… 佛於是把我化做一棵树 长在你必经的路旁 阳光下 慎重地开满了花 …… keep smiling, keep swinging
He came.....
Then we spent a whole day together
He went......
A bit lingered,but I didn't
This morining before I saw him,I suddenly realized the illusion between us is totally impossible
Yea, We have been known for ten years,and he said it is why he likes the song named the same
No, even if JG is not the right person for me ,he has even less probability.
However, we are still pretty good friends,just with less even no illegibility in the coming days .
Since he has come to Beijing ,I have the responsibility to take care of him.I just will performance normally.

I will just stay there,waiting to be rescued , by my Mr Right 

Then I stayed out  for the whole night with eight guys to K songs in  "the same song" nearby.
It must be a miracle we can get along in this kind of situation natually. 
Even this,unhappiness happened twice there,due to my self-will.But the boys are quite concessional to me.
I shoundn't  have  acted like that and I am sorry for that

After all ,I am not a little girl needing privilege.
I am supposed to be an adult
I am ready to learn to be .
posted on 2005-03-13 16:16  silvia  阅读(396)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报