… 佛於是把我化做一棵树 长在你必经的路旁 阳光下 慎重地开满了花 …… keep smiling, keep swinging
We are friends in daily life; we talk about everything; we are both so straight that we never hide our feelings,especially bad ones. In his words, we are in  a long time interest relationship. Also we quarrel a lot, especially in work. Both are  stubborn and he goes further.Things become much worse these days. We are the only two actually working on out project, but we make so few communications. He refused to come to the lab after several unhappy conversations, that made things harder. He says"It costs me a lot of energy to communicate with u now" .I answer back:'That's because you insist all the communications end up with acceptance of your opinions'.......Now, after thinking about this stuff seriously , I think maybe I shall back off  a bit in the situation that he will never give in. He is not grown up yet ,either am I. I must make some efforts to smooth this cooperation.  The cooperation in work between friends is expected to be much easier, but now this friendship doesn't  help  our work at all. Instead, we have much more quarrels due to the familiar ity. I know clearly that I am also responsible for this bad sitation, and I have to turn it back. Just be calm, be modest, be broad-minded, be implicit and  be quite helpful.

Brother Liu is always so helpful.  I am quite graceful to him all the time. He told me never to worry about these trifles, just to do my own job well and what's most important, to save time to read more books to quatify myself, that is much more practical. I will keep it in mind.

No holidays.
Mom won't come, either.
BF will go home in two days.
I am alone in this summer.

Another thing I suddenly realized last nignt. I forgot my mother's birthday!! wuwu crying! It has passed almost a month. What I was busy in ?!! I am such a bad daughther. wuwu. Swizard remembers his mother's birthday, but I forgot. wuwu.  Terribly sorry ,Mom, you must be sad that day. Terribly sorry. I hate myself a lot......     
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