Time limit: 1.000 seconds

Easy Problem from Rujia Liu?

Though Rujia Liu usually sets hard problems for contests (for example, regional contests like Xi'an 2006, Beijing 2007 and Wuhan 2009, or UVa OJ contests like Rujia Liu's Presents 1 and 2), he occasionally sets easy problem (for example, 'the Coco-Cola Store' in UVa OJ), to encourage more people to solve his problems :D

Given an array, your task is to find the k-th occurrence (from left to right) of an integer v. To make the problem more difficult (and interesting!), you'll have to answer m such queries.


There are several test cases. The first line of each test case contains two integers n, m(1<=n,m<=100,000), the number of elements in the array, and the number of queries. The next line contains n positive integers not larger than 1,000,000. Each of the following m lines contains two integer k and v (1<=k<=n, 1<=v<=1,000,000). The input is terminated by end-of-file (EOF). The size of input file does not exceed 5MB.


For each query, print the 1-based location of the occurrence. If there is no such element, output 0 instead.

Sample Input

8 4
1 3 2 2 4 3 2 1
1 3
2 4
3 2
4 2

Output for the Sample Input


* @author  Panoss
using namespace std;
#define DBG 1
#define fori(i,a,b) for(int i = (a); i < (b); i++)
#define forie(i,a,b) for(int i = (a); i <= (b); i++)
#define ford(i,a,b) for(int i = (a); i > (b); i--)
#define forde(i,a,b) for(int i = (a); i >= (b); i--)
#define forls(i,a,b,n) for(int i = (a); i != (b); i = n[i])
#define mset(a,v) memset(a, v, sizeof(a))
#define mcpy(a,b) memcpy(a, b, sizeof(a))
#define dout  DBG && cerr << __LINE__ << " >>| "
#define checkv(x) dout << #x"=" << (x) << " | "<<endl
#define checka(array,a,b) if(DBG) { \
    dout << #array"[] | " << endl; \
    forie(i, a, b) cerr << "[" << i << "]=" << array[i] << " |" << ((i - (a)+1) % 5 ? " " : "\n"); \
if (((b)-(a)+1) % 5) cerr << endl; \
#define redata(T, x) T x; cin >> x
#define MIN_LD -2147483648
#define MAX_LD  2147483647
#define MIN_LLD -9223372036854775808
#define MAX_LLD  9223372036854775807
#define MAX_INF 18446744073709551615
inline int  reint() { int d; scanf("%d", &d); return d; }
inline long relong() { long l; scanf("%ld", &l); return l; }
inline char rechar() { scanf(" "); return getchar(); }
inline double redouble() { double d; scanf("%lf", &d); return d; }
inline string restring() { string s; cin >> s; return s; }

map<int, vector<int> > A;

int main()
    int n, m, k, v;
            if(!A.count(v)) A[v] = vector<int>();
            if(!A.count(v)||A[v].size()<k) printf("0\n");
            else printf("%d\n",A[v][k-1]);
    return 0;


posted on 2014-07-03 00:27  Panoss  阅读(200)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报