
#!/usr/bin/env python 2 #Author: Tony Cab 3 4 users = (['cab','123'],['tony','234']) 5 shop_mall = [ 6 ['Thinkpad',5999], 7 ['Mac Proc',8000], 8 ['Mi note 2',3000], 9 ['Hua Wei',4000], 10 ['Suo lan tuo',300000], 11 ['Bicycle',3000], 12 ['Clothes',500], 13 ['Coffe',20], 14 ['Chocolate',10] 15 ] 16 17 shop_car = [] 18 shop_price = [] 19 total = 0 20 21 print('Who are you? Please login. Thanks!') 22 name = input('Account: ').strip() 23 passw = input('Password: ') 24 25 if [name,passw] in users: 26 print('Welcome %s to cabell shopping mall' %name) 27 else: 28 exit('Invalid account or password.') 29 30 salary = input('How much money do you have? ').strip() 31 if salary.isdigit(): sala = int(salary) 32 33 print('This is the list of goods. Please input the number of which do you want to buy.') 34 for item in enumerate(shop_mall): 35 index = item[0] 36 shop = item[1][0] 37 price = item[1][1] 38 print(index,':',shop,price) 39 40 41 flag = False 42 while not flag: 43 pri = 'This list \033[1;31;40m %s \033[0m is your goods. they take you \033[1;31;40m %s \ 44 \033[0m dollars' 45 num = input("Press 'q' to quit. Press number of good to buy. ").strip() 46 if num == 'q' or num == 'Q': 47 print(pri %(shop_car,total)) 48 flag = True 49 else: 50 numb = int(num) 51 shop_car.append(shop_mall[numb]) 52 total += shop_mall[numb][1] 53 if total > sala: 54 shop_car.pop() 55 total -= shop_mall[numb][1] 56 print(pri %(shop_car,total)) 57 exit('Your money is not enough. Please recharge.'.center(60,'*')) 58 else: 59 print(shop_car) 60 print(pri %(shop_car,total))


  1 #!/usr/bin/env python
  2 #Author: Tony Cab
  4 import getpass
  6 flag = False
  8 users = [['cab','123'],['tony','234']]  #用户列表
 10 new_acc = []
 11 shop_car = []        #定义变量
 12 shop_price = []
 13 total = 0
 16 while not flag:
 17     acc = input('Do you have a account? if you have please press \'y\'. else press \'a\' to register. and \
 18     press \'q\' to quit.')
 19     if acc == 'y':
 20         break
 21     elif acc == 'a':
 22         uname = input('New Account: ').strip()      #新用户注册
 23         upassw = input('New Password: ')
 24         upassd = input('Reput Password: ')
 25         if upassw == upassd:
 26             new_acc.append(uname)
 27             new_acc.append(upassw)
 28             users.append(new_acc)
 29             print('Congratulations! register success.Please login')
 30             break
 31         else:continue
 32     elif acc == 'q':
 33         exit('Good Bye'.center(40,'-'))
 34     else:
 35         print('Please do it according introductions')
 36         continue
 38 print('Who are you? Please login. Thanks!')
 39 name = input('Account: ').strip()               #用户登录
 40 passw = input('Password: ')
 42 if [name,passw] in users:
 43     print('Welcome %s to cabell shopping mall' %name)
 44 else:
 45     exit('Invalid account or password.')
 47 salary = input('How much dollars do you have? ').strip()            #输入可购买金额
 48 if salary.isdigit(): sala = int(salary)
 49 else:
 50     exit('Error! Please input number.')
 52 shop_mall = [
 53     ['Thinkpad',5999],
 54     ['Mac Proc',8000],                #购物商场商品列表
 55     ['Mi note 2',3000],
 56     ['Hua Wei',4000],
 57     ['Suo lan tuo',300000],
 58     ['Bicycle',3000],
 59     ['Clothes',500],
 60     ['Coffe',20],
 61     ['Chocolate',10]
 62 ]
 64 print('This is the list of goods. Please input the number of which do you want to buy.')
 65 for item in enumerate(shop_mall):
 66     index = item[0]
 67     shop = item[1][0]                      #待购商品列表
 68     price = item[1][1]
 69     print(index,':',shop,price)
 73 while not flag:
 74     pri = 'This list \033[1;31;40m %s \033[0m is your goods. they take you \033[1;31;40m %s \
 75            \033[0m dollars and left %s dollars'
 76     num = input("Press 'q' to quit. Press \'s\' to reset which to remove from your shopping cart \
 77      Press number of good to buy. Press \'l\' to list your goods. Press 'e' to exit with out buy \
 78      anything").strip()
 79     if num == 'q' or num == 'Q':
 80         print(pri %(shop_car,total,sala-total))
 81         print('We hope you have a plesent everyday. See you later.')
 82         flag = True
 84     elif num.isdigit() and int(num) < len(shop_mall):
 85         numb = int(num)
 86         shop_car.append(shop_mall[numb])
 87         total += shop_mall[numb][1]                     #选择商品并购买
 88         if total > sala:
 89             shop_car.pop()
 90             total -= shop_mall[numb][1]
 91             print(pri %(shop_car,total,sala-total))
 92             print('Your money is not enough. Please recharge.'.center(60,'*'))
 93         else:
 94             print(shop_car)
 95             print(pri %(shop_car,total,sala-total))
 96     elif num == 's':
 97         for items in enumerate(shop_car):
 98             inde = items[0]
 99             goo = items[1][0]                         #已购商品
100             pric = items[1][1]
101             print(inde,':',goo,pric)
102         renum = input('Press the number of good to remove and press q to return shop_mall list')
103         if renum.isdigit() and int(renum) < len(shop_car):
104             renumb = int(renum)
105             total -= shop_car[renumb][1]                  #已购商品退货
106             shop_car.pop(renumb)
107             print(pri %(shop_car,total,sala-total))
108         elif renum.isdigit() and int(renum) >= len(shop_car):
109             print('The number out of shopping number')
110             continue
111         else:
112             continue
113     elif num == 'l':
114         for list in enumerate(shop_car):
115             good_nam = list[1][0]
116             good_pri = list[1][1]                     #已购商品列表
117             print(good_nam,':',good_pri)
118         print('Total: %s' %total)
119     elif num.isdigit() and int(num) >= len(shop_mall):
120         print('The number out of shopping number')
121         continue
122     elif num == 'e':
123         total = 0
124         shop_car.clear()
125         print(pri %(shop_car,total,sala))
126     else:
127         print('Please input according to the Useage')
128         continue


posted on 2016-11-18 11:28  自然洒脱  阅读(270)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报