
E-mail & MSN: clsoho@hotmail.com
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Syntax 语法


Effect 作用

This event keyword defines an event block whose event is triggered by the ABAP runtime environment when calling the executable program selection screen processing of a selection screen.


In an executable program, all statements that are not declarations, and are listed before the first explicit processing block, are assigned to this event block. If the program does not contain an explicitly defined event block START-OF-SELECTION, these statements form the complete event block START-OF-SELECTION. If a program contains an explicitly defined event block START-OF-SELECTION, these statements are added to the beginning of the event block. If the program contains no explicitly defined event blocks, these statements form the entire event block START-OF-SELECTION.



If the program is linked to a logical database, preparations can be made here before the logical database reads data. If the program is not linked to a logical database, this event block even displays a "main program" from which procedures or screen layouts are called.

如果程序和一个逻辑数据库相关联,在逻辑数据库读取数据之前可以在这做些准备工作。如果程序没有相关联的逻辑数据库,这个事件块相当于显示了一个"main program"从这里调用过程或者屏幕布局。

Example 例子

Note the following three programs, each with the same function.


The first program contains an explicit event block START-OF-SELECTION and shows the recommended spelling.

第一个程序包含一个明确的事件块START-OF-SELECTION 并且显示了建议写法。

REPORT test_start_of_selection.
DATA text TYPE string.
  text = `Hello World!`.
  WRITE text.

In the second program, there is an assignment before the first processing block, which is inserted in the event block START-OF-SELECTION.


REPORT test_start_of_selection.
DATA text TYPE string.
text = `Hello World!`.
  WRITE text.

In the third program, there is no explicit processing block. All statements form the event block START-OF-SELECTION.


REPORT test_start_of_selection.
DATA text TYPE string.
text = `Hello World!`.
WRITE text.

Example 例子

see Example for Reporting Events. 参见Reporting Events的例子。

posted on 2010-02-01 15:33  凡尘clsoho  阅读(6135)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报