在不改变报表查询所有数据的sql的基础上,调用一个方法来使sql变成分页查询:(在没有order by 的基础上)

public static void main(String[] args){
        StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
        sql.append(" select uid,uname,usex,uage "); 
        sql.append(" from person where 1=1 ");
        String[] fields = { "id","name","sex","age"};    
        page( sql.toString(), fields);
      //  System.out.println( str.replaceFirst("select", "select rownum as rowno ,") );
    public String page(String sql,String[] fields){
        String json="";
        String totalsql="select count(1) " +sql.substring(sql.indexOf("from"));
        int totalSize=getTotalSize(totalsql);
            int pageSize = this.request.getParameter("pageSize");//第几页
            String startPage=this.request.getParameter("startPage");
            int currentPage = 0;
            if (startPage != null) {
                currentPage = Integer.parseInt(startPage);
            int pageCount=totalSize%pageSize==0 ? totalSize/pageSize : totalSize/pageSize+1;
            int startCount=0;
            int endCount=0;
            if(currentPage !=0){
                startCount=currentPage*pageSize- pageSize + 1;
                if(currentPage*pageSize <= totalSize){
                    endCount=currentPage * pageSize;
                if(currentPage*pageSize > totalSize){
                    endCount=totalSize % pageSize+(currentPage-1)*pageSize;
       //注意,将 select 替换后,sql 变成了 select rownum as rowno ,uid,uname,usex,uage from person where 1=1 sql
=sql.replaceFirst("select", "select rownum as rowno ,"); StringBuffer fysql=new StringBuffer(" select * from( ");  //注意 fysql 是: select * from( select rownum as rowno ,uid,uname,usex,uage from person where 1=1 and rownum<=10 ) table_alias where table_alias.rowno>=1
       fysql.append(sql); fysql.append(
" and rownum<= ") .append(endCount) .append(" ) table_alias") .append(" where table_alias.rowno>=") .append(startCount); System.out.println("分页通用sql:"+fysql); List list = getYSList(fysql.toString()); JacksonUtil util=new JacksonUtil(); json=util.writeArrayJSON(fields, list); json="{pager:{pageCount:"+pageCount+",recordCount:"+totalSize+"},data:"+json+"}"; printResult("success", json); }else{ json = "{pager:{pageCount:0,recordCount:0},data:[]}"; printResult("success", json); } return null; }


 public int  getTotalSize(String strSql) {
            Statement stmt = null;
            ResultSet rs = null;
            int totalSize=0;
Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"); conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@", "123", "123"); stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(strSql); if(rs.next()) { totalSize=Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(1)); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (rs != null) { rs = null; } if (stmt != null) { stmt = null; } if (conn != null){ conn = null; }return totalSize; }


posted on 2019-07-17 15:35  regretDeeply  阅读(1229)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报