form action="#" method="get"这里是表单的内容/formform action="#" method="post"这里是表单的内容/form属性"action",里面设置的是表单提交的路径.一个对象,白话文的解释:表单交给了谁.属性"method",里面设置的事表单提交的方式,一种方法,白话文解释:要怎样提交这个表单,是我直接面对面地交给我要提交的人,还是找一个人帮我转交呢.post 和 get 的区别:* 最明显的一点是,get提交方式,所提交过程传输的数据会显示在地址栏里面.而post不会.* 其二,get的提交方式一般用于比较少的数据提交,而po 阅读全文
Different browsers have different default behaviors about what to do when the user hits enter in a form. MSIE almost always submits the form, while Netscape will often just beep at you. Although it's usually best to leave the default browser behavior as it is, for some forms people just naturally te 阅读全文