
IDX2    查看IDOC结构,如果发现XI与SAP发送来的IDOC mate date 转换失败,可以用这个事务代码查看两边的结构是否一样
IDX5    根据日期进行查看发送和接收的IDOC,XML messages in idoc adapter
IDX1    查看IDOC Port (port maintenance in idoc adapter) 在这个里配置        destination         (这        个        在        SM59),如果传输有问题,可以在SM59里做一个连接测试.
IDXP     Packaging manger monitor
SM58    RFC 监控
SMQ1    qRFC outbound queue 监控
SMQ2    out inbound queue 监控
SXMB_IFR  启动integration builder

ALRTCATDEF- Alerts Configuration.

ALRTDISP - Display of Alerts Created 

SXMB_IFR ->  启动 Integration Builder
SXMB_MONI -> Integration Engine - Monitoring
SXI_MONITOR -> XI: Message Monitoring
SXI_CACHE ->   To Access IS runtime cache

SXI_SUPPORT -> Test all the Repository and Directory Objects
SXI_CACHE -> XI data directory cacheidx1 -> idoc adapter
IDX2 -> idoc metadata
IDX5 -> monitor idoc adapter
ST22 -> ABAP dump analysis
SMQ1 -> messages inbound e outbound queue
SMQ2 -> messages inbound e outbound queue
SMICM -> J2EE administration
ST06 -> Operating System Monitor. cpu memory filesystem machine status - cpu, memory and file system.
ST03 -> workload.
SCC4 -> Client Administration
sale - ale settings
RZ10 - edit system profile
SM59 ->mantain rfc destinations
BD64 -> mantain distribution model (trasformazioni)
AL08 -> list all logged users(user login logon)
SE10 -> Change Request
SE09 -> Change Request
WE05 -> All idocs
WE19 -> IDoc Test Tool
WE21 -> port definition
SE11 -> Data dictionary
se37 -> mantain funcion modules
SICF -> http server configuration
SMGW -> Gateway Monitor
BD13 ->
BD64 -> Maintenance of Distribution Model
PFCG -> Roles
table TSTC -> sap transactions codes
table TSTCT -> transaction descriptions
STMS -> transports management
SPAM -> apply ABAP support packages
SPAU -> manage objects after apply support packages
SE01 -> manage change requests
SLDCHECK -> Test SLD Connection
SXMB_ADM -> Integration Engine - Administration
SXMB_MONI_BPE -> Process Engine - Monitoring
SE38 -> ABAP Editor
SE11 -> ABAP Dictionary
ST22 -> ABAP dump analysis
SPROXY-> ABAP Proxy Generation
SE80 -> Object Navigator
ABAPDOCU -> ABAP Documentation and Examples
SE24-> Class Builder
SM21-> Online System Log Analysis
SMQ1-> qRFC Monitor (Outbound Queue)
SMQ2-> qRFC Monitor (Inbound Queue)
RZ70-> SLD Administration
SM58-> Asynchronous RFC Error Log
SM59-> RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain)
SMICM-> ICM Monitor
WE60-> Documentation for IDoc types
BD87-> Status Monitor for ALE Messages
IDX1-> Port Maintenance in IDoc Adapter
IDX2-> Meta Data Overview in IDoc Adapter
WE02-> Display IDoc
WE09-> Search for IDocs by Content
WE20-> Partner Profiles
SE16-> Data Browser
SE93-> Maintain Transaction Codes
SM30-> Call View Maintenance
SU01-> User Maintenance
SM02-> System Messages
BD54 -Logical System Creation.
SWF_XI_PBUILDER -> for Detail BPM Process
SMQS - > to register the destination in QOUT scheduler
WEOUTQUEUE - > to start the queue processing
SMQR - > to register the queue
IDXPW - > to activate the IDOC message package
IDXP - > to monitor the message packages. 
SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING -> transaction to check prerequisites for integration processes.
SWF_XI_ADM_BPE-> Start or Stop BPE
SWF_XI_ADM_BPE_DISP-> Display BPE Status

SXMS_IECONF               ->Integration Engine 配置

SXMS_QREG               ->注册和激活queue

SXI_SHOW_MESSAGE  显示message 信息,




posted on 2008-02-27 15:54  会东  阅读(2021)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报