… 佛於是把我化做一棵树 长在你必经的路旁 阳光下 慎重地开满了花 …… keep smiling, keep swinging

       I  graduated from my college successfully several months ago. While looking back on the four years I have come through,  I finally find that some changes have happened to me in many ways.
       First,I would like to say I have learned a lot of knowledge in college. I not only have mastered all the basic theories required in college study, such as English and Mathematics,but also have learned some advanced techenology in my major field. All these make me feel fulfiled and qualified in my career. However, what's the most important is that I have learned a successful learnning method. I could understand new knowledge and make good use of them in quite a short time with the method. It is so effetive that it will make me go further and progress faster in my study.
       Then the second change happened in my life. I have a lot of experiences during my college life. I have many more oppotunities to get to know the society out of our campus. The society is never the simple one in my childish mind before. Everybody I met with taught me a lot about how to make a successful life in such a complicated society. They taught me to be honest and also to be careful and alert.  Honesty should always be the most important principle invovled in all trades. However,  we also should keep alert for there are a small group of dishonest people definitely, who may cheat in the trade. Therefore, honesty and carefulness are both neccessary. And I have become mature enough to deal with the problems in the society more easily with honesty and carefulness in mind.
       At last, I think my character has been  improved a lot and I have become more acceptable to be a good friend. I had been trying to find out my shortcomings in daily life and overcome them. I am more strict to oneself and more  generious to others today.  I have learned to think for others first and understand others' feelings more and I will try my best to help them anytime.  In  a word,  I have become more confident to get along with others smoothly and  to make  a lot of  close friends.
       All  in all , some good changes have happened  due to the efforts in the four-year college life ,and  I appreciate them so much and they will benefit me on and on  for my whole life  time .



posted on 2005-11-13 00:56  silvia  阅读(1817)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报