We can find the regular pattern in gray code, which is:

the first of the combinations of n-digit gray code is exactly the combinations of (n-1)-digit gray code, the second half is consist of 1<<(n-1) + each elements from the end to the start in (n-1)-digit gray code. 



public class Solution {
    public List<Integer> grayCode(int n) {
        List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
        if(n == 0){
            return list;
        if(n == 1){
            return list;
        int i = 1 << (n-1);
        list = grayCode(n-1);
        for(int j = list.size() - 1; j >=0; j--) list.add(i+list.get(j));
        return list;


posted on 2016-01-24 10:42  爱推理的骑士  阅读(136)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报