#Auther Bob
import logging
# logging.debug('time is over')
# logging.info('password is error')
# logging.warning('you have 3 times')
# logging.error('you have no time')
# logging.critical('server is down')
# ==================================================================================================================
# logging.basicConfig(filename='log1.txt',level=logging.INFO)
# logging.debug('time is over')
# logging.info('password is error')
# logging.warning('you have 3 times')
# logging.error('you have no time')
# logging.critical('server is down')
# INFO:root:password is error
# WARNING:root:you have 3 times
# ERROR:root:you have no time
# CRITICAL:root:server is down
# ===============================================================================================================
# logging.basicConfig(filename='log2.txt',level=logging.INFO,format='%(asctime)s,%(message)s',datefmt='%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S %p')
# logging.debug('time is over')
# logging.info('password is error')
# logging.warning('you have 3 times')
# logging.error('you have no time')
# logging.critical('server is down')
# 04/11/2017:10:01:37 AM,password is error
# 04/11/2017:10:01:37 AM,you have 3 times
# 04/11/2017:10:01:37 AM,you have no time
# 04/11/2017:10:01:37 AM,server is down
# ======================================================================================================
log_obg = logging.getLogger('root')
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
fh = logging.FileHandler('log3.txt')
format_obg = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s -%(name)s -%(levelname)s -%(message)s')
# %(name)s 这里就是logging.getLogger('root')的'root'
# %(levelno)s 这里就是日志的级别DEBUG, INFO,WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
# %(levelname)s
# %(pathname)s 这里就是文件的路径名
# %(filename)s 这里就是文件的名称
# %(module)s 模块的名称
# %(lineno)d 行数
# %(funcName)s 函数的名称
# %(created)f 日志记录创建时间
# %(asctime)s 时间
# %(msecs)d 秒
# %(thread)d 线程id
# %(threadName)s 线程名称
# %(process)d 进程id
# %(message)s 日志内容
# log_obg.debug('time is over')
# log_obg.info('password is error')
# log_obg.warning('you have 3 times')
# log_obg.error('you have no time')
# log_obg.critical('server is down')
# 2017-04-11 10:25:03,241 -root -ERROR -you have no time
# 2017-04-11 10:25:03,241 -root -CRITICAL -server is down
# 2017-04-11 10:25:03,241 -root -WARNING -you have 3 times
# 2017-04-11 10:25:03,241 -root -ERROR -you have no time
# 2017-04-11 10:25:03,241 -root -CRITICAL -server is down
#Auther Bob #--*--coding:utf-8--*-- import logging #z注册一个全局的日志对象 log_obj = logging.getLogger("root") log_obj.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) #注册一个打印到屏幕上的日志对象 sh = logging.StreamHandler() sh.setLevel(logging.ERROR) #注册一个打印到文件的日志对象 fh = logging.FileHandler("db.txt") fh.setLevel(logging.ERROR) #设定日志打印的格式 log_format = logging.Formatter("%(name)s-%(message)s-%(levelno)s-%(thread)d-%(threadName)s-%(process)d-%(asctime)s",datefmt='%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S %p') # log_format = logging.Formatter("%(name)s-%(message)s-%(levelno)s-%(thread)d-%(threadName)s-%(process)d-%(asctime)s") #在打印到屏幕的日志对象中应用日志格式 fh.setFormatter(log_format) #在打印到文件的日志对象中应用日志格式 sh.setFormatter(log_format) #将打印到屏幕和日志的对象注册到全局的日志对象中 log_obj.addHandler(fh) log_obj.addHandler(sh) while True: log_obj.debug('time is over') log_obj.info('password is error') log_obj.warning('you have 3 times') log_obj.error('you have no time') log_obj.critical('server is down')