python 连接蓝牙设备
# %% from binascii import hexlify import struct from bluepy.btle import Scanner, DefaultDelegate,UUID, Peripheral # %% class ScanDelegate(DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) def handleDiscovery(self, dev, isNewDev, isNewData): if isNewDev: print("Discovered device", dev.addr) print("device", dev.addr) elif isNewData: print("Received new data from", dev.addr) class NotifyDelegate(DefaultDelegate): # Constructor (run once on startup). def __init__(self, params): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) # func is caled on notifications def handleNotification(self, cHandle, data): print("Notification from Handle: 0x" + format(cHandle,'02X') ) print(hexlify(data)) # %% scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(10.0) creyond_devices = [] for dev in devices: print("Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi)) for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): if value == "CreYond": creyond_devices.append(dev) print(" %s = %s" % (desc, value)) print(creyond_devices) # %% get services # the first device name CreYond # c_device = creyond_devices[0] # c_device = "40:D6:3C:2F:F2:52" # 小蓝牙 c_device = "9O:A5:25:C8:93:D5" # 大蓝牙 p_device = Peripheral(c_device) p_device.withDelegate(NotifyDelegate(p_device)) services = p_device.getServices() # displays all services for service in services: print(service) # %% get specified service #service_uuid = UUID("uuid service") # 小蓝牙 service_uuid = UUID("uuid service") # 大蓝牙 c_service = p_device.getServiceByUUID(service_uuid) print(c_service) # %% characteristics = c_service.getCharacteristics() # displays all characteristics for char in characteristics: print(char) # %% notify_char = characteristics[0] print("我是notify_char :" + str(characteristics[0])) #%% hEcg=notify_char.getHandle() for descriptor in p_device.getDescriptors(hEcg,c_service.hndEnd): if (descriptor.uuid==0x2902): print(f'Client Characteristic Configuration found at handle 0x{format(descriptor.handle,"02X")}') print(descriptor.handle) hEcgCCC=descriptor.handle print("hEcgCCC:" + str(hEcgCCC)) p_device.writeCharacteristic(hEcgCCC,bytes([1, 0])) #%% # tmp_data=p_device.readCharacteristic(0x11) # # tmp_data=p_device.readCharacteristic(0x11) # print(tmp_data) # %% while True: if p_device.waitForNotifications(1.0): # handleNotification() was called continue print("Waiting... Waited more than one sec for notification") # %% p_device.disconnect() # %%
优化成demo 做成web api的模式 (uuid是蓝牙的service 一个 service 下可以有多个 特征 可以订阅特征也可以向特征中写心跳)
# %% from binascii import hexlify import struct import json import datetime from bluepy.btle import Scanner, DefaultDelegate,UUID, Peripheral from flask import Flask, render_template, request, jsonify import logging from kafka import KafkaProducer import time from threading import Thread import binascii import threading logger = logging.getLogger('werkzeug') # grabs underlying WSGI logger handler = logging.FileHandler('test.log') # creates handler for the log file logger.addHandler(handler) #创建Flask对象app并初始化 app = Flask(__name__) # 设备全局 x_device = None #小蓝牙 d_device = None #大蓝牙 xt_device = None #大蓝牙 心跳 d_characteristics = None # 大蓝牙特征 notify_char_d = None # 大蓝牙通道 lock = threading.Lock() #ScanDelegate 类用来打印在线设备 class ScanDelegate(DefaultDelegate): try: def __init__(self): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) def handleDiscovery(self, dev, isNewDev, isNewData): if isNewDev:"Discovered device", dev.addr) print("Discovered device", dev.addr) elif isNewData: print("Received new data from", dev.addr)"Received new data from", dev.addr) except Exception as ex: class