskbar /// </summary> public class TaskbarManager { // Hide the default constructor private TaskbarManager() { } // Best practice recommends defining a private object to lock on private static object _syncLock = new object(); private static TaskbarManager _instance; /// <summary> /// Represents an instance of the Windows Taskbar /// </summary> public static TaskbarManager Instance { get { if (_instance == null) { lock (_syncLock) { if (_instance == null) _instance = new TaskbarManager(); } } return _instance; } } /// <summary> /// Indicates whether this feature is supported on the current platform. /// </summary> public static bool IsPlatformSupported { get { return Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT && Environment.OSVersion.Version.CompareTo(new Version(6, 1)) >= 0; } } /// <summary> /// Displays or updates a progress bar hosted in a taskbar button of the main application window /// to show the specific percentage completed of the full operation. /// </summary> /// <param name="currentValue">An application-defined value that indicates the proportion of the operation that has been completed at the time the method is called.</param> /// <param name="maximumValue">An application-defined value that specifies the value currentValue will have when the operation is complete.</param> public void SetProgressValue(int currentValue, int maximumValue) { if (IsPlatformSupported) TaskbarList.Instance.SetProgressValue( OwnerHandle, Convert.ToUInt32(currentValue), Convert.ToUInt32(maximumValue)); } /// <summary> /// Displays or updates a progress bar hosted in a taskbar button of the given window handle /// to show the specific percentage completed of the full operation. /// </summary> /// <param name="windowHandle">The handle of the window whose associated taskbar button is being used as a progress indicator. /// This window belong to a calling process associated with the button's application and must be already loaded.</param> /// <param name="currentValue">An application-defined value that indicates the proportion of the operation that has been completed at the time the method is called.</param> /// <param name="maximumValue">An application-defined value that specifies the value currentValue will have when the operation is complete.</param> public void SetProgressValue(int currentValue, int maximumValue, IntPtr windowHandle) { if (IsPlatformSupported) TaskbarList.Instance.SetProgressValue( windowHandle, Convert.ToUInt32(currentValue), Convert.ToUInt32(maximumValue)); } /// <summary> /// Sets the type and state of the progress indicator displayed on a taskbar button of the main application window. /// </summary> /// <param name="state">Progress state of the progress button</param> public void SetProgressState(TaskbarProgressBarState state) { if (IsPlatformSupported) TaskbarList.Instance.SetProgressState(OwnerHandle, (TaskbarProgressBarStatus)state); } /// <summary> /// Sets the type and state of the progress indicator displayed on a taskbar button /// of the given window handle /// </summary> /// <param name="windowHandle">The handle of the window whose associated taskbar button is being used as a progress indicator. /// This window belong to a calling process associated with the button's application and must be already loaded.</param> /// <param name="state">Progress state of the progress button</param> public void SetProgressState(TaskbarProgressBarState state, IntPtr windowHandle) { if (IsPlatformSupported) TaskbarList.Instance.SetProgressState(windowHandle, (TaskbarProgressBarStatus)state); } private IntPtr _ownerHandle; /// <summary> /// Sets the handle of the window whose taskbar button will be used /// to display progress. /// </summary> internal IntPtr OwnerHandle { get { if (_ownerHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { Process currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); if (currentProcess != null && currentProcess.MainWindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero) _ownerHandle = currentProcess.MainWindowHandle; } return _ownerHandle; } } } /// <summary> /// Represents the thumbnail progress bar state. /// </summary> public enum TaskbarProgressBarState { /// <summary> /// No progress is displayed. /// </summary> NoProgress = 0, /// <summary> /// The progress is indeterminate (marquee). /// </summary> Indeterminate = 0x1, /// <summary> /// Normal progress is displayed. /// </summary> Normal = 0x2, /// <summary> /// An error occurred (red). /// </summary> Error = 0x4, /// <summary> /// The operation is paused (yellow). /// </summary> Paused = 0x8 } /// <summary> /// Provides internal access to the functions provided by the ITaskbarList4 interface, /// without being forced to refer to it through another singleton. /// </summary> internal static class TaskbarList { private static object _syncLock = new object(); private static ITaskbarList4 _taskbarList; internal static ITaskbarList4 Instance { get { if (_taskbarList == null) { lock (_syncLock) { if (_taskbarList == null) { _taskbarList = (ITaskbarList4)new CTaskbarList(); _taskbarList.HrInit(); } } } return _taskbarList; } } } [GuidAttribute("56FDF344-FD6D-11d0-958A-006097C9A090")] [ClassInterfaceAttribute(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [ComImportAttribute()] internal class CTaskbarList { } [ComImportAttribute()] [GuidAttribute("c43dc798-95d1-4bea-9030-bb99e2983a1a")] [InterfaceTypeAttribute(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] internal interface ITaskbarList4 { // ITaskbarList [PreserveSig] void HrInit(); [PreserveSig] void AddTab(IntPtr hwnd); [PreserveSig] void DeleteTab(IntPtr hwnd); [PreserveSig] void ActivateTab(IntPtr hwnd); [PreserveSig] void SetActiveAlt(IntPtr hwnd); // ITaskbarList2 [PreserveSig] void MarkFullscreenWindow( IntPtr hwnd, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool fFullscreen); // ITaskbarList3 [PreserveSig] void SetProgressValue(IntPtr hwnd, UInt64 ullCompleted, UInt64 ullTotal); [PreserveSig] void SetProgressState(IntPtr hwnd, TaskbarProgressBarStatus tbpFlags); [PreserveSig] void RegisterTab(IntPtr hwndTab, IntPtr hwndMDI); [PreserveSig] void UnregisterTab(IntPtr hwndTab); [PreserveSig] void SetTabOrder(IntPtr hwndTab, IntPtr hwndInsertBefore); [PreserveSig] void SetTabActive(IntPtr hwndTab, IntPtr hwndInsertBefore, uint dwReserved); [PreserveSig] HResult ThumbBarAddButtons( IntPtr hwnd, uint cButtons, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] ThumbButton[] pButtons); [PreserveSig] HResult ThumbBarUpdateButtons( IntPtr hwnd, uint cButtons, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] ThumbButton[] pButtons); [PreserveSig] void ThumbBarSetImageList(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr himl); [PreserveSig] void SetOverlayIcon( IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr hIcon, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pszDescription); [PreserveSig] void SetThumbnailTooltip( IntPtr hwnd, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pszTip); [PreserveSig] void SetThumbnailClip( IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr prcClip); // ITaskbarList4 void SetTabProperties(IntPtr hwndTab, SetTabPropertiesOption stpFlags); } internal enum TaskbarProgressBarStatus { NoProgress = 0, Indeterminate = 0x1, Normal = 0x2, Error = 0x4, Paused = 0x8 } internal enum ThumbButtonMask { Bitmap = 0x1, Icon = 0x2, Tooltip = 0x4, THB_FLAGS = 0x8 } [Flags] internal enum ThumbButtonOptions { Enabled = 0x00000000, Disabled = 0x00000001, DismissOnClick = 0x00000002, NoBackground = 0x00000004, Hidden = 0x00000008, NonInteractive = 0x00000010 } internal enum SetTabPropertiesOption { None = 0x0, UseAppThumbnailAlways = 0x1, UseAppThumbnailWhenActive = 0x2, UseAppPeekAlways = 0x4, UseAppPeekWhenActive = 0x8 } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] internal struct ThumbButton { /// <summary> /// WPARAM value for a THUMBBUTTON being clicked. /// </summary> internal const int Clicked = 0x1800; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] internal ThumbButtonMask Mask; internal uint Id; internal uint Bitmap; internal IntPtr Icon; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 260)] internal string Tip; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] internal ThumbButtonOptions Flags; } /// <summary> /// HRESULT Wrapper /// </summary> public enum HResult { /// <summary> /// S_OK /// </summary> Ok = 0x0000, /// <summary> /// S_FALSE /// </summary> False = 0x0001, /// <summary> /// E_INVALIDARG /// </summary> InvalidArguments = unchecked((int)0x80070057), /// <summary> /// E_OUTOFMEMORY /// </summary> OutOfMemory = unchecked((int)0x8007000E), /// <summary> /// E_NOINTERFACE /// </summary> NoInterface = unchecked((int)0x80004002), /// <summary> /// E_FAIL /// </summary> Fail = unchecked((int)0x80004005), /// <summary> /// E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND /// </summary> ElementNotFound = unchecked((int)0x80070490), /// <summary> /// TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND /// </summary> TypeElementNotFound = unchecked((int)0x8002802B), /// <summary> /// NO_OBJECT /// </summary> NoObject = unchecked((int)0x800401E5), /// <summary> /// Win32 Error code: ERROR_CANCELLED /// </summary> Win32ErrorCanceled = 1223, /// <summary> /// ERROR_CANCELLED /// </summary> Canceled = unchecked((int)0x800704C7), /// <summary> /// The requested resource is in use /// </summary> ResourceInUse = unchecked((int)0x800700AA), /// <summary> /// The requested resources is read-only. /// </summary> AccessDenied = unchecked((int)0x80030005) } }
