Audit Log for Message: 494175bc-0a39-0040-e100-8000c00006cc
Time Stamp Status Description
2008-12-15 15:09:20 Success File adapter receiver channel Prom_Down: start processing: party " ", service "BS_XXXXX"
2008-12-15 15:09:20 Success Write to FTP server "192.X.X.X", directory "/RTXX/Promotion/", -> file "prom494175bc-0a39-0040-e100-8000c00006cc.xml"
2008-12-15 15:09:20 Success Transfer: "BIN" mode, size 1780 bytes, character encoding -
2008-12-15 15:09:20 Error Attempt to process file failed with java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error during STOR/APPE epilogue: com.sap.aii.adapter.file.ftp.FTPEx: 426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.
2008-12-15 15:09:20 Error MP: Exception caught with cause com.sap.aii.af.ra.ms.api.RecoverableException: Error during STOR/APPE epilogue: com.sap.aii.adapter.file.ftp.FTPEx: 426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error during STOR/APPE epilogue: com.sap.aii.adapter.file.ftp.FTPEx: 426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.
2008-12-15 15:09:20 Error Exception caught by adapter framework: Error during STOR/APPE epilogue: com.sap.aii.adapter.file.ftp.FTPEx: 426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.
2008-12-15 15:09:20 Error Delivery of the message to the application using connection File_http://sap.com/xi/XI/System failed, due to: com.sap.aii.af.ra.ms.api.RecoverableException: Error during STOR/APPE epilogue: com.sap.aii.adapter.file.ftp.FTPEx: 426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error during STOR/APPE epilogue: com.sap.aii.adapter.file.ftp.FTPEx: 426 Connection closed; transfer aborted..
2008-12-15 15:09:20 Success The message status set to WAIT.
2008-12-15 15:09:20 Success The asynchronous message was successfully scheduled to be delivered at Mon Dec 15 15:14:20 GMT+08:00 2008.



posted on 2008-12-15 15:27  会东  阅读(2169)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报