NotifyDelegate_x(DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self, params): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) def handleNotification(self, cHandle, data): print(hexlify(data)) producer = KafkaProducer(value_serializer=lambda v: json.dumps(v).encode('utf-8'),bootstrap_servers='xxxx:9092') for x in range(0,2): time.sleep(0.1) # 每隔0.1秒发送一行数据 databody = { 'messageType':'smallBluetooth', 'body': str(hexlify(data)), 'time': str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')), } producer.send('BluetoothMessageType', databody) class NotifyDelegate_d(DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self, params): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) def handleNotification(self, cHandle, data): print(hexlify(data)) producer = KafkaProducer(value_serializer=lambda v: json.dumps(v).encode('utf-8'),bootstrap_servers='xxxx:9092') for x in range(0,2): time.sleep(0.1) # 每隔0.1秒发送一行数据 databody = { 'messageType':'bigBluetooth', 'body': str(hexlify(data)), 'time': str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')), } producer.send('BluetoothMessageType', databody) # %% route #默认界面 @app.route('/') def index():"hello python") return {'code':200,'message':"hello python",'data':None} @app.route("/getdevicelist",methods=["GET"]) def getdevicelist(): try: devicesListData = [] scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(10.0) for dev in devices: result = {} #"Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi)) result["deviceAddr"] = dev.addr result["deviceAddrType"] = dev.addrType result["deviceRssi"] = dev.rssi devicesListData.append(result) return {'code':200,'message':"ok",'data':devicesListData} except Exception as ex: return {'code':500,'message':"ok",'data':str(ex)} # 连接小蓝牙 @app.route("/connectionSmallBluetooth",methods=["GET"]) def connectionSmallBluetooth(): try: adder = "" if request.method == "GET": adder = request.args.get("adder") if len(adder) == 0: adder = "u0:e6:3s:2F:H2:52" print(adder) obj = MyThreading(runSmallBluetooth, adder) obj.start() print("主线程结束") return {'code':200,'message':"ok",'data':None} except Exception as ex: # 连接大蓝牙 @app.route("/connectionBigBluetooth",methods=["GET"]) def connectionBigBluetooth(): try: if request.method == "GET": adder = request.args.get("adder") if len(adder) == 0: adder = "9C:l5:25:r8:93:75" print(adder) # obj = MyThreading_d(runBigBluetooth, adder) obj = MyThreading(RunBigBlue.runBigBluetooth_xt, adder) obj.start() print("主线程结束") # 开启心跳 return {'code':200,'message':"ok",'data':None} except Exception as ex: # 关闭 大/小 蓝牙 @app.route("/closeBluetooth",methods=["GET"]) def close(): try: if request.method == "GET": type = request.args.get("type") if len(type) == 0: return {'code':500,'message':"no",'data':None} if type == "1" : xt_device.disconnect() if type == "2" : d_device.disconnect() return {'code':200,'message':"ok",'data':None} except Exception as ex: return {'code':500,'message':"ok",'data':str(ex)} class MyThreading(Thread): def __init__(self, func, arg): super(MyThreading,self).__init__() self.func = func self.arg = arg def run(self): self.func(self.arg) # run 小蓝牙 def runSmallBluetooth(args): try: print("收到前端传递的参数为:" + args)"收到前端传递的参数为:" + args) global x_device x_device = Peripheral(args) # 添加委托类 x_device.withDelegate(NotifyDelegate_x(x_device))"准备开始连接小蓝牙:uuid") service_uuid = UUID("uuid") # 小蓝牙 c_service = x_device.getServiceByUUID(service_uuid) # 获取所有特征 characteristics = c_service.getCharacteristics() notify_char = characteristics[0]"使用特征" , notify_char) hEcg=notify_char.getHandle() for descriptor in x_device.getDescriptors(hEcg,c_service.hndEnd): if (descriptor.uuid==0x2902): print(f'Client Characteristic Configuration found at handle 0x{format(descriptor.handle,"02X")}')'Client Characteristic Configuration found at handle 0x{format(descriptor.handle,"02X")}') hEcgCCC=descriptor.handle x_device.writeCharacteristic(hEcgCCC,bytes([1, 0])) tmp_data=x_device.readCharacteristic(0x11)"tmp_data :", tmp_data) while True: if x_device.waitForNotifications(1.0): continue print("Waiting... Waited more than one sec for notification") except Exception as ex: print(str(ex)) # run 大蓝牙 def runBigBluetooth(args): try:"大蓝牙收到前端传递的参数为:" + args) global d_device d_device = Peripheral(args) # 添加委托类 d_device.withDelegate(NotifyDelegate_d(d_device))"准备开始连接大蓝牙:uuid") service_uuid = UUID("uuid") # 大蓝牙 c_service = d_device.getServiceByUUID(service_uuid) # 获取所有特征 global d_characteristics d_characteristics = c_service.getCharacteristics() notify_char = d_characteristics[0] #"使用特征" , str(notify_char)) hEcg=notify_char.getHandle() for descriptor in d_device.getDescriptors(hEcg,c_service.hndEnd): if (descriptor.uuid==0x2902): print(f'Client Characteristic Configuration found at handle 0x{format(descriptor.handle,"02X")}')'Client Characteristic Configuration found at handle 0x{format(descriptor.handle,"02X")}') hEcgCCC=descriptor.handle d_device.writeCharacteristic(hEcgCCC,bytes([1, 0])) # 发送心跳"开始发送心跳") print("开始发送心跳") obj = MyThreading(BigBluetooth_xt, 1) obj.start() while True: time.sleep(1) if d_device.waitForNotifications(1.0): continue print("Waiting... Waited more than one sec for notification") except Exception as ex: print(str(ex)) class RunBigBlue: # 定义构造器 def __init__(self, account_no, balance): # 封装账户编号、账户余额的两个成员变量 self.account_no = account_no self._balance = balance self.lock = threading.RLock() # 大蓝牙心跳 def runBigBluetooth_xt(args): try:"大蓝牙收到前端传递的参数为:" + args) global xt_device xt_device = Peripheral(args) # 添加委托类 xt_device.withDelegate(NotifyDelegate_d(xt_device)) c_service = xt_device.getServiceByUUID(UUID("uuid")) characteristics = c_service.getCharacteristics() print(str(characteristics[0])) print(str(characteristics[1])) global notify_char_d notify_char_d = characteristics[1] obj = MyThreading(BigBluetooth_xt, 1) obj.start() # 开始接收数据 xt_device.writeCharacteristic(15,bytes([1, 0])) while True: with lock: if xt_device.waitForNotifications(1.0): continue print("Waiting... Waited more than one sec for notification") except Exception as ex: print(str(ex)) def printHello(): print ("xt") with lock: # notify = d_characteristics[1] data = binascii.unhexlify("F500AA") notify_char_d.write(data, withResponse=True) def loop_func(func, second): # 每隔second秒执行func函数 while True: func() time.sleep(second) def BigBluetooth_xt(args): loop_func(printHello, 3) #定义app在6580端口运行"", port="6580", debug=True) # %%
继续更新 由于现实环境中 存在蓝牙掉线的情况 可以把服务做成自动拉起挂掉的蓝牙设备 上代码
from binascii import hexlify from bluepy.btle import Scanner, DefaultDelegate,UUID, Peripheral from kafka import KafkaProducer import logging from threading import Thread import time import datetime import binascii import json import pymysql import threading # import numpy as np logger = logging.getLogger('werkzeug') # grabs underlying WSGI logger handler = logging.FileHandler('test.log') # creates handler for the log file logger.addHandler(handler) notify_char_d = None d_device_bool = False x_device_bool = False # 小蓝牙 class MyThreading_x(Thread): def __init__(self, func, arg): super(MyThreading_x,self).__init__() self.func = func self.arg = arg def run(self): self.func(self.arg) class MyThreading_d(Thread): def __init__(self, func, arg): super(MyThreading_d,self).