
Sub test()
    Dim ohtml, ohttp, table, byid, byname, byclassname, selectorall, selector As Object, s As String
    Set ohtml = CreateObject("htmlfile")
    Set ohttp = CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
    With ohttp
        .Open "get", "https://www.boc.cn/sourcedb/whpj/index.html", False
        ohtml.body.innerhtml = .responsetext
        s = .responsetext
    End With
    Set byid = ohtml.getElementById("pjname") '根据id获取元素
    Set table = ohtml.getElementsByTagName("table") '根据标签名字获取元素
    Set byname = ohtml.getElementsByName("pjname") '根据name属性的值获取元素
    Set byclassname = ohtml.getElementsByClassName("pjrq") '根据类样式的名字获取元素
    Set selectorall = ohtml.querySelectorAll(".pjrq") '根据选择器获取元素,返回值是一个元素对象(疑似会报错,使用for each可以循环出数组),可获取css中的多个后代document.querySelectorAll(‘.box li’);
    Set selector = ohtml.querySelector(".pjrq") '根据选择器获取元素,返回值是一个伪数组,可获取css中的一个后代document.querySelector(‘.box .bx’);document.querySelector(‘.box ul’);
    Debug.Print 11
    'For Each i In selectorall'遍历
    '    ss = i.innertext
    '    Debug.Print ss
    Set byid = Nothing
    Set table = Nothing
    Set byname = Nothing
    Set byclassname = Nothing
    Set selectorall = Nothing
    Set selector = Nothing
End Sub

posted on 2022-11-20 02:01  吃饱饱没烦恼  阅读(662)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报