
Reflector for .NET

Reflector is the class browser, explorer, analyzer and documentation viewer for .NET. Reflector allows to easily view, navigate, search, decompile and analyze .NET assemblies in C#, Visual Basic and IL.

Reflector.zip - .NET Reflector, Version, Add-Ins

Resourcer for .NET

Resourcer is an editor for .resources binaries and .resX XML file formats used with the .NET platform. Resourcer allows editing of name/string pairs, import of bitmaps/icons and and merging of resources from different sources.

Resourcer.zip - .NET Resourcer files

CommandBar for .NET

The CommandBar class library extends Windows Forms with classes for CommandBar, ReBar, CoolBar, and bitmaped menu controls. 24 bit alpha channel images are supported on Windows 2000.

CommandBar.zip - Library and C# source code

Writer for .NET

Writer is a simple WYSIWYG editor for HTML files. The program allows you to edit HTML files using simple editing functionality like Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Find, Replace. Writer also supports text layout and formatting, hyperlink editing and insertion of dates and pictures.

Writer.zip - Executable and C# source code

Mapack for .NET

Mapack is a .NET class library for basic linear algebra computations. It supports Norm1, Norm2, Frobenius Norm, Determinant, Infinity Norm, Rank, Condition, Trace, Cholesky, LU, QR, single value decomposition, least squares solver and eigenproblems.

Mapack.zip - Library


CodeMetrics.png CodeMetrics: Analyses .NET assemblies and shows design quality metrics. Download
Review.png Review: Allows editing and managing annotations during code reviews. Download
Diff.png Diff: This add-in shows differences between two versions of the same assembly. Download
SilverlightLoader.png SilverlightLoader: Allows browsing the structure of a website and loading Silverlight assemblies. Download
FileDisassembler.png FileDisassembler: This add-in can be used to dump the disassembler output to files for any Reflector supported language.
Reflexil.png Reflexil: Allows to manipulate the IL of a loaded assembly and write the changes to disk.
BamlViewer.png BamlViewer: Load BAML resources (WPF) and render in XAML format. Download
SilverlightBrowser.png SilverlightBrowser: Loads and shows the files associated with a Silverlight website. Download
ComLoader.png ComLoader: Lists COM components for browsing and converts them into managed interop assemblies. Download
SQL2005Browser.png SQL2005Browser: This add-in allows to browse .NET assemblies stored in SQL Server 2005 databases.
FileGenerator.png FileGenerator: This add-in can be used to dump the disassembler output to files for any Reflector supported language.
Deblector.png Deblector: This add-in allows to debug processes from within Reflector.
Doubler.png Doubler: A code generator for unit tests, stubs and wrappers.
Graph.png Graph: This add-in draws assembly dependency graphs and IL graphs. Please read the install instructions here.
BizTalkDisassembler.png BizTalkDisassembler: Allows you to list all BizTalk artifacts contained in an assembly and extract them. Download
DependencyStructureMatrix.png DependencyStructureMatrix: Allows you to create and browser dependency structure matrices.
CodeSearch.png CodeSearch: This add-in allows searching for strings and regular expressions in disassembled code. Download
SequenceViz.png SequenceViz: This add-in draws sequence diagrams.
AutoDiagrammer.png AutoDiagrammer: This add-in draws class diagrams.
Xmi4DotNet.png Xmi4DotNet: Export an assembly to XMI/UML.
AssemblyCollectionSort.png AssemblyCollectionSort: Sorts the current assembly list alphabetically.
Enums.png Enums: Conversion of big flags and enum viewer.

PowerShellLanguage.png PowerShellLanguage: Renders output as Windows PowerShell script.
DelphiLanguage.png DelphiLanguage: The Delphi view that is used inside .NET Reflector provided as a language add-in.
CppCliLanguage.png CppCliLanguage: This add-in extends Reflector with a C++/CLI language rendering module.
ReflectionEmitLanguage.png ReflectionEmitLanguage: This add-in renders C# code necessary to create the given IL body.

TestDriven.png TestDriven.net: This Visual Studio add-in can navigate to any code element inside Reflector with a single click.
Hawkeye.png Hawkeye: A tool that allows you to debug the UI tree of Windows Forms applications.

ClassView.png ClassView: Shows class definitions as plain text with color coding.
CodeModelViewer.png CodeModelViewer: This add-in shows the underlying code model objects for selected items.
posted on 2007-11-22 08:52  Dragon-China  阅读(1568)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报