__init__() self.func = func self.arg = arg def run(self): self.func(self.arg) class MyThreading(Thread): def __init__(self, func, arg): super(MyThreading,self).__init__() self.func = func self.arg = arg def run(self): self.func(self.arg) #ScanDelegate 类用来打印在线设备 class ScanDelegate(DefaultDelegate): try: def __init__(self): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) def handleDiscovery(self, dev, isNewDev, isNewData): if isNewDev: pass #"Discovered device", dev.addr) elif isNewData: pass #"Received new data from", dev.addr) except Exception as ex: # # 小蓝牙发送消息 class NotifyDelegate_x(DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self, params): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) def handleNotification(self, cHandle, data): print(bytes.decode(hexlify(data))) time.sleep(0.001) # 每隔0.1秒发送一行数据 databody = { 'messageType':'smallBluetooth', 'body': bytes.decode(hexlify(data)), 'time': str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')), } producer.send('bluetoothMessage', databody) # 大蓝牙发送消息 class NotifyDelegate_d(DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self, params): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) def handleNotification(self, cHandle, data): with lock: print(bytes.decode(hexlify(data))) time.sleep(0.001) # 每隔0.1秒发送一行数据 databody = { 'messageType':'主题', 'body': bytes.decode(hexlify(data)), 'time': str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')), } producer.send('bluetoothMessage', databody) # 小蓝牙 def runSmallBluetooth(args): # try: print("进入小蓝牙:") print(args) print("进入小蓝牙") x_device = Peripheral("40:D6:3C:2F:F2:52") # 添加委托类 x_device.withDelegate(NotifyDelegate_x(x_device)) print("已连接") print("准备开始连接小蓝牙:0000fff0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b3488") service_uuid = UUID("xxxxx") # 小蓝牙 c_service = x_device.getServiceByUUID(service_uuid) # 获取所有特征 characteristics = c_service.getCharacteristics() notify_char = characteristics[0]"使用特征" , notify_char) hEcg=notify_char.getHandle() for descriptor in x_device.getDescriptors(hEcg,c_service.hndEnd): if (descriptor.uuid==0x2902): print(f'Client Characteristic Configuration found at handle 0x{format(descriptor.handle,"02X")}')'Client Characteristic Configuration found at handle 0x{format(descriptor.handle,"02X")}') hEcgCCC=descriptor.handle x_device.writeCharacteristic(hEcgCCC,bytes([1, 0])) with lock: tmp_data=x_device.readCharacteristic(0x11)"tmp_data :", tmp_data) while True: #with lock: if x_device.waitForNotifications(1.0): continue print("Waiting... Waited more than one sec for notification") class RunBigBlue: # 定义构造器 def __init__(self, account_no, balance): # 封装账户编号、账户余额的两个成员变量 self.account_no = account_no self._balance = balance # self.lock = threading.RLock() # 大蓝牙心跳 def runBigBluetooth_xt(args): # try: print("进入大蓝牙" + args) global xt_device xt_device = Peripheral(args) # 添加委托类 xt_device.withDelegate(NotifyDelegate_d(xt_device)) print("已连接") c_service = xt_device.getServiceByUUID(UUID("xxxx--xxx-xxx-xxxx")) characteristics = c_service.getCharacteristics() # print(str(characteristics[0])) # print(str(characteristics[1])) global notify_char_d notify_char_d = characteristics[1] # 开始接收数据 with lock: xt_device.writeCharacteristic(15,bytes([1, 0])) global d_device_bool d_device_bool = True # 这里注释了好像无伤大雅 虽然会报错 while True: with lock: if xt_device.waitForNotifications(1.0): continue print("Waiting... Waited more than one sec for notification") def BigBluetooth_xt(args): while True: time.sleep(2) global notify_char_d print ("进入xt") try: if notify_char_d != None: print("xt") data = binascii.unhexlify("F500AA") with lock: notify_char_d.write(data, withResponse=True) else: print("xt特征为null") except Exception as e: print(e) # 主业务逻辑 #if __name__ == '__main__': x1 , d1 ,xt = True,True,True obj , obj01 ,obj02,connection,cur,notify_char_d= None, None ,None ,None ,None,None connection = pymysql.connect(host = '', user = '', password = '', db = '',port =) cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT * FROM BlueEntity ') data = cur.fetchall() print("data") print(data) print(len(data)) if len(data) == 0: cur.execute("INSERT INTO `BlueEntity` (`BlueName`, `BlueNO`, `IsOnline`, `Address`, `Alias`, `BluetoothType`) VALUES ('大型激光气体遥测仪', '000002', b'1', '9C:A5:25:C8:93:D5', '大激光气体遥测仪', 2);") cur.execute("INSERT INTO `BlueEntity` (`BlueName`, `BlueNO`, `IsOnline`, `Address`, `Alias`, `BluetoothType`) VALUES ('小型激光气体探测仪', '000001', b'1', '40:D6:3C:2F:F2:52', '小型激光气体探测仪', 1);") connection.commit() else: isadd01 = False for i in range(0, len(data)): if data[i][4] == "40:D6:3C:2F:F2:52": isadd01 = True if isadd01 == False: connection.begin() cur.execute("INSERT INTO `BlueEntity` (`BlueName`, `BlueNO`, `IsOnline`, `Address`, `Alias`, `BluetoothType`) VALUES ('探测仪', '000001', b'1', '40:D6:3C:2F:F2:52', '探测仪', 1);") connection.commit() else: print("40:D6:3C:2F:F2:52 存在") isadd02 = False for i in range(0, len(data)): if data[i][4] == "9C:A5:25:C8:93:D5": isadd02 = True if isadd02 == False: connection.begin() cur.execute("INSERT INTO `BlueEntity` (`BlueName`, `BlueNO`, `IsOnline`, `Address`, `Alias`, `BluetoothType`) VALUES ('遥测仪', '000002', b'1', '9C:A5:25:C8:93:D5', '遥测仪', 2);") connection.commit() else: print("9C:A5:25:C8:93:D5 存在") print("数据已创建") producer = KafkaProducer(value_serializer=lambda v: json.dumps(v).encode('utf-8'),bootstrap_servers='host') print("kafka已连接") cur.close() connection.close() # # 主方法 while True: time.sleep(5) print("每5s执行一次") lock = threading.RLock() # 小蓝牙 第一次 if x1 == True: print("小蓝牙第一次初始化数据") obj = MyThreading_x(runSmallBluetooth, "40:D6:3C:2F:F2:52") obj.start() x1 = False if d1 == True: print("大蓝牙第一次初始化数据") obj01 = MyThreading_d(RunBigBlue.runBigBluetooth_xt, "9C:A5:25:C8:93:D5") obj01.start() d1 = False if xt == True: print("心跳第一次初始化数据") obj02 = MyThreading(BigBluetooth_xt, 1) obj02.start() xt = False # 小蓝牙 死一次后 if obj is not None and not obj.is_alive(): print("小蓝牙程序死了一次后进行再次扫描") obj = MyThreading_x(runSmallBluetooth, "40:D6:3C:2F:F2:52") obj.start() # 大蓝牙 死一次后 if obj01 is not None and not obj01.is_alive(): print("大蓝牙程序死了一次后进行再次扫描") obj01 = MyThreading_d(RunBigBlue.runBigBluetooth_xt, "9C:A5:25:C8:93:D5") obj01.start() # scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) # devices = scanner.scan(10.0)
优化 缩短了时间和使用api方式调用
from binascii import hexlify from bluepy.btle import Scanner, DefaultDelegate,UUID, Peripheral from kafka import KafkaProducer import logging from threading import Thread import time import datetime import binascii import json import pymysql import threading import requests # import numpy as np logger = logging.getLogger('werkzeug') # grabs underlying WSGI logger handler = logging.FileHandler('test.log') # creates handler for the log file logger.addHandler(handler) notify_char_d = None d_device_bool = False x_device_bool = False x1 , d1 ,xt = True,True,True obj , obj01 ,obj02,connection,cur,notify_char_d= None, None ,None ,None ,None,None # 小蓝牙 class MyThreading_x(Thread): def __init__(self, func, arg): super(MyThreading_x,self).__init__() self.func = func self.arg = arg def run(self): self.func(self.arg) class MyThreading_d(Thread): def __init__(self, func, arg): super(MyThreading_d,self).