using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace wApp { /// <summary> /// Represents an instance of the Windows taskbar /// </summary> public static class TaskbarManager { /// <summary> /// Sets the handle of the window whose taskbar button will be used /// to display progress. /// </summary> private static IntPtr ownerHandle = IntPtr.Zero; static TaskbarManager() { var currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); if (currentProcess != null && currentProcess.MainWindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero) ownerHandle = currentProcess.MainWindowHandle; } /// <summary> /// Indicates whether this feature is supported on the current platform. /// </summary> private static bool IsPlatformSupported { get { return Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT && Environment.OSVersion.Version.CompareTo(new Version(6, 1)) >= 0; } } /// <summary> /// Displays or updates a progress bar hosted in a taskbar button of the main application window /// to show the specific percentage completed of the full operation. /// </summary> /// <param name="currentValue">An application-defined value that indicates the proportion of the operation that has been completed at the time the method is called.</param> /// <param name="maximumValue">An application-defined value that specifies the value currentValue will have when the operation is complete.</param> public static void SetProgressValue(int currentValue, int maximumValue) { if (IsPlatformSupported && ownerHandle != IntPtr.Zero) TaskbarList.Instance.SetProgressValue( ownerHandle, Convert.ToUInt32(currentValue), Convert.ToUInt32(maximumValue)); } /// <summary> /// Displays or updates a progress bar hosted in a taskbar button of the given window handle /// to show the specific percentage completed of the full operation. /// </summary> /// <param name="windowHandle">The handle of the window whose associated taskbar button is being used as a progress indicator. /// This window belong to a calling process associated with the button's application and must be already loaded.</param> /// <param name="currentValue">An application-defined value that indicates the proportion of the operation that has been completed at the time the method is called.</param> /// <param name="maximumValue">An application-defined value that specifies the value currentValue will have when the operation is complete.</param> public static void SetProgressValue(int currentValue, int maximumValue, IntPtr windowHandle) { if (IsPlatformSupported) TaskbarList.Instance.SetProgressValue( windowHandle, Convert.ToUInt32(currentValue), Convert.ToUInt32(maximumValue)); } /// <summary> /// Sets the type and state of the progress indicator displayed on a taskbar button of the main application window. /// </summary> /// <param name="state">Progress state of the progress button</param> public static void SetProgressState(TaskbarProgressBarState state) { if (IsPlatformSupported && ownerHandle != IntPtr.Zero) TaskbarList.Instance.SetProgressState(ownerHandle, (TaskbarProgressBarStatus)state); } /// <summary> /// Sets the type and state of the progress indicator displayed on a taskbar button /// of the given window handle /// </summary> /// <param name="windowHandle">The handle of the window whose associated taskbar button is being used as a progress indicator. /// This window belong to a calling process associated with the button's application and must be already loaded.</param> /// <param name="state">Progress state of the progress button</param> public static void SetProgressState(TaskbarProgressBarState state, IntPtr windowHandle) { if (IsPlatformSupported) TaskbarList.Instance.SetProgressState(windowHandle, (TaskbarProgressBarStatus)state); } } /// <summary> /// Represents the thumbnail progress bar state. /// </summary> public enum TaskbarProgressBarState { /// <summary> /// No progress is displayed. /// </summary> NoProgress = 0, /// <summary> /// The progress is indeterminate (marquee). /// </summary> Indeterminate = 0x1, /// <summary> /// Normal progress is displayed. /// </summary> Normal = 0x2, /// <summary> /// An error occurred (red). /// </summary> Error = 0x4, /// <summary> /// The operation is paused (yellow). /// </summary> Paused = 0x8 } /// <summary> /// Provides internal access to the functions provided by the ITaskbarList4 interface, /// without being forced to refer to it through another singleton. /// </summary> internal static class TaskbarList { private static object _syncLock = new object(); private static ITaskbarList4 _taskbarList; internal static ITaskbarList4 Instance { get { if (_taskbarList == null) { lock (_syncLock) { if (_taskbarList == null) { _taskbarList = (ITaskbarList4)new CTaskbarList(); _taskbarList.HrInit(); } } } return _taskbarList; } } } [GuidAttribute("56FDF344-FD6D-11d0-958A-006097C9A090")] [ClassInterfaceAttribute(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [ComImportAttribute()] internal class CTaskbarList { } [ComImportAttribute()] [GuidAttribute("c43dc798-95d1-4bea-9030-bb99e2983a1a")] [InterfaceTypeAttribute(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] internal interface ITaskbarList4 { // ITaskbarList [PreserveSig] void HrInit(); [PreserveSig] void AddTab(IntPtr hwnd); [PreserveSig] void DeleteTab(IntPtr hwnd); [PreserveSig] void ActivateTab(IntPtr hwnd); [PreserveSig] void SetActiveAlt(IntPtr