


#《Science》上的文章《Detecting Novel Associations in Large Data Sets》
#MIC:the Maximal Information Coefficient
#MINE:Maximal Information-based Nonparametric Exploration


#在G上可以诱导出“自然概率密度函数”p(x,y),任何一个方格(box)内的概率密度函数值为这个方格所 包含的样本点数量占全体样本点的比例
#计算网格划分G下的 mutual information值IG

#构造特征矩阵{mxy},矩阵的元素mxy=max{IG}/log min{x,y}。 max取遍所有可能的(x,y)网格G
#MIC=max {mxy}。Max取遍所有可能的(x,y)对










#可见Apriori算法可以分成 连接,剪枝 两个步骤不断循环重复


----用 R 进行购物篮分析----
#library(arules) #加载arules程序包
#data(Groceries) #调用数据文件
#inspect(Groceries) #观看数据集里的数据


parameter specification:
tidLists support minlen maxlen target ext
FALSE 0.05 1 10 frequent itemsets FALSE

algorithmic control:
sparse sort verbose
7 -2 TRUE

Absolute minimum support count: 491

create itemset ...
set transactions ...[169 item(s), 9835 transaction(s)] done [0.00s].
sorting and recoding items ... [28 item(s)] done [0.00s].
creating sparse bit matrix ... [28 row(s), 9835 column(s)] done [0.00s].
writing ... [31 set(s)] done [0.00s].
Creating S4 object ... done [0.00s].

items support
[1] {whole milk,yogurt} 0.05602440
[2] {whole milk,rolls/buns} 0.05663447
[3] {other vegetables,whole milk} 0.07483477
[4] {whole milk} 0.25551601
[5] {other vegetables} 0.19349263
[6] {rolls/buns} 0.18393493
[7] {yogurt} 0.13950178
[8] {soda} 0.17437722
[9] {root vegetables} 0.10899847
[10] {tropical fruit} 0.10493137

>inspect(sort(frequentsets,by="support")[1:10]) #根据支持度对求得的频繁项集排序并察看
items support
[1] {whole milk} 0.25551601
[2] {other vegetables} 0.19349263
[3] {rolls/buns} 0.18393493
[4] {soda} 0.17437722
[5] {yogurt} 0.13950178
[6] {bottled water} 0.11052364
[7] {root vegetables} 0.10899847
[8] {tropical fruit} 0.10493137
[9] {shopping bags} 0.09852567
[10] {sausage} 0.09395018


Parameter specification:
confidence minval smax arem aval originalSupport maxtime support minlen maxlen target ext
0.5 0.1 1 none FALSE TRUE 5 0.01 1 10 rules FALSE

Algorithmic control:
filter tree heap memopt load sort verbose

Absolute minimum support count: 98

set item appearances ...[0 item(s)] done [0.00s].
set transactions ...[169 item(s), 9835 transaction(s)] done [0.00s].
sorting and recoding items ... [88 item(s)] done [0.00s].
creating transaction tree ... done [0.00s].
checking subsets of size 1 2 3 4 done [0.00s].
writing ... [15 rule(s)] done [0.00s].
creating S4 object ... done [0.00s].

>summary(rules) #观察求得的关联规则之摘要
set of 15 rules

rule length distribution (lhs + rhs):sizes

Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
3 3 3 3 3 3

summary of quality measures:
support confidence lift
Min. :0.01007 Min. :0.5000 Min. :1.984
1st Qu.:0.01174 1st Qu.:0.5151 1st Qu.:2.036
Median :0.01230 Median :0.5245 Median :2.203
Mean :0.01316 Mean :0.5411 Mean :2.299
3rd Qu.:0.01403 3rd Qu.:0.5718 3rd Qu.:2.432
Max. :0.02227 Max. :0.5862 Max. :3.030

mining info:
data ntransactions support confidence
Groceries 9835 0.01 0.5

lhs rhs support confidence lift
[1] {curd,yogurt} => {whole milk} 0.01006609 0.5823529 2.279125
[2] {other vegetables,butter} => {whole milk} 0.01148958 0.5736041 2.244885
[3] {other vegetables,domestic eggs} => {whole milk} 0.01230300 0.5525114 2.162336
[4] {yogurt,whipped/sour cream} => {whole milk} 0.01087951 0.5245098 2.052747
[5] {other vegetables,whipped/sour cream} => {whole milk} 0.01464159 0.5070423 1.984385
[6] {pip fruit,other vegetables} => {whole milk} 0.01352313 0.5175097 2.025351
[7] {citrus fruit,root vegetables} => {other vegetables} 0.01037112 0.5862069 3.029608
[8] {tropical fruit,root vegetables} => {other vegetables} 0.01230300 0.5845411 3.020999
[9] {tropical fruit,root vegetables} => {whole milk} 0.01199797 0.5700483 2.230969
[10] {tropical fruit,yogurt} => {whole milk} 0.01514997 0.5173611 2.024770
[11] {root vegetables,yogurt} => {other vegetables} 0.01291307 0.5000000 2.584078
[12] {root vegetables,yogurt} => {whole milk} 0.01453991 0.5629921 2.203354
[13] {root vegetables,rolls/buns} => {other vegetables} 0.01220132 0.5020921 2.594890
[14] {root vegetables,rolls/buns} => {whole milk} 0.01270971 0.5230126 2.046888
[15] {other vegetables,yogurt} => {whole milk} 0.02226741 0.5128806 2.007235

>x=subset(rules,subset=rhs%in%"whole milk"&lift>=1.2) #求所需要的关联规则子集
>inspect(sort(x,by="support")[1:5]) #根据支持度对求得的关联规则子集排序并察看
lhs rhs support confidence lift
[1] {other vegetables,yogurt} => {whole milk} 0.02226741 0.5128806 2.007235
[2] {tropical fruit,yogurt} => {whole milk} 0.01514997 0.5173611 2.024770
[3] {other vegetables,whipped/sour cream} => {whole milk} 0.01464159 0.5070423 1.984385
[4] {root vegetables,yogurt} => {whole milk} 0.01453991 0.5629921 2.203354
[5] {pip fruit,other vegetables} => {whole milk} 0.01352313 0.5175097 2.025351

#其中 lift=P(L,R)/(P(L)P(R))是一个类似相关系数的指标。lift=1时表示L和R独立。




posted on 2018-01-12 10:42  EleanorInHarbin  阅读(215)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报