__init__() self.func = func self.arg = arg def run(self): self.func(self.arg) class MyThreading(Thread): def __init__(self, func, arg): super(MyThreading,self).__init__() self.func = func self.arg = arg def run(self): self.func(self.arg) #ScanDelegate 类用来打印在线设备 class ScanDelegate(DefaultDelegate): try: def __init__(self): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) def handleDiscovery(self, dev, isNewDev, isNewData): if isNewDev: pass #"Discovered device", dev.addr) elif isNewData: pass #"Received new data from", dev.addr) except Exception as ex: # # 小蓝牙发送消息 class NotifyDelegate_x(DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self, params): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) def handleNotification(self, cHandle, data): print(bytes.decode(hexlify(data))) time.sleep(0.001) # 每隔0.1秒发送一行数据 databody = { 'messageType':'smallBluetooth', 'body': bytes.decode(hexlify(data)), 'time': str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')), } producer.send('bluetoothMessage', databody) # 大蓝牙发送消息 class NotifyDelegate_d(DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self, params): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) def handleNotification(self, cHandle, data): with lock: print(bytes.decode(hexlify(data))) time.sleep(0.001) # 每隔0.1秒发送一行数据 databody = { 'messageType':'bigBluetooth', 'body': bytes.decode(hexlify(data)), 'time': str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')), } producer.send('bluetoothMessage', databody) # 小蓝牙 def runSmallBluetooth(args): # try: print("进入小蓝牙:") print(args) print("进入小蓝牙") x_device = Peripheral("40:D6:3C:2F:F2:52") # 添加委托类 x_device.withDelegate(NotifyDelegate_x(x_device)) print("已连接") print("准备开始连接小蓝牙:0000fff0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34cb") service_uuid = UUID("0000fff0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb") # 小蓝牙 c_service = x_device.getServiceByUUID(service_uuid) # 修改数据库状态 SendGet('40:D6:3C:2F:F2:52',True) # 获取所有特征 characteristics = c_service.getCharacteristics() notify_char = characteristics[0]"使用特征" , notify_char) hEcg=notify_char.getHandle() for descriptor in x_device.getDescriptors(hEcg,c_service.hndEnd): if (descriptor.uuid==0x2902): print(f'Client Characteristic Configuration found at handle 0x{format(descriptor.handle,"02X")}')'Client Characteristic Configuration found at handle 0x{format(descriptor.handle,"02X")}') hEcgCCC=descriptor.handle x_device.writeCharacteristic(hEcgCCC,bytes([1, 0])) with lock: tmp_data=x_device.readCharacteristic(0x11)"tmp_data :", tmp_data) while True: #with lock: if x_device.waitForNotifications(1.0): continue print("Waiting... Waited more than one sec for notification") class RunBigBlue: # 定义构造器 def __init__(self, account_no, balance): # 封装账户编号、账户余额的两个成员变量 self.account_no = account_no self._balance = balance # self.lock = threading.RLock() # 大蓝牙心跳 def runBigBluetooth_xt(args): # try: print("进入大蓝牙" + args) global xt_device xt_device = Peripheral(args) # 添加委托类 xt_device.withDelegate(NotifyDelegate_d(xt_device)) print("已连接") c_service = xt_device.getServiceByUUID(UUID("0003CDD0-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B01f1")) # 修改数据库状态 SendGet('9C:A5:25:C8:93:D5',True) characteristics = c_service.getCharacteristics() # print(str(characteristics[0])) # print(str(characteristics[1])) global notify_char_d notify_char_d = characteristics[1] # 开始接收数据 with lock: xt_device.writeCharacteristic(15,bytes([1, 0])) global d_device_bool d_device_bool = True # 这里注释了好像无伤大雅 虽然会报错 while True: with lock: if xt_device.waitForNotifications(1.0): continue print("Waiting... Waited more than one sec for notification") def BigBluetooth_xt(args): while True: