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Last modified: Wed Apr 24 06:17:41 PDT 2002

  • An On-Demand Unicast routing protocol for Ad-Hoc Networks i.e. routing information maintained only for active nodes
  • Active nodes : Those nodes for which I am the origin or relay of traffic
  • Each node maintains a routing table with entries for each active destination
  • Each entry of the routing table has six fields
    1. Destination
    2. Next-Hop
    3. Destination Sequence Number
    4. Route Timeout
    5. List of Neighbours who need me as next hop to destination (Along with last time they sent data)
    6. Hop Count
  • RREQ's are broadcast to everybody
  • Each RREQ contains broadcast-id, src, dest, src-seq-no, dest-seq-no, hop count(incremented as RREQ is propagated)
  • Broadcast id is incremented for every new RREQ originating from the source
  • {src, broadcast-id} uniquely identifies a RREQ
  • An intermediate node may may respond to RREQ if it holds a route to the destination which has a seq-no equal to or greater than that specified in the RREQ
  • Among two RREP one with greater dest-seq-no is chosen. If they are equal then one with lower hop-count is chosen
  • As RREQ propagates its sets up a backward route with a timeout equal to rreq-expiration. This should be enough for a RREP to be received
  • Every time a packet is sent on a route, route timeout = current time + active route timeout
  • The neighbour which forwarded the packet also has its timer set to the same value (Active neighbours whose timer expires are no longer active neighbours)
  • Nodes periodically broadcast hello packets to tell neighbours that they are alive
  • If a next hop to a destination is dead then a RREP is sent to all neighbours who use me as a next hop. dest-seq number is incremented and hop count is set to infinity in the RREP
  • If an upstream node wants it may re-establish a route by sending a new RREQ with a higher destination-seq-number

    posted on   CUCmehp(likesmiles)  阅读(258)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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