prototype – a small-scale, incomplete, but working sample of a desired system.
Accelerated systems analysis approaches
Discovery Prototyping
Rapid Architected Analysis
Discovery prototyping – a technique used to identify the users’ business requirements by having them react to a quick-and-dirty implementation of those requirements.
Prototypes cater to the “I’ll know what I want when I see it” way of thinking that is characteristic of many users and managers.
Can become preoccupied with final “look and feel” prematurely
Can encourage a premature focus on, and commitment to, design
Users can be misled to believe that the completed system can be built rapidly using prototyping tools

Rapid architected analysis – an approach that attempts to derive system models (as described earlier in this section) from existing systems or discovery prototypes.
Reverse engineering – the use of technology that reads the program code for an existing database, application program, and/or user interface and automatically generates the equivalent system model.
posted on 2006-08-25 22:55  托泥不带水  阅读(280)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报