time.sleep(2) global notify_char_d print ("进入xt") try: if notify_char_d != None: print("xt") data = binascii.unhexlify("F500AA") with lock: notify_char_d.write(data, withResponse=True) else: print("xt特征为null") except Exception as e: print(e) def SendGet(address,isonline): # url,注意参数我们通过&和键值对的形式放在了 url 中 url = 'http://xxxxx/api/xxxx?addres='+address+'&isonline='+ str(isonline) print(url) r = requests.get(url) print(r.json()) # 主业务逻辑 #if __name__ == '__main__': connection = pymysql.connect(host = 'xxxxx', user = 'xxxxx', password = 'xxxxxx', db = 'xxxxx',port = xxxx) cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT * FROM BlueEntity ') data = cur.fetchall() print("data") print(data) print(len(data)) if len(data) == 0: cur.execute("INSERT INTO `BlueEntity` (`BlueName`, `BlueNO`, `IsOnline`, `Address`, `Alias`, `BluetoothType`) VALUES ('大型激光气体遥测仪', '000002', b'1', '9C:A5:25:C8:93:D5', '大激光气体遥测仪', 2);") cur.execute("INSERT INTO `BlueEntity` (`BlueName`, `BlueNO`, `IsOnline`, `Address`, `Alias`, `BluetoothType`) VALUES ('小型激光气体探测仪', '000001', b'1', '40:D6:3C:2F:F2:52', '小型激光气体探测仪', 1);") connection.commit() else: isadd01 = False for i in range(0, len(data)): if data[i][4] == "40:D6:3C:2F:F1:52": isadd01 = True if isadd01 == False: connection.begin() cur.execute("INSERT INTO `BlueEntity` (`BlueName`, `BlueNO`, `IsOnline`, `Address`, `Alias`, `BluetoothType`) VALUES ('小型激光气体探测仪', '000001', b'1', '40:D6:3C:2F:F2:52', '小型激光气体探测仪', 1);") connection.commit() else: print("40:D6:3C:1F:F2:52 存在") isadd02 = False for i in range(0, len(data)): if data[i][4] == "9C:A5:25:C8:93:f5": isadd02 = True if isadd02 == False: connection.begin() cur.execute("INSERT INTO `BlueEntity` (`BlueName`, `BlueNO`, `IsOnline`, `Address`, `Alias`, `BluetoothType`) VALUES ('大型激光气体遥测仪', '000002', b'1', '9C:A5:25:C8:93:D5', '激光气体遥测仪', 2);") connection.commit() else: print("9C:A5:25:C8:93:s5 存在") print("数据已创建") producer = KafkaProducer(value_serializer=lambda v: json.dumps(v).encode('utf-8'),bootstrap_servers='xxxxxxx:xxxx') print("kafka已连接") cur.close() connection.close() # # 主方法 while True: time.sleep(0.5) print("每500ms执行一次") lock = threading.RLock() # 小蓝牙 第一次 if x1 == True: print("小蓝牙第一次初始化数据") obj = MyThreading_x(runSmallBluetooth, "40:D6:3C:2F:F2:52") obj.start() x1 = False if d1 == True: print("大蓝牙第一次初始化数据") obj01 = MyThreading_d(RunBigBlue.runBigBluetooth_xt, "9C:A5:25:C8:93:D5") obj01.start() d1 = False if xt == True: print("心跳第一次初始化数据") obj02 = MyThreading(BigBluetooth_xt, 1) obj02.start() xt = False # 小蓝牙 死一次后 if obj is not None and not obj.is_alive(): SendGet('40:D6:3C:2F:F3:52',False) print("小蓝牙程序死了一次后进行再次扫描") obj = MyThreading_x(runSmallBluetooth, '40:D6:3C:2F:F2:52') obj.start() # 大蓝牙 死一次后 if obj01 is not None and not obj01.is_alive(): SendGet('9C:A5:25:C8:94:D5',False) print("大蓝牙程序死了一次后进行再次扫描") obj01 = MyThreading_d(RunBigBlue.runBigBluetooth_xt, '9C:A5:25:C8:93:D5') obj01.start()
FROM python:3.6.9 WORKDIR /code/ ADD ./ /code/ RUN pip install -r requirements.txt RUN pip install pymysql RUN pip install bluepy CMD ["python3", "./app/"]
再把容器run起来 前面几个命令是尝试 后面才是run起来的命令
docker run -d --net=host --restart=always --name pyblue--privileged=true IMAGE pyblue
docker run -d --restart=always --name pyblue pyblue --net=host --restart=always --privileged=true
docker run -d --restart=always --name pyblue pyblue --restart=always --privileged=true
docker run -d --restart=always --net=host -v /app/ --name pyblue pyblue
docker run -d --restart=always --net=host --name pyblue pyblue
docker run -itd --restart=always --net=host --name pyblue pyblue
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