


ABAP schema Database Transaction Codes



SXMSPMAST XI Messages - Master
SXMSPHIST XI Messages - Master History table
SXMSPEMAS   Integration Engine: Enhanced Message Queue (Master)
SXMSPFADDRESS Addresses Master
SXMSPVERS  Integration Engine: Message Version
SXMSPERROR XML Message Broker: Message Queue (Incorrect Entries)
SXMSCLUP  Cluster - Compressed Message Payload Property
SXMSCLUR Cluster - Compressed Message Payload Resource (attachments)

   The Switch equivalents for the 7 tables above have the suffix 2, e.g. SXMSPMAST2 

Mapping Related Tables  
SMPPMAP3 Mapping Runtime: Mapping
SMPPREL3 Mapping Runtime: Mapping Relation
SMPPSPLIT XI Mapping: Merge and Split


SXMSPFRAWH Integration Engine - Header Table for Raw Data for Performance Evaluation
SXMSPFRAWD  Integration Engine: Data Table for Raw Data for Performance  

ccBPM / BPE tables

SWFRXIHDR XI Adapter: Header Data for a Message Object
SWFRXICNT  XI Adapter: XML Container for a Message Object
SWFRXIPRC XI-Adapter: Process-Dependent Message Data


IDXNOALE suppress IDoc Adapter acknowledgements


Adapter Engine

XI_AF_MSG_AUDIT audit log entries
BC_MSG AF PI 7.1  Message
BC_MSG_AUDIT PI 7.1 audit log entries (**)


PI 7.1 AF Messaging System audit log persistence

Integration Builder

SAP_<SID>DB.XI_REP*    Repository objects
SAP_<SID>DB.XI_DIR*     Directory objects

Integartion Builder versioning

SAP<SID>DB.XI_P* Repository versioning information
SAP<SID>DB.XI_Q* Directory versioning information

Alert Framework Tables


Java SE11/SE16 equivalent - Dictionary Table Maintenance Utility Tool

Interesting ABAP tables in XI - Part I

Fast growing tables in PI 7.0

Integration Engines  
SXMSPMAST Integration Engine (master) Message Queue table
SXMSCLUP/SXMSCLUR contain the application payload in a compressed form
SXMSPHIST contains history data. History data consists of a small amount of header information from deleted messages. This history data is stored in a separate table with a minimum retention period of seven days.
SXMSPFRAWH/SXMSPFRAWD contain PI performance data.
Business Process Engine  
SWWLOGHIST all information about one process step
SWWWIHEAD header information for processes
SWWCNTP0 context information for processes, for example, references to messages
Adapter Engine  
XI_AF_MSG stores incoming and outgoing messages
XI_AF_MSG_AUDIT audit log entries for messages stored in XI_AF_MSG
XI_SEC only for security message archiving


posted on 2009-02-10 17:41  会东  阅读(1458)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报