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Release New and updated topics Description of changes
Version 4.0.8 March 2009 SDK\SDKReadme.htm Updated the SDK readme with new information.


Added helper code for use with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online server-to-server authentication scenarios.


Class now throws a custom exception that includes the error code. Also added a Visual Basic .NET version of the helper code.
  SDK\Server\Helpers\VB\CrmHelpers Added a Visual Basic .NET version of the helper code.
  SDK\Tools\PluginRegistration Updated the tool to version 2.2. Refer to the included Readme file for more information about software updates and new features.


Removed the ImportExport sample from the SDK.


Added a new project that demonstrates data binding an ASPX DataGrid control with Microsoft Dynamics CRM data.
  SDK\bin\64bit\Live Added 64-bit assemblies for use with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online.
  Promote an E-mail Message to Microsoft Dynamics CRM

CrmService Messages

MetadataService Messages

Added sample code in Visual Basic .NET.
  DeliverPromoteEmail Message

RetrieveByTopIncidentProductKbArticle Message

RetrieveByTopIncidentSubjectKbArticle Message

RetrieveMembersBulkOperation Message

SearchByBodyKbArticle Message

SetStateWorkflow Message

UtcTimeFromLocalTime Message

Added sample code in Visual C# and Visual Basic .NET.
  About the Assemblies Added information about the execution sequence of plug-ins and workflows in relation to one another and how a pre-event plug-in can prevent a workflow from executing.

BulkDelete Message

Added information about how to use of the BulkDeleteRequest.QuerySet property.
  Calendar Rule Entity Capabilities Fixed bug. Calendar rule entity instances cannot be retrieved directly. They can only be accessed by retrieving the parent calendar.
  Default Privileges Required Updated this topic with a column of additional information for each privilege.
  Event Execution Pipeline Added information about when plug-ins and workflows are executed in the pipeline.
  How To Convert a Fax to a Task Updated sample code to use correct date manipulation methods.
  ISV Extensibility Best Practices Updated information about where you should put custom code. This requires Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Update Rollup 2, which can be found at
  Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.IsvReadiness Classes Added IsvReadiness helper classes, which give you a programmatic means to change parts of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM customization XML files.
  organization.trackingprefix Updated topic about updates to the e-mail tracking token prefix.
  Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Authentication Added topics to address client-to-server and server-to-server authentication scenarios for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online.
  Parent and Child Pipelines Clarified the information about child pipelines. Added a list of messages that a child pipeline can process.
  RetrieveLocLabels Message

SetLocLabels Message

Clarified use of the messages to retrieve and set localized labels. These messages are used for the localized display names for attributes, not the labels on a form.
  Support for the .NET Framework Versions Added explicit statement of support for ASP.NET AJAX.
  Unsupported Customizations Updated support statement about modification of the database. Adding or updating indexes is supported.
  Upgrade Issues for Workflow and Callouts Added table of state changes that are handled differently for plug-ins that were upgraded from Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 callouts.
  Upgrading Your Existing Code Added a topic that shows the differences between Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 code and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 code.
  Upload an Attachment Added sample code to show how to upload an attachment to an annotation (note).
  Using the Metadata Browser Added a note that indicates that the metadata browser works only for on-premise deployments.
  Walkthrough: Server-to-Server Authentication with CRM Online Added a new walkthrough.
  WindowsLiveIdTicketAcquirer Added documentation for the helper code to support Windows Live authentication.

posted on 2009-03-11 22:39  Batistuta Cai  阅读(802)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报