hwnd); // ITaskbarList2 [PreserveSig] void MarkFullscreenWindow( IntPtr hwnd, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool fFullscreen); // ITaskbarList3 [PreserveSig] void SetProgressValue(IntPtr hwnd, UInt64 ullCompleted, UInt64 ullTotal); [PreserveSig] void SetProgressState(IntPtr hwnd, TaskbarProgressBarStatus tbpFlags); [PreserveSig] void RegisterTab(IntPtr hwndTab, IntPtr hwndMDI); [PreserveSig] void UnregisterTab(IntPtr hwndTab); [PreserveSig] void SetTabOrder(IntPtr hwndTab, IntPtr hwndInsertBefore); [PreserveSig] void SetTabActive(IntPtr hwndTab, IntPtr hwndInsertBefore, uint dwReserved); [PreserveSig] HResult ThumbBarAddButtons( IntPtr hwnd, uint cButtons, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] ThumbButton[] pButtons); [PreserveSig] HResult ThumbBarUpdateButtons( IntPtr hwnd, uint cButtons, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] ThumbButton[] pButtons); [PreserveSig] void ThumbBarSetImageList(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr himl); [PreserveSig] void SetOverlayIcon( IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr hIcon, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pszDescription); [PreserveSig] void SetThumbnailTooltip( IntPtr hwnd, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pszTip); [PreserveSig] void SetThumbnailClip( IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr prcClip); // ITaskbarList4 void SetTabProperties(IntPtr hwndTab, SetTabPropertiesOption stpFlags); } internal enum TaskbarProgressBarStatus { NoProgress = 0, Indeterminate = 0x1, Normal = 0x2, Error = 0x4, Paused = 0x8 } internal enum ThumbButtonMask { Bitmap = 0x1, Icon = 0x2, Tooltip = 0x4, THB_FLAGS = 0x8 } [Flags] internal enum ThumbButtonOptions { Enabled = 0x00000000, Disabled = 0x00000001, DismissOnClick = 0x00000002, NoBackground = 0x00000004, Hidden = 0x00000008, NonInteractive = 0x00000010 } internal enum SetTabPropertiesOption { None = 0x0, UseAppThumbnailAlways = 0x1, UseAppThumbnailWhenActive = 0x2, UseAppPeekAlways = 0x4, UseAppPeekWhenActive = 0x8 } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] internal struct ThumbButton { /// <summary> /// WPARAM value for a THUMBBUTTON being clicked. /// </summary> internal const int Clicked = 0x1800; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] internal ThumbButtonMask Mask; internal uint Id; internal uint Bitmap; internal IntPtr Icon; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 260)] internal string Tip; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] internal ThumbButtonOptions Flags; } /// <summary> /// HRESULT Wrapper /// </summary> public enum HResult { /// <summary> /// S_OK /// </summary> Ok = 0x0000, /// <summary> /// S_FALSE /// </summary> False = 0x0001, /// <summary> /// E_INVALIDARG /// </summary> InvalidArguments = unchecked((int)0x80070057), /// <summary> /// E_OUTOFMEMORY /// </summary> OutOfMemory = unchecked((int)0x8007000E), /// <summary> /// E_NOINTERFACE /// </summary> NoInterface = unchecked((int)0x80004002), /// <summary> /// E_FAIL /// </summary> Fail = unchecked((int)0x80004005), /// <summary> /// E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND /// </summary> ElementNotFound = unchecked((int)0x80070490), /// <summary> /// TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND /// </summary> TypeElementNotFound = unchecked((int)0x8002802B), /// <summary> /// NO_OBJECT /// </summary> NoObject = unchecked((int)0x800401E5), /// <summary> /// Win32 Error code: ERROR_CANCELLED /// </summary> Win32ErrorCanceled = 1223, /// <summary> /// ERROR_CANCELLED /// </summary> Canceled = unchecked((int)0x800704C7), /// <summary> /// The requested resource is in use /// </summary> ResourceInUse = unchecked((int)0x800700AA), /// <summary> /// The requested resources is read-only. /// </summary> AccessDenied = unchecked((int)0x80030005) } }
private void trackBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { TaskbarManager.SetProgressValue(trackBar.Value, trackBar.Maximum); } private void btnNoProgress_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TaskbarManager.SetProgressState(TaskbarProgressBarState.NoProgress); } private void btnIndeterminate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TaskbarManager.SetProgressState(TaskbarProgressBarState.Indeterminate); } private void btnNormal_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TaskbarManager.SetProgressState(TaskbarProgressBarState.Normal); TaskbarManager.SetProgressValue(trackBar.Value, trackBar.Maximum); } private void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TaskbarManager.SetProgressState(TaskbarProgressBarState.Error); TaskbarManager.SetProgressValue(trackBar.Value, trackBar.Maximum); } private void btnPaused_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TaskbarManager.SetProgressState(TaskbarProgressBarState.Paused); TaskbarManager.SetProgressValue(trackBar.Value, trackBar.Maximum); }
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