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{ Delphi实现的类似Android鼠标锁屏效果的控件 作者:不得闲 2012-7-23 } unit AndroidLockControl; interface uses Windows,Classes,SysUtils,Graphics,Controls; type TDxLockItem = class private r: TRect; IsEnter: Boolean; IsChecked: Boolean; Value: AnsiChar; FRadio: TPoint; public constructor Create; end; TInPutPwdEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject;InputPwd: string) of object; TDxAndroidLock = class(TGraphicControl) private FItemSpace: Integer; FRowCount: Integer; FColCount: Integer; FItemRaidio: Integer; Items: TList; FUseNum: Boolean; FPassword: string; IsDown: Boolean; LastInItem: TDxLockItem; PwdItems: TList; FOnInputPwd: TInPutPwdEvent; procedure SetItemSpace(const Value: Integer); procedure SetItemRaidio(const Value: Integer); procedure SetUseNum(const Value: Boolean); protected procedure paint;override; procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure CalcItemRects; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);override; destructor Destroy;override; property Password: string read FPassword write FPassWord; published property ItemSpace: Integer read FItemSpace write SetItemSpace default 10; property OnInputPwd: TInPutPwdEvent read FOnInputPwd write FOnInputPwd; property ItemRaidio: Integer read FItemRaidio write SetItemRaidio default 20; property UseNum: Boolean read FUseNum write SetUseNum; end; implementation uses pngimage; {$R LockRc.RES} var PngIn,PngOut: TPngImage; { TDxAndroidLock } procedure TDxAndroidLock.CalcItemRects; var i,j: Integer; p: TPoint; r: TRect; item: TDxLockItem; begin p.Y := FItemRaidio; for i := 1 to 3 do begin p.X := FItemRaidio; r.Left := p.X - FItemRaidio;r.Top := p.Y - FItemRaidio; r.Right := p.x + FItemRaidio;r.Bottom := p.Y + FItemRaidio; for j := 1 to 3 do begin item := Items[3*(i-1)+j - 1]; item.Value := AnsiChar(3*(i-1)+j+48); item.FRadio := p; item.r := r; p.X := p.X + FItemRaidio * 2 + FItemSpace; r.Left := p.X - FItemRaidio;r.Right := p.X + FItemRaidio; end; p.Y := p.Y + FItemRaidio * 2 + FItemSpace; end; end; constructor TDxAndroidLock.create(AOwner: TComponent); var i: Integer; begin inherited; LastInItem := nil; PwdItems := TList.Create; FPassWord := ''; Items := TList.Create; FItemSpace := 10; FRowCount := 3; FColCount := 3; FItemRaidio := 20; Width := FItemRaidio * 2 * 3 + FItemSpace * 2; Height := FItemRaidio * 2 * 3 + FItemSpace * 2; for i := 0 to 8 do begin Items.Add(TDxLockItem.Create); end; CalcItemRects; end; destructor TDxAndroidLock.Destroy; begin while Items.Count > 0 do begin TDxLockItem(Items[Items.Count - 1]).Free; Items.Delete(Items.Count - 1); end; PwdItems.Free; inherited; end; procedure TDxAndroidLock.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin IsDown := Button = mbLeft; if IsDown then begin if LastInItem <> nil then begin LastInItem.IsChecked := IsDown; PwdItems.Add(LastInItem); end; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TDxAndroidLock.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var i: Integer; p: TPoint; OldInItem,Item: TDxLockItem; begin OldInItem := LastInItem; p := Point(x,y); LastInItem := nil; for i := 0 to items.Count - 1 do begin item := Items[i]; if PtInRect(Item.r,p) then begin LastInItem := Item; LastInItem.IsEnter := True; LastInItem.IsChecked := IsDown; Break; end; end; if LastInItem <> OldInItem then begin if OldInItem <> nil then OldInItem.IsEnter := False; if IsDown then begin if LastInItem <> nil then begin PwdItems.Add(LastInItem); end; Invalidate; end; end; end; procedure TDxAndroidLock.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var i: Integer; item: TDxLockItem; Np: string; begin IsDown := False; for i := 0 to items.Count - 1 do begin item := Items[i]; item.IsChecked := False; end; for i := 0 to PwdItems.Count - 1 do Np := Np + TDxLockItem(PwdItems[i]).Value; PwdItems.Clear; Invalidate; if Assigned(FOnInputPwd) then FOnInputPwd(self,Np); end; procedure DrawLineArrow(canvas: TCanvas; p1, p2: TPoint); const l = 6; //箭头长度 w = 4; //箭头宽度 var slope, angle: Double; points: array[0..2] of TPoint; Xl,b: Single; begin canvas.Brush.Color := canvas.Pen.Color; canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid; canvas.MoveTo(p1.X,p1.Y); canvas.LineTo(p2.X,p2.Y); if (p2.Y <> p1.Y) and (P2.X <> p1.X) then begin xl := (P2.Y - p1.Y) / (P2.X - p1.X); b := p2.Y - xl * p2.X; p2.X := (p2.X - p1.X) div 2 + p1.X; p2.Y := Trunc(p2.X * xl + b); end else if p2.Y = p1.Y then p2.X := (p2.X - p1.X) div 2 + p1.X else P2.Y := (p2.Y - p1.Y) div 2 + p1.Y; //画箭头 points[0] := Point(p2.x, p2.y);//箭头顶点 if (p2.x - p1.x = 0) then begin //垂直 if (p2.y - p1.y > 0) then slope := -1 else slope := 1; points[1] := Point(p2.x - w, p2.y + Trunc(l * slope)); points[2] := Point(p2.x + w, p2.y + Trunc(l * slope)); end else begin //倾斜 slope := (p2.y - p1.y) / (p2.x - p1.x); angle := ArcTan(slope); if (p2.x - p1.x > 0) then angle := angle - PI; points[1] := Point(p2.x + trunc(l * cos(angle) - w * sin(angle)), p2.y + trunc(l * sin(angle) + w * cos(angle))); points[2] := Point(p2.x + Trunc(l * cos(angle) + w * sin(angle)), p2.y + Trunc(l * sin(angle) - w * cos(angle))); end; canvas.Polygon(points); end; procedure TDxAndroidLock.paint; var i: Integer; item,item1: TDxLockItem; r: TRect; begin if not IsDown then begin for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin item := items[i]; r.Left := item.FRadio.X - 5;r.Right := item.FRadio.X + 5; r.Top := item.FRadio.Y - 5;r.Bottom := item.FRadio.Y + 5; Canvas.Draw(r.Left,r.Top,pngIn); end; end else begin //绘制指向线条 Canvas.Pen.Width := 2; Canvas.Pen.Color := clGreen; for i := 0 to PwdItems.Count - 2 do begin item := PwdItems[i]; item1 := PwdItems[i + 1]; Canvas.MoveTo(item.FRadio.X,item.FRadio.Y); Canvas.LineTo(item1.FRadio.X,item1.FRadio.Y); DrawLineArrow(Canvas,item.FRadio,item1.FRadio); end; for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin item := items[i]; if item.IsChecked then begin Canvas.Draw(item.r.Left,item.r.Top,pngOut); end; r.Left := item.FRadio.X - 5;r.Right := item.FRadio.X + 5; r.Top := item.FRadio.Y - 5;r.Bottom := item.FRadio.Y + 5; Canvas.Draw(r.Left,r.Top,pngIn); end; end; end; procedure TDxAndroidLock.SetItemRaidio(const Value: Integer); begin FItemRaidio := Value; end; procedure TDxAndroidLock.SetItemSpace(const Value: Integer); begin FItemSpace := Value; end; procedure TDxAndroidLock.SetUseNum(const Value: Boolean); begin FUseNum := Value; end; { TDxLockItem } constructor TDxLockItem.Create; begin r := Rect(0,0,0,0); IsEnter := False; end; initialization PngIn := TPngImage.Create; PngIn.LoadFromResourceName(Hinstance,'InnerGra'); PngOut := TPngImage.Create; PngOut.LoadFromResourceName(Hinstance,'Outer'); finalization PngIn.Free; PngOut.Free; end.