1. 维护视图: V_162

2.IMG 路径:输入T-code: OLME  Purchasing-->Purchase Order-->Define Screen Layout at Document Level


3. 英文文档

Define Screen Layout at Document Level

For all external purchasing documents and purchase requisitions, you can specify the input attributes of fields by using field selection keys.

A field selection key determines whether a field is:

  • A mandatory-entry field (input required)
  • An optional-entry field (input possible)
  • A display field (field displayed only, input not possible)
  • Suppressed

When the screen is assembled in the dialog transactions, for example, Change Purchase Order, certain field selection keys are combined.

Combination of field selection keys

When the screen is assembled, the dialog program combines up to six different field selection keys.

The successive combination of the field selection keys listed below according to the link rules determines which input characteristics the fields have in the document.

Two field selection keys are combined according to the link schema in the table below. The following key is used:

  • + For mandatory fields
  • . For optional fields
  • * For display fields
  • - For suppressed fields

Link rules for field selection keys


Field selection key 2






Field selection key 1



























When you change a purchase order, the following field selection keys are combined for the field Terms of payment:

  • In field selection key 1 (transaction), this field is an optional field
  • In field selection key 2 (activity type - Change ACTV), this field is an optional field
  • In field selection key 3 (purchasing document type), this field is a display field

The combination of field selection keys 1 and 2 results in this field being an optional field.

The combination of an optional field with field selection key 3, in which the field is a display field, results in a display field.

Field selection key

YOu should not delete the field selection keys listed below, which the dialog program uses for control purposes, otherwise the dialog may terminate during processing:

1. Field selection key: transaction
The field selection key that corresponds to the transaction code: for example, field selection key ME22 for the transaction "Change Purchase Order". For the Enjoy Purchase Order transactions (creating, changing, displaying), there is only field selection key ME21N.

2. Field selection key: activity type
Is set from the activity type as follows:

    • AKTH    In creation mode
    • AKTV    In change mode
    • AKTA    In display mode
    • AKTE    With PO extension

You should note that you can also add items in change mode (for example, transaction ME22). Field selection key AKTH would be used for this item.

3. Field selection key: purchasing document type
The field selection key that you have assigned to the document type for the purchasing document. For example, field selection key UBF is assigned to document type UB, which is used for stock transfer orders (within a company code). In this key, the fields Price and Price unit are suppressed.

4. Field selection key: item category/document category
This is determined from the item and document categories as follows: The first two characters consist of the letters 'PT', the third character of the item category (internal representation), and the fourth of the document category:

    • A   for RFQs,
    • B   for purchase requisitions
    • F   for purchase orders
    • K   for contracts
    • L   for scheduling agreements

Accordingly, field selection key PT3F would be used for a subcontracting item in a purchase order.

  • Field selection key: function authorization/release status
    • Purchasing documents: Used for authorization control. If the user parameter EFB (function authorizations in Purchasing) has been assigned and a field selection key has been assigned to the relevant value, this field selection key is used. Otherwise, field selection key $$$$ is used if the user has insufficient authorization to display prices.
    • Purchase requisitions: If the purchase requisition is subject to a release strategy and a field selection key has been assigned to the current release indicator, this field selection key is used.
  • Field selection key: subitem/creation indicator
    • Purchasing documents: Is only used in the case of subitems. The field selection key is put together in the same way as for the item categories (field selection key 4), with the string 'UP', the subitem category, and the document type.
    • Purchase requisitions: the field selection key that is derived from the creation indicator in the purchase requisition, that is, ESTV, ESTF, or ESTD, is used in the case of purchase requisitions generated from within Sales and Distribution, from a production order, or through direct procurement.

5. Field selection key: purchase requisition
In addition to the available field selection keys, you can define a field selection key at function authorization level to influence the input characteristics of fields in the Enjoy Purchase Requisition.
You can use this field selection key to set up groups of users that have certain restrictions when editing purchase requisitions.

SAP Recommendation

SAP recommends that you accept the settings defined in the standard system. In this case, no action is required on your part.


1. Check the predefined input attributes.

2. Change the field input control facility in accordance with your requirements

If you create your own field selection keys you  can enter these at the following points:

  • In the step "Define document types" for the relevant document:

Further Notes

You cannot use the following fields as mandatory fields:

  • Delivery address
  • Texts

4. 中文文档







• 必填字段(必须输入)

• 可选字段(可以输入)

• 显示字段(仅显示字段,不能输入)

• 隐藏












•+ 用于必填字段


•* 对于显示字段

•- 对于隐藏字段




字段选择键 2

+ . * -

字段选择键 1


+ + + * -

. + . * -

* * * * -

- - - - -





•在字段选择键 1(交易)中,此字段为可选字段

•在字段选择键 2(活动类型 - 更改 ACTV)中,此字段为可选字段

•在字段选择键 3(采购单据类型)中,此字段为显示字段


字段选择键 1 和 2 的组合导致此字段为可选字段。


可选字段与字段选择键 3 的组合(其中字段为显示字段)导致显示字段。






1. 字段选择键:事务

与事务代码相对应的字段选择键:例如,事务“更改采购订单”的字段选择键 ME22。对于 Enjoy 采购订单事务(创建、更改、显示),只有字段选择键 ME21N。2. 字段选择键:活动类型

从活动类型设置如下:◦AKTH 在创建模式下

◦AKTV 在更改模式下

◦AKTA 在显示模式下

◦AKTE 带有 PO 扩展

您应该注意,您还可以在更改模式下添加项目(例如,事务 ME22)。字段选择键 AKTH 将用于此项目。3. 字段选择键:采购单据类型

您已分配给采购单据的单据类型的字段选择键。例如,字段选择键 UBF 分配给单据类型 UB,用于库存转移订单(在公司代码内)。在此键中,字段“价格”和“价格单位”被隐藏。4. 字段选择键:项目类别/文档类别

这由项目和文档类别确定,如下所示:前两个字符由字母“PT”、项目类别的第三个字符(内部表示)和文档类别的第四个字符组成:◦A 表示询价,

◦B 表示采购申请

◦F 表示采购订单

◦K 表示合同

◦L 表示计划协议

因此,字段选择键 PT3F 将用于采购订单中的分包项目。•字段选择键:功能授权/发布状态

◦采购单据:用于授权控制。如果已分配用户参数 EFB(采购中的功能授权),并且已将字段选择键分配给相关值,则使用此字段选择键。否则,如果用户没有足够的权限显示价格,则使用字段选择键 $$$$。



◦采购单据:仅用于子项。字段选择键的组合方式与项目类别(字段选择键 4)相同,包括字符串“UP”、子项类别和单据类型。

◦采购申请:从采购申请中的创建指示器(即 ESTV、ESTF 或 ESTD)派生的字段选择键用于从销售和分销、生产订单或通过直接采购生成的采购申请。

5. 字段选择键:采购申请

除了可用的字段选择键之外,您还可以在功能授权级别定义字段选择键,以影响 Enjoy 采购申请中字段的输入特性。


SAP 建议

SAP 建议您接受标准系统中定义的设置。在这种情况下,您无需采取任何行动。


1. 检查预定义的输入属性。

2. 根据您的要求更改字段输入控制功能


• 在相关文档的“定义文档类型”步骤中:

o RFQ/报价

o 采购申请

o 采购订单

o 合同

o 计划协议

• 在用户参数 EFB 中,在“为买家定义功能授权”步骤中。

• 在“设置采购申请分类的发布程序”步骤中的发布指示器下。



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posted on 2024-08-28 10:43  姬如千泷  阅